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John Campbell ONS UK Data

Horrific ONS death figures, new analysis.


So, as I’ve said before John Campbell has come a little late to the party, evn though he he still cannot say it’s murder, intentional, planned etc. That said, good find @Rich and overall a good video I’ considering sending to all my ex-friends!


You’ve got to admire his deadpan “We know it’s not the vaccine” - probably enough to fool the thin chequers of Youtube while ausuing his regulars.
You’re probably right though - ‘in’ irony may not be enough.

As an aside: Looked for JC’s source link “ons figures vaccinated annus horribilus” on google-based Duckduckgo - not coming up, even when you know it’s there. Worse than google.
The ONS link itself comes up - they haven’t got round to censoring the data from official sources yet. Probably working with ONS on gettting a thinned out version for the public…

Yandex browser showed it at the top.

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Actually I can’t see how this data is obtained. The Substacker (referred to as Nobody by JC) says he amalgamates death rates by vaccination status (vaccinated, ONS table) and a derived data set for the unvaccinated. It looks as though the latter is based on calculations using ‘vaccine uptake’ data. If so the difference could arise from the unvaccinated population being different from the one used by the ONS when it does the rates per 100,000 person-years*. This ONS production doesn’t produce damning figures for the vaccine (Norman Fenton has documented the doubts, biases, flaws and even frauds in this data) and the new data uses an ‘unvaccinated’ population that is different.
Not that I think the conclusion is wrong but the ‘Expose’ style of the ‘Nobody’ substacker, mixing in his own ‘done deal’ graphs into main the argument (couched in damning claims and capital letters) thus detaching us from the raw data and wondering what he’s done, isn’t conducive for checking.

*You can download the spreadsheet,

Table 3

This is the untrustworthy data complained about by Fenton. Mr ‘Nobody’ has derived different figures for the unvaccinated, which may well be correct but the difficulty with nailing down the unvaccinated population will continue to muddy the waters.

Excess deaths is the way to go IMHO…


Replying to my casual self.

“Excess deaths is the way to go IMHO…”

Excess Deaths is also the way almost no-one is going - no-one in power anyway.
It has been the focus of discussion here before, mostly as an indicator of vaccine deaths. At the time it was more the dog that hadn’t barked yet - if vaccines were as harmful as claimed, where were the deaths?

Time has moved on and we have been seeing them.
So I thought I’d group the previous more recent threads on excess deaths here.
This was Europe and the west.

Ed Dowd spotted the steep rise in PIP (UK) disability claims:

Far from the first time I’ve been alerted to UK problem via UK data, by US analysts.

Germany and Japan

England and Wales data

Includes this John Campbell video posted by @Rich: https://forum.5filters.info/uploads/default/original/2X/0/09b6e835f8c5955b02d75b8a322a8d5f062708bf.jpeg

Excess deaths has been a bee in the bonnet of Denis Rancourt long before the data became obvious.

What’s remarkable is that the extent of these deaths (10%+ above expected for many months, all over the developed west), ie a ‘Black Swan’ event (like, ten sigma in ‘unlikeliness’) has not triggered any inquisitiveness in the mainstream - including amongst all our politicians who claim our health is their priority.


Or academia apparently.

I agree that excess deaths are the measure to look at first, btw.

If it looks like a cull, walks like a cull and quacks like a cull…

It’s probably a coincidence

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Of course. Here is Pandemic News just reminding us what that dark, dark, anonymous website Deagle had to say. And of course their predictions on global de-population (for the f*** chuckers, I meant population but predictive text won’t allow it) matching what looks like our future is going to be.


Bloody hell. Looks like the EBCTs (evidence-based conspiracy theorists) will inherit the earth after all.

And the planners will inherit their just dues as well - at least in the afterlife.