One further thought, drawn from reading the WFA-A post:
They don’t broach the basic question: Was there ever any such thing as a ‘novel respiratory virus’ at all? Where are the demonstrable physical samples? Or was the whole thing just a criminal hijacking of normal seasonal flu to launch a deeply-criminal scam attempt against the whole world, with no ‘new virus’ proven to exist at all?
You can guess easily where my (open-mindely sceptical
) suspicions fall.
Also, a word about pursuit and punishment.
I’ve voiced several times my stance that there should be a global Nurnberg 2 Tribunal to convict and sentence both the originating criminal perpetrators of this huge, deadly swindle, and also the ‘useful-idiot’, ‘go-along-to-get-along’ technocrats - including lots of medical staff - who either believed the official fairy-tale like utter terror-stampeded-mooncalf fools, or who wilfully doublethunk themselves into pretending to believe it, because of the obvious career/income/standing/life threats which they understood subliminally, even as they refused to think about them consciously.
I say emphatically that ALL these guilty people too should be pursued and tried. No quarter, NO amnesty.
This not for vengeance purposes, which as you will have picked up, I oppose absolutely, on basic principle. But so that everyone sees with absolute clarity that if anyone thinks to try another stunt like the covid swindle, they will be caught and crunched, eventually.
The crunching, as I’ve asserted before, should be mild and merciful, but deeply affecting to the convicted even so. I always prescribe compulsory service on community-work brigades for substantial periods, together with confiscation to the public purse of all personal wealth of the convicts, above a fair, reasonable, and - above all - modest level of sufficiency for a modestly-decent life. About what a present-day Brit living on social-security gets today, perhaps…? Even we are still members of the Pampered Twenty Percent, after all.
I would apply the work-brigade sentences to the principal conspirators. To the compliant technocrats I would apply only a public naming-and-shaming sentence, plus moderate fines. The bourgeois technocrat class needs a good public slapping down from the airy pretensions that they’ve given themselves in recent times. For example, Ferguson at Imperial College, and Tan, perhaps. Oh, and the wretched pocket-pols, and the criminally-irresponsible high-standing mediawhores too, such as bloody Piers Morgan…
We should start with the front-men: the likes of Consigliere Tony Fauci, Gates, and Tedros: Crunch the high-profile front-faces first; then move on to likely background perps. such as Bourla at Pfizer and Fink at Blackrock, etc.
One of the insights that you get from studying Denis Rancourt’s output is that one of his many capabilities is incisive realpolitikal analysis. He asserts that there is indeed a coterie of villains - my language, paraphrasing - strong-holding amongst the multi-billionaires holed up in the captured ‘democracy’ of the US, but spread across the world as well, who are scheming and pushing to impose an autocratic globalist hegemony on all of us; thoroughgoing grassroots - real - democracy being the best cure for that, as also for the very real environmental Earth-trashing that the globalist crooks pursue for the feeding of their WealthPowerStatus addiction.
Denis also insists emphatically - as I tend to suspect too - that the ruling establishments in China and Russia are absolutely NOT part of this globalist current, and that because of that fact, both states are in fact genuinely sovereign, and are in a position to resist the attempted crimes of the would-be globalists. It seems to me that VVPutin obviously, and Xi Jinping probably, are unbudging patriots enough to resist the globalists, up to and including world war if necessary. The current Russian SMO in the Ukraine is a vivid illustration of that. The Russian stavka, very much including Vlad with his KGB background, are not going to let the globalist scum have their way with the RF. They tried it in the '90s, they’re not going to get another go.
The Off-G crew, including the otherwise impressive Iain Davis, are well up the creek on this matter, Emphatically, they are NOT ‘all in it together’. It’s a REAL stand-off, with the Jack Ma’s and the Khodorkovsky’s on notice that they’d better bloody-well toe the sovereignist line of their countries, or they won’t be multi-billionaires for long; or even free.