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The Dimming, Full Length Geoengineering (Chemtrails) Documentary. A MUST SEE HIGHLY SCIENTIFIC INVESTIGATION


4.30pm NW UK well done #skybastards full on chem haze halo around the sun. #chemtrails #GeoEngineering what are they spraying on US? Not ice not water. #wednesdaythought":


“Thursday, November 5, 2009, the House Committee on Science &


Hi @GKH , thanks for the link - I noticed there was a UK committee working in tandem see:



  • the UK HofC work has submerged since 2010 afaics!

I also noticed this timeline analysis of science madness:

for some reason the timeline ended in 2019 where it’s final link was to Bill Gates funding of stratocruiser! The great stage magician strikes again - can we see all his hands at work?


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What a useful sock-puppet that man is!

"Geo engineering, TIME LAPSE #weathermanipulation #climatechangescam #alimunium #barium #wakeup #lookup #SAI #chemtrails #stratosphericaerosolinjection





🖕 not Contrails you lying tw*ts" See vid: https://twitter.com/frankyclarke/status/1661650260832165888

Must see video posted on Twitter…horrifying…unreal; “They are poisoning us by air, land, and sea.”: https://twitter.com/TaraFair45/status/1662827626245808133

I couldn’t get that link to work for some reason but Tara Fairweather seems to be spreading the notion that SKYCovion is a ‘vaccine’ that will be spread via chemtrails. Based on that I’d suggest an idiot or a honeytrap shill (ie pretending to be an idiot to make other people look like idiots). As explained elsewhere, the SK part of the SKYCovion ‘brand’ is for South Korea. It isn’t going to be sprayed out of airplanes, honestly.

Either this is a leg-pull or we are in serious trouble #Covid19 #ForcedMedication


Yes, I should have added the caveat with the post…

Sorry if I seemed to be ticking you off :wink:

Not at all…it’s a murky subject #chemtrails

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Just watched a plane fly over. Usual spewing behind.

Nothing on flightradar24. Zip, zilch. Apparently it didn’t exist…

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This looks interesting and shows what are claimed as official contract documents. (I’ve only had time for the first 15 minutes so far and gotta go out). BTW we’ve had blue skies and almost zero trails here for the last week.

Hi folks,
just noticed this on RT :
" 30 Jun, 2023 17:15

HomeWorld News

EU warns against selfish geoengineering

Spraying reflective particles into the atmosphere may cool one area of the Earth, but studies show it risks heating others even more

© Getty Images / Aleksej Sarifulin

The European Commission has warned the bloc’s lawmakers that geoengineering – large-scale technological interventions to mitigate climate change – is fraught with potential “unintended consequences.”

The EU executive body said in a statement released on Wednesday that deploying technologies like solar radiation modification without sufficient understanding of the potential dangers – either for Europeans or populations elsewhere in the world – could be devastating.

“These technologies introduce new risks to people and ecosystems, while they could also increase power imbalances between nations, spark conflicts and raises a myriad of ethical, legal, governance and political issues,” the statement continued, adding that there were no existing rules to ensure such technologies were deployed safely, and that any serious efforts must engage the EU and UN.

Read more
Scientists make grave Himalayan glacier prediction

“Nobody should be conducting experiments alone with our shared planet,” EU climate policy chief Frans Timmermans told reporters earlier this week, calling for any proposed experiments to be “discussed in the right forum, at the highest international level.”

It’s the latest sign of global concern over climate interventions. Billionaire Microsoft co-founder and Bill Gates attempted to bring his Harvard geoengineering team and their sun-dimming experiment to the north of Sweden in 2021, only to meet with ferocious opposition from the indigenous Saami population and Swedish NGOs, forcing them to return to the US.

Gates has invested heavily in stratospheric aerosol injection, a type of geoengineering in which finely powdered rock is released into the atmosphere to block some of the sun’s rays. Indigenous leaders warned the experiment would create a “moral hazard,” destroying any incentive to reach net zero carbon emissions. Meanwhile, the US – and the rest of the world – would be locked into a geoengineering sequence permanently, as halting the process would result in a sudden rebound of heating.

Critics have also pointed to studies showing that geoengineering setups like Gates’s could destabilize areas of the world in which they are not deployed, worsening the effects of climate change elsewhere by as much as 9%, even as they cooled whichever wealthy country could afford to deploy them.

Mexico banned geoengineering experiments in January after a startup called Make Sunsets tried spraying sulfur particles into the air “without any public engagement or scientific scrutiny,” according to MIT Technology Review. The university condemned that experiment, but has remained bullish on geoengineering, recently suggesting it “might be our final and only option.” The UN released a report in March backing the idea.

The European Commission included its concerns in a document reimagining what it called “the climate and security nexus.” The bloc’s leaders argued that climate change posed a greater threat to national security than ever – not just with biodiversity and resource depletion, but with a surge in migrant populations, more interactions with disease-carrying animals, and potentially runaway technology."

So the EU Commission doesn’t want to stop geoengineering it wants to be the gang that does it! Once they can be sure that everyone in the world is xxxxed equally!



Ha that was my first thought. A veiled compaint that we want profits too, otherwise it’s dangerous! Thanks @CJ1

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What I find interesting is that the sceptics claim that there’s “no such thing” #geoengineering and yet clearly there is…can anybody explain why there’s not more open discussion about it on the MSM?..It smells like someone would like to present a fait accompli…I certainly would if I’d been going about it clandestinely…

P.S I think they may have backed-off a touch recently…

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Morning Ger, folks. Looks like Chemtrails are finally going mainstream. A mate just sent me this link from the DM.

President Joe Biden’s administration have admitted they’re open to the idea, which has never been attempted before. FFS! It’s “attempted” nearly every day!


Hi folks, I think the cat is out of the bag - the people behind GE must be the Vit D pill producers and the “No food” fasting pushers!

Maybe net zero means not just no CO2 but no sunlight either, water and air maybe the next targets.

Still with Biden pushing it, surely the majority of the planet with more than his 2 braincells will see the light :wink:


PS if they’re coming clean on GE what else are they hiding, has Hunter’s second laptop been found?

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Hadn’t followed this much, but saw this Cremola article and checked it out.
The email headline (White House Confirms: Blocking Sunlight Isn’t a Conspiracy) was eye-catching.
It refers to the Mail article; I see Rich has been here before.
I like how the Mail describes what seems a reckless and less than half-baked gamble as an ‘audacious plan’. Like the Musketeers are gonna save us.

It also struck me that it is nigh impossible to judge any of the science while there is secret geo-engineering meddling going on, on the object of study - the earth and its climate.
That would usually be considered to invalidate the science!

Article below. There is a video here with two interesting protagonists.
EDIT: For sharing the vanishing Cremola post there is a pdf https://media.mercola.com/ImageServer/Public/2023/July/PDF/climate-engineering-pdf.pdf but note this doesn’t have the video link.

19/7/23 Is Climate Engineering Real?

Story at-a-glance

  • U.S. presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. recently interviewed Dane Wigington, founder of GeoengineeringWatch.org, about climate engineering and its hidden role in climate change
  • The White House is considering a plan to block sunlight from hitting the surface of the earth in a bid to halt global warming, a process known as solar radiation modification (SRM)
  • A supercomputer called Derecho is analyzing the effects of solar geoengineering to help climate scientists decide whether SRM will be a good idea
  • According to Dane Wigington, founder of GeoengineeringWatch.org, geoengineering projects of various kinds are already having severe impacts on weather patterns, our ability to grow food, biodiversity and human health
  • Intentional geoengineering — including solar dimming — has been going on for more than 70 years

Is Climate Engineering Real? US Presidential Candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Dane Wigington: Is Climate Engineering Real? - YouTube

In the video above, U.S. presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. interviews Dane Wigington, founder of GeoengineeringWatch.org, about climate engineering and its hidden role in climate change. Wigington also produced the documentary “The Dimming.”

While Wigington has tried to raise awareness about the reality of climate engineering for the last two decades, his work is now gaining traction after the White House announced it’s backing a plan to block sunlight in a climate engineering effort.

White House Considers Measure to Block Sunlight

As reported by the Daily Mail, July 1, 2023:1

“The White House has opened the door to an audacious plan to block sunlight from hitting the surface of the Earth in a bid to halt global warming.

Despite some scientists warning the effort could have untold side effects from altering the chemical makeup of the atmosphere, President Joe Biden’s administration has admitted they’re open to the idea, which has never been attempted before.

In a report2 released Friday by the White House, officials suggested limiting sunlight to rapidly cool the planet, a process known as solar radiation modification (SRM) …

The report noted several ways authorities could look to achieve SRM, all of which come with potentially devastating consequences if they backfire … undertaking the mammoth task could have severe ramifications weather patterns and food supplies, which would in turn impact biodiversity, geopolitics, and health.”

Policymakers in the European Union recently called for an international assessment of geoengineering risks, noting that:3

"These technologies introduce new risks to people and ecosystems, while they could also increase power imbalances between nations, spark conflicts and raises a myriad of ethical, legal, governance and political issues.”

Supercomputer to Determine Effects

According to Scientific American, a supercomputer called Derecho will help climate scientists decide whether to block the sun:4

“A new supercomputer for climate research will help scientists study the effects of solar geoengineering, a controversial idea for cooling the planet by redirecting the sun’s rays.

The machine, named Derecho, began operating this month at the National Center for Atmospheric Research and will allow scientists to run more detailed weather models for research on solar geoengineering, said Kristen Rasmussen, a climate scientist at Colorado State University who is studying how human-made aerosols, which can be used to deflect sunlight, could affect rainfall patterns.

Because Derecho is three and a half times faster than the previous NCAR supercomputer, her team can run more detailed models to show how regional changes to rainfall can be caused by the release of aerosols, adding to scientists’ understanding of the risks from solar geoengineering … The machine will also be used to study other issues related to climate change.”

Geoengineering Is the Biggest Contributor to Climate Change

According to Wigington, there’s plenty of evidence showing that geoengineering projects of various kinds are already having severe impacts on weather patterns, our ability to grow food, biodiversity and human health.

Geoengineering projects have expanded from some 300 in 2012, to more than 1,700 in 2023.

Intentional geoengineering — including solar dimming — has been going on for more than 70 years and has exponentially expanded in more recent years. A geoengineering map,5 created by the ETC Group and the Heinrich Boell Foundation, shows how geoengineering projects have expanded from some 300 in 2012, to more than 1,700 in 2023.

This includes carbon capture/removal, solar radiation reduction and a variety of weather modification projects worldwide. Not surprisingly, Bill Gates has been funding geoengineering for a long time. Broadly, geoengineering programs were initially implemented after World War II, starting in the polar regions.

For years, anyone who said that geoengineering and weather modification was being used was labeled a tinfoil hat-wearing conspiracy theorist. As it turns out, it was true all along, and with the White House report just released, mainstream naysayers are suddenly admitting it as well.

What they’re not readily admitting, however, is that a) geoengineering is as dangerous as climate change itself, and b) that geoengineering is responsible for the most catastrophic changes in our climate.

As noted by Wigington, the globalist power structures that now claim we need to use geoengineering to solve climate change were the ones responsible for creating that climate change in the first place with their geoengineering. According to Wigington, the state of our global climate is “even worse than we’re being told,” and climate engineering is “fueling that process.”

In other words, the globalist cabal is trying to convince us that the cause of the problem is the solution, all while pinning the blame for climate change on regular people who drive cars to work and eat meat.

Are Chemtrails Real?

One geoengineering technique used across the world involves the dispersion of chemicals and metals into the atmosphere, a practice colloquially referred to as chemtrailing.

A key difference between regular condensation trails from aircraft and particulate trails (chemtrails) is that condensation trails evaporate rather quickly. They will not block 80% to 90% of solar uptake and create global dimming like chemtrails do.

The persistent lines you see in the sky that very slowly disperse, creating a muddy, hazy “film” across the entire sky are NOT condensation trails. They are particulate trails, or “chemtrails.” The particles dispersed in the air column are further manipulated via radio frequency transmissions.

The Alaskan installation known as HAARP6 is but one facility involved. There are dozens of other large, ground-based facilities just like it around the globe. Smaller networks and NEXRAD radar stations located in urban areas around the world are also employed. All these networks are used to manipulate the particles dispersed via “chemtrails” in the atmosphere.

What Are They Spraying Into the Atmosphere?

One of the key ingredients in these particulate trails is nanosized aluminum, which is neurotoxic to animals and humans. Aluminum also kills the root systems of plants and trees, as well as the soil microbiome. It also alters soil pH, which makes it harder for some crops to grow. One of the reasons aluminum is used is because it has high reflectivity, so sunlight bounces off it.

According to Wigington, climate engineers have stated they’re depositing tens of millions of tons of aluminum nanoparticles into the atmosphere annually as part of ongoing solar radiation management programs — “with no consideration for the consequences whatsoever.”

Lab tests conducted by GeoengineeringWatch also shows the presence of barium, strontium, titanium, manganese, polymer fibers, surfactant chemicals, and graphene in these particulate trails, as well as in rain.

While all these ingredients are studied for their effectiveness in geoengineering, no research is being done to ascertain what the health effects might be on populations, vegetation and wildlife below.

Wigington also warns that these aerosol sprays can be used to disperse bioweapons and may have been used for this purpose already. He cites a Washington Post article that noted the U.S. Army conducted 239 open-air germ warfare tests on the U.S. population between 1949 and 1969 alone.7

Where Are the Whistleblowers?

According to Wigington, we have evidence that commercial airlines began to be used for particulate release operations in 2002, when restrictions on passenger luggage were implemented. That’s not to say that pilots or airline employees know what’s going on, but some airliners are equipped with nozzles and tanks for this purpose.

Kennedy points out that thousands of people must have been read into programs of this magnitude, so how come there are so few whistleblowers? According to Wigington, those in the know are all under gag order.8 This includes weathermen. Secrecy is also upheld through massive compartmentalization.

Still, we know weather modification and geoengineering is real. Not only can we see it in the sky and measure the toxic particles in the aerosol and on the ground, but we also have patents describing these processes.

According to Wigington, the U.S. government owns many of the primary ones. Others are held by defense contractors like Raytheon and Lockheed Martin, which also do all the weather modeling for the U.S. national weather service.9

He suggests the reason weathermen can predict an area will have partial sun seven days in advance is because we don’t have natural weather anymore. We have programmed weather. And the reason Raytheon and Lockheed oversee weather modeling is because they’re also neck-deep in weather modification and need to maintain control of the narrative.

We Face Abrupt Climate Collapse

According to Wigington, what we face is far worse than climate change. Due to the geoengineering already conducted, what we’re facing is an abrupt climate collapse,10,11 due to the many feedback mechanisms triggered. The particulates dispersed during these geoengineering events “shred” the ozone layer. As a result, UV-C rays are now hitting the surface of the planet.

Other ramifications of geoengineering that are currently observable also include global dimming (chemtrails reduce solar radiation by 80% to 90%), global stilling (reduced wind flow), a reduction in precipitation and protracted droughts, a 90% reduction in plankton, and toxic geoengineering elements being found on the ground and in rainwater.

Moreover, while global cooling is the stated aim of most of these geoengineering programs, as the planet warms, the laws of physics state you need more precipitation to cool it, not less, because the atmosphere carries more moisture as the temperature rises.

To cool the planet, you need to create more rain, but these programs have resulted in less rain, and the reason for the reduction in rainfall is due to the particulates in the atmosphere. In addition to deflecting heat from the outside, these particles also trap heat down below, making the overall heating of the planet massively worse.

Is combating global warming really the endgame, or is that just a convenient cover story for a far more reckless goal? And if so, what might that goal be?

One might be that they’re trying to hide the severity of the damage that their geoengineering has already done. Another might be to control populations and governments, using weather as a weapon. It might also be for communication enhancement purposes, as the atmosphere is being made more electrically conductive by these particles.

Signs and Symptoms of Geoengineering

At the end of the interview, Kennedy asks Wigington what kinds of things in everyday life that people should look for if they’re looking for evidence of geoengineering. One major one is the destruction of forests, as root systems die off due to aluminum loading.

Home gardeners, especially if you’ve been doing it for a decade or longer, may notice that fruits and vegetables don’t grow nearly as well as they used to. Not only are soil microbiomes being decimated and soil pH altered, but the air is also being altered.

The particles in the atmosphere create vapor pressure deficit (VPD), they lower the rH of the air, which is like the pH of soil. If there’s not enough humidity, trees and plants shut down their respiratory system (stomata).

Stomata are involved in the exchange of carbon dioxide and water between plants and the atmosphere. So, when VPD happens, the plants and trees stop taking up carbon dioxide and they no longer release oxygen.

As a result, forests cease being carbon sinks and become carbon sources. Eventually, without respiration, the plants and trees die off. Increased UV radiation also damages plants, causing leaf scorch.

Geoengineering Won’t Fix the Climate Crisis

At the end of March 2023, a new study came out debunking the idea that short-term solar dimming might be a viable way to for world governments to meet their climate targets. Scientific American reported on the study, noting:12

“A controversial idea for cooling the earth’s climate through artificial means would likely require a much longer global commitment than policymakers and the public understand, according to a recent study13 that raises new questions about the potential for using solar geoengineering.

If world leaders decide to use solar geoengineering to meet international climate goals, they could be locked into it for a century or more …

Geoengineering is ‘often communicated as temporary, a stopgap measure — so it implies being relatively short, and short in the sense of a couple of decades,’ said lead study author Susanne Baur, a doctoral candidate at the European Centre for Research and Advanced Training in Scientific Computation in France.

‘And so when we started looking at these pathways, and we extrapolated them a bit longer, we saw that in many cases, it’s actually not that short.’

The public may not realize the scope of a commitment solar geoengineering — or its risks, including the need for long-term international cooperation. ‘If we have to keep up a system like this for such a long time, that just increases the possibility of something bad happening,’ Baur said.”

In a nutshell, the study argues that once you begin solar geoengineering, you can’t stop until or unless enough carbon has been eliminated from the atmosphere to lower the earth’s temperature below a certain threshold.

If there’s too much carbon left, then a sudden halt to the geoengineering could skyrocket, resulting in “termination shock,” a concept that describes a sudden, drastic elevation in global temperatures that life on earth doesn’t have time to adapt to. In other words, it could result in a global extinction event.


The Dimming The Dimming, Full Length Climate Engineering Documentary ( Geoengineering Watch ) - YouTube

To learn more about weather modification and geoengineering, check out GeoengineeringWatch.org. It has a wealth of information, shareable resources, patents and documents relating to geoengineering programs. Also check out Wigington’s full-length documentary, “The Dimming,” embedded above for your convenience.

Sources and References

I haven’t been through all of this @Evvy_dense yet, but do you recall seeing anyone in this material actually disputing the existence of anthropogenic global warming through man-made carbon dioxide? Or disputing the past and current climate temperatures as pushed out by the Establishment led by the IPCC?

All this stuff depends on people believing there is such a thing as anthropogenic global warming - just as Big Pharma and the WHO depends on people believing in the existence of pathogenic virus’ to push their agendas- profits and control. We need to cut off these myths at their source, imo.


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Hi CJ1
Well it’s about geo-engineering causing harmful effects, which is competition with the notion of anthropogenic global warming caused by CO2.
If the thrust is right it calls the CO2 theory into question.
Maybe I picked you up wrongly!?

Hi @Evvy_dense , I can see the harmful effects they detail flowing from geoengineering but they still talk about climate crises and I wasn’t clear whether they were just referring to geoengineered climate crises or the global climate change crisis geoengineering is supposed to deal with. If its the latter then surely the best way to avoid geoengineering harm is to point out that we don’t have a global climate change crisis and so we don’t need these frankistein inventions in the first place - I’m not sure they agree with this premise?
RFK has taken a radical step against the vaxocrats but an anti-global climate change stance maybe a step too far?
