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The ‘weara’ literally means ‘men’, I think; singlular ‘wear’, as in ‘were-wolf’ - ‘man-wolf’. All Germanic words.

The ‘Cant’ I think was inherited from the Cantiaci/Canti tribe of pre-Roman Celtic Britain. I picked up somewhere long since that the Cantweara were mainly Jutish. I imagine there was a good deal of mingling of peoples from both sides of the North Sea all through the pre-Roman, Roman and post-Roman periods; and hence of loan-words. How many ‘Avons’ can you name, just in England? Speak it in the way you learned your letters in first school and you have an exact homophone of ‘Afon’ in Cymraeg (pronounced ah-von): the word for ‘river’. So ‘yr afon’ - ‘the river’ - becomes ‘the Avon’ river, Hampshire, Warwickshire, etc…

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#FYI https://www.naturettl.com/6-steps-to-protect-your-photos-online/, https://www.naturettl.com/what-is-copyright-understanding-your-rights/ & https://watermark.ws/?gclid=CjwKCAjwxZqSBhAHEiwASr9n9LAvNg5NuNiqpqc3oEHpXtC9nXEvQK7tUFFQyoeCy1dx02hQCs8JXRoCmLwQAvD_BwE

I have “Nordic” skin type too (with some mingling, I suspect, from the “pale” or “fair” ones from these isles), I don’t sweat well in very hot conditions and the water gets trapped beneath my small pores…agony as a child but I’ve learned to control my exposure (and I grow my own aloes now, use of which hydrates and opens the pores), but it has caused me other problems too…Remember that business of some land in Kent? These are the environs (I need to contact Ashford Council for the precise location):

I hasten to say the land is supposed to be free of any building permissions (long-story, when I went there I found a dwelling with an electricity supply and -I was told-, a postal address, on one of the plots). The oast-house is on a neighbouring property.
The land belongs to my step-mother at present (as I’m on means-tested benefits we’re leaving things that way -she could make it over-, esp. as we don’t know exactly where it bl**dy well is and it hasn’t been valued #GWRHalesRIP -I have the deeds with a plot no: but that’s now long-gone from the site-).

It’s on Bethes-den road…any Kentish word with the “den” suffix denotes an area for piggies…!!

Always beware a man who keeps pigs: Snatch - Beware of a Pig Farmer - YouTube &


Dad used to tell the story of when he met the Krays… they never bothered him again… (those who knew him believed it!), … long story concerning the Fleet St. presses and safety management…not the kind of man who you made an offer to he couldn’t refuse my Dad…

I know you Rhis you probably haven’t seen “Snatch”…get it from the library…or maybe your daughter has a copy…(P.S Don’t tell me from gypsies #btw they have been putting down roots on some of the plots too…I hastened to add that they do own the land…I’ve no problem with them -unlike some other comedians-, it’s all grist-to-the-mill for me).

Seriously, I was driven there by car by two West Indians, me swigging from a bottle of pure-malt (still in mourning of-course), met someone (quite serendipitously), on-site who at least had heard my uncle’s name (“not for many years” he told me), for it was my uncle who bought “recreational” land and sold it to those in the city who had; “never seen the country” back in the 60s and 70s. The guy I met (a chiropractor by profession), has de-rooted much of his woodland and it was he who told me; “the gypsies are putting down roots on their land!”
By then I was totally rat-arsed…we returned to Clapham Junction (my friends’ stomping ground), …and oh…anyhoo that’s another story…suffice to say the whole scene was straight out of “Snatch”:

My uncle was an East End barrow boy who worked…as you can imagine I never heard the last of that one…but not from him, funnily enough Uncle Bob was a lovely, lovely guy, generous to a fault and do anything for you…

As promised…

Today’s offerings…If I can get that ring of trees in-toto…I will need to find a very precise vantage point to pull it off…

I’ll need to take a ladder otherwise I just can’t get a smooth panorama, that’s why there is a beacon…top of the hill…


Beautiful places, G. My ma always loved the rural richness of SouthHants and the New Forest. That’s why I was born in Winchester: she was working as a midwife in the S’hampton docks area at the time. We used to drive back down there from further north, when I was a kid, just for hols. Beautiful part of the world! :slight_smile:



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Such a desperate shame about the Dongas and Twyford Down…I told them a tunnel was a bad idea… (as an alternative), there is (and you’re not going to believe this folks), a golf course on “the other side” of the down (now the course is “the part that still exists”), where (I was told), the county surveyor and the treasurer used to play at the time the cutting was going through…a f**king golf-course…my solution was elegant (incl. a long low snaking bridge across the water-meadows), only a slight divergence from a crow’s flight and we could have used a previously excavated piece of land with no mediaeval track-ways on it…it’s a true story about NIMBYS and ignorant government…none of them consulted the land…gone now forever! Nb. The panorama above must be facing Twyford Down as was (north), …

These are the “Dongas”, quote; "“The Dongas” hollow ways, Twyford Down

This picture is looking east from the edge of the grid square at some of the medieval hollow ways on Twyford Down. These ancient trackways come down from the South Downs to Winchester, and over the centuries the action of hooves, wheels and feet wore deep channels into the chalk. When one became too treacherous another parallel route would be taken." "The Dongas" hollow ways, Twyford Down © Jim Champion cc-by-sa/2.0 :: Geograph Britain and Ireland



Quote; "Twyford Down

Twyford Down was just such a place (actually although it was “such a place” nothing that happened there was “just”).
Modern archaeologists (especially the social and agricultural historians amongst them), may have some understanding of what was lost at Twyford Down (and to be honest it still is a truly painful subject for me to talk about).
However… those who understand that the colonisation of the major landmass areas of these islands only ever took place once in humanity’s history* , should also understand that this “Rosy Cross” is a unique tabula rasa for agricultural scientists (because of its “quartered” nature), and as a result it’s history represents one of the most complete and easily assimilable works of applied “astrologomal”** science imaginable (or at least it did -never try and teach maths without also teaching spacial awareness-).
Why it now may not be is because of the rape of Twyford. You see, back when the ice sheets first began to retreat and people started to colonise these Islands on a large scale the south of Britain was ipso facto colonised first (given our current post “Flood” planetary orientation***). This meant that places such as The New Forest, Hengistbury Head, Twyford Down and others were the very first to be used as social, religious and agricultural centres. As such this of-course makes them our oldest archaeological “seed libraries”, without which; climate data, ecological relationships, social interactions, religion, biology and “astrologomy” cannot be studied .

*(Edit 12/07/10 at least in a modern “agricultural” sense -and I may be accused of something of the same myself given the slightly “ham-fisted” nature of this edit- as I am advised by the recent discovery of one million year old (approx.) flint tools belonging to Homo Antecessor in Britain. Go to First humans arrived in Britain 250,000 years earlier than thought | Anthropology | The Guardian )

**(“Astrologomy”= astrology/astronomy, I’m convinced S.A.M -“Stone Aged Man”- would have laughed at the idea of “splitting the sky in two” either that or considered the notion very bad medicine indeed!)

***Further Reading ? ; James Vogh (aka John Sladek), “The Thirteenth Sign”, Peter Warlow “The Reversing Earth” also please visit Dr. Masaru Emoto at www.hado.net (water molecule cluster electron-microscopy the man is a genius).

The archaeology at Twyford was also unique for although not formal constructions “The Dongas” and other features at Twyford bore witness to thousands of years of agricutural use; http://images.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://s0.geograph.org.uk/photos/02/56/025612_dfb4ef37.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/25612&usg=__HUtZ4p6U7GCrAf1EJ6jor-dLG10=&h=313&w=640&sz=185&hl=en&start=1&sig2=UY8nhm7JNRKnXl5tiv8fpg&um=1&tbnid=LDUTrRWYsH2bfM:&tbnh=67&tbnw=137&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dpictures%2Bof%2BThe%2Bdongas%2Bof%2BTwyford%2BDown%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DX%26um%3D1&ei=vJPCSrDvIY794AbIztmsBQ*
The trackways, known as “dongas”, were formed by the constant passage of humans, animals and carts over thousands of years.
The other more spectacular and well defined examples at Twyford are gone now forever.

  • You will note that the historian refers to the dongas at Twyford as “Medieval” however this refers to the large scale usage of wheeled vehicles and horses on the site, infact the field systems and trackways far predated the medieval period.

Yes it is true that unmarked security staff were used to apply “passification” methods on the very brave “Dongas’ Tribe” whose hearts (like those of many of us), were broken by this thoughtless, brutal, xenophobic and needless desecration of not only our land but our brave nascent community as-well. Yes it is true that construction staff were told to discard any ancient relics they might find and yes there still is a golf-course on the other-side of the fence atop what remains of our beautiful downland. I’m told the county surveyor and others were/are members of the golf club.


Yes look a golf-course another ancient monument we should be pleased to keep for the next ten thousand years!

"…The morning after the festival a disparate group of no more than 20 or so people sat atop one of the most unique pieces of downland anywhere. The previous night and all the preceeding day they had been engaged in music, dance and song, the sun had blazed back off the exposed chalk and flint sculptures, the wind and glare spanking their cheeks into an ancient blush.
Fire had blazed amid, the dance itself…

…and that morning they sat.
At first unsure then…“We are upon the ocean surely?”
Islands in the sea of rolling white and vestigial grey, islands…
The heat grew first, I swear a hand upon my shoulder…“He comes, The Sun King comes!”
Arms outstretched to the stars, he comes.
Burning, heat a lick upon the face, the whisper to the heart, he comes.
Burning the moisture from the air, he comes.
“My blood, my Earth gone from me now, torn out!”
From The East… from the east…"" "Arafel": "What's that Coming Over The Hill?"


Was just musing to myself, whilst half asleep today, about the road-scarring of the British landscape, which will be there probably for at least multi-century historical time - even if they eventually grow over and re-forest again - and quite possibly for geological time. Bloody roads! Damned cars! The Single Giant Pulse Event of industrial ‘civilisation’ has been a colossal wrong turn for humankind. No wonder so many traditions have Garden of Eden legends in their distant past.

“It’s an important and popular fact that things are not always what they seem. Humans, for example, think themselves far superior to dolphins because they have achieved so much: the wheel, New York, wars, and so on; whilst all dolphins have ever done is muck about in the water having a good time. Dolphins, on the other hand, think themselves far superior to humans - for exactly the same reasons.”


It gives the lie to the notion of our “Manifest Destiny” … we have no right to evolve for yes we can lose priceless things…“precious” irreplaceable things…how many (I wonder), can we lose before we tip Maat’s scales irrevocably against ourselves?

Today…making the most whilst the light is good and the cherry is in flower…I wonder how much more I will have to spend before I can get the detail I am after!

“Walking in the Wild West End”: "Arafel": Journey-Man #WalkingintheWildWestEnd #HatchFarmDevelopment #Holbury #NewForest #StMarys #SouthamptonSpa #Archaeology #MentalHealth, "Arafel": Walking in the Wild West End Pt. 2 #TelegraphWoods #Conservation #Biodiversity #StopMoorhillDevelopment #CPRE #RichardStBarbeBaker #EnvironmentCentre & "Arafel": Walking in the Wild West End Pt. 3 #TelegraphWoods #Conservation #Biodiversity #StopMoorhillDevelopment #CPRE #RichardStBarbeBaker #EnvironmentCentre #BiodiversityistheEngineofSustainability

I read several chapters of Peter Warlow and will get back to it some time.

The image of the folks blowing the instruments is used as the cover of this rather good book:

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I seem to recall that Kurt Vonnegut’s unreliable narrator Kilgore Trout had evolved into something very like a dolphin in the novel Galapagos.

Was the Wild Wild West song one of the ‘Roadhouse’ performances? I don’t remember it. Reminds me of Lana Del Rey.

Yes it is a Roadhouse performance…just finishing re-watching the last season now…

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One of the most important books you’ll ever read…

P.S Pretty close, now I need the light (again), …

Brilliant light again today but the beacon was surrounded by a group of local evangelicals…went to St.James’ for their Good Friday Service myself (being such a friend of Unitarians I am -of-course-, chronically ill disposed to evangelism), …I like the vibe there and it’s fun to sing with choristers! Took some more pictures too…

The southern aspect windows are all stained glass…

This large oak is in the car park outside the West End library, the Hatch Cafe and the community centre (we are well provided for).

St James’ is (unfortunately), too modern to contain any of these…!

Green Man1

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A fairly crappy photo but the only one I could find:

Ancient yew in churchyard at Eastling. Believed to be 2000+ years old. A number of offspring scattered nearby as well.

Old yews are remarkable they form their own mounds as they stretch, there is a 3000 year old yew in a churchyard in Brecon my father and I visited…I dated it correctly only a week or so before it appeared in an article giving the sites of the oldest trees in Britain…one of the broadsheets…that kind of stuff often happened to us…


Hi Guys! I’ve done some more photography…don’t mind sharing with you guys too much but I will further investigate watermarking my best work…these today incl. panoramas (still working on the one at the top of the hill next to the beacon, it’s definitely a tricky shot):


You unbury forgotten childhood memories, G, of just how leafy so much of Hants. still is. (I was born in Winchester, where my mam was midwifing…)

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Where are you now…no specifics…weren’t you living on a barge at some point? They still turned West End Village into little more than a dormitory though, blinkered ingrates!!!

Yes, those last few wooded stands look very like the Hammer woods near Cittaviveka monastery. (Hants/Sussex border, Petersfield)

I seem to have a few Ooggled away: