K, I foresee a lot of those bureaucratic sillinesses just being ignored by a lot of punters, and being quietly allowed to moulder unenforced by the jobsworths, once they see that they’re unenforceable in the changed - read seriously crisis-hit - circumstances.
Be interesting to see how the technocrat careersworths above the jobsworths in the bureaucracies will react, though. The current foam-flecked idiocies about cutting all the lifelines from Russia will bring these local-government decision-time crises on quite a bit, I think. People will start growing and small-stock-keeping for survival after all, do what the worths may.
Here in the relatively unregulated sticks beyond suburbia, guerrilla gardening on land deemed formally to belong to some distant cement-making multinational, is thriving; just put in my tater chits two days ago on such a plot; not formally my land, nor even rented by me; but speaking realistically: available and never inspected by the ‘owners’; in Mexico, apparently.
And this adds on to the guerrilla fuel-wood collection in ‘their’ woods with which I’ve been heating and cooking, free, apart from collection-and-sawing-up labour costs, for over quarter of a century.
This is part of the reason why, even whilst living officially below the British poverty line, I can afford to give my grand-daughter the better part of a hundred quid a week from my state pension; don’t need it. Well, not yet anyway. (I do notice the prices rocketting in the food coop shop here lately though…) I also gave up cars - entirely withdrawal-symptoms-free - years ago. Bikes, bus pass, and a set of rain-slickers does it for me!
This is what JMGreer means by his famous downsizing, embracing-voluntary-‘poverty’ slogan: “Collapse early, and avoid the rush!”
He’s writing about precisely this, this week: qv - it’s today’s post at ‘Ecosophia’, titled: ‘Slack. An Irreverent Proposal’. Fun read…