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Covid-19: England sees biggest fall in life expectancy since records began

Correction: The Great Louis Armstrong, aka Satchmo!

PS: I don’t know for sure whether it’s Louis or Nat. I’d say Louis.

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It’s Louis for sure, but there are a few mix-ups stemming from that leading light of fake news, Youtube. I’ve given them a seven-day ban :slightly_smiling_face:

Great to see the gravelly voice being produced!


Hi @Kieran_Telo

Do you have a link that shows the chant for those 5 remembrances? That feels like something I’d like to learn but I can’t seem to find an online version of it.


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Well, at one level we do know that it’s not a pandemic (in the traditional sense) as pandemics are, if I understand correctly, based on cases and as we know, what constitutes a case has been changed from presenting with clinical symptoms, i.e., ill to just testing positive and that with a test not fit for purpose.

Irrespective and germ theory versus terrain aside (something I was completely unaware of until covid - was terrain theory the Betamax to germ’s VHS???), it is possible to believe that, in the main, Covid is not what the narrative tells us it is (and certainly doesn’t necessitate the global response we’ve seen) and simultaneously recognise that many people have died; of what, how and why is a whole other question of course.

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Exactly! Though when it’s eventually possible to do it with confidence it would be good to see just how many excess deaths there were - if any.

So there you have it, @Jamie. Several people on this site don’t really believe that many people died of covid at all, just as I said. Several people unwilling to accept data from any source that conflicts with their preconceived understanding of the disease.

I find it interesting that some of the same people tend to believe that 10s of thousands died from having the Covid vaccine. Ask for the excess death data or any death stats to support that, however, and…<… Crickets…>

As the late, great Terry Pratchett said

Logic and reason can only take you so far. After that you have to get out and hop

Personally I think if you start cherry picking and ignoring the actual data then you get nowhere. But that’s not a super popular view these days on either side of the covid debates…



It’s easy to think the only wisdom being forgotten is our own

Ahem (cricket noise)

Still looking at it, then :slightly_smiling_face:

In the first wave the deaths were covid-related, in that there was a diagnosis or symptoms, and it was too early for them to be caused by lockdown. And too early for prior exposures as well.
And, they only tested sick people at the start, we had CFR’s of 20%!.

In the later wave/s none of this was the case. Testing like mad, no symptoms necessary and lots of people had had exposure to the virus.

To recap, the graph shows these two scenarios are strongly backed by data. And the vaccine wasn’t around until the second wave. As I say, there’s no reason why the vaccine deaths data isn’t nestling there invisibly in the graph like a little virus :slightly_smiling_face:, above the dotted line, in that yellow part corresponding to ‘impossible covid’ :slightly_smiling_face:

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Lol, fair cop guv. You’re a lone voice in a field of crickets.


Yes… Circumstances being what they are, over the last 1-2 months you’ll have to forgive me…

I know you have some interesting ideas there. But let’s not forget that we’re starting from a situation of nearly 150K death certificates with covid on them. And a death toll in a particular demographic that aligns with vulnerability to covid to the extent that life expectancy dropped last year. And although the data is volatile, it’s still in the normal range for all cause mortality during the biggest vaccine rollout we’ve ever witnessed…

But, fair is fair. You have an analysis worth giving attention to. I’m sorry I’m taking so long.


Boris Johnson on life expectancy:

I’ve given you the most important metric. Never mind life expectancy, never mind cancer outcomes - look at wages

Yep. That sounds like the Tories. These are the same people who want us to believe that they did what they could to save vulnerable people from Covid. Of course they did.

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Sorry - I wasn’t recriminating you for not getting back to me, it was just that comment about other people - just wasn’t cricket! (Old ones are the best :slight_smile: ) As I say theres a lot of dust to settle on these figures.

The covid deaths will have to come down as there are only so many excess deaths to go round. And 70K of them were in private homes (mostly not covid):

“At least 70,602 excess deaths in homes were registered between 7 March, 2020 and 17 September, 2021 across England and Wales.”

I think the life expectancy headline was tomorrow’s message to the media - if it follows straightforwardly as you say then it means nothing more than the deaths we knew about already. I just feel the official narrative with all the spin still dictates discussions too much, and causes us to be taking issue with each other.

Sure thing

Printed version at p55


The latter alternates between Pali and English which I find a bit jarring personally but if there’s a better version I haven’t found it.

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Yes I saw this too and considered linking to it. Maybe a new occupation could be invented: professional ciggy smoker. You get £100 for every verified pack of twenty you put away, and thus reinforce both the average wage metric AND the cancer stats. Massages the unemployment stats, nice tax returns on the baccy, and slowly but fairly surely ridding the world of a useless eater too.

All boxes ticked.


Then we can lower the age and tackle youth unemployment. Just needs the JVC1 to agree there are overall marginal potential benefits that the politicians can rule on for the greater good

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Good thinking.

“Academy Headteacher announces 20 Modern Apprentice Professional Ciggy Smoker vacancies” - is there any end to the relentless Good News…?

Academies complain schools aren’t training pupils properly. Mass bike shed building programme commences.

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