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What's happening in Canada is happening all around the world

This article is on the front page of the independent provincial newspaper today.

Thanks for this Jackie. It’s certainly a much less adversarial article than anything I’ve seen in the mainstream for a long time (though I’ve not followed Canada closely). Is this maybe because Nova Scotia is far from the action?
It doesn’t mention the issue of the safety of the vaccines, which makes the opponents look like they are resisting on a narrow principle (“the key element here is choice”) - but it does mention the poor statistics on transmission. And it doesn’t caricature the truckers.

Latest news (as I understand it) is that the big convoy from the west is now making it through to Ottawa.

Ottawa…? Ottawa has three major claims to fame: it’s the capital of the second biggest country on the planet, it’s the western world’s coldest capital, and popular opinion holds that it is one of the world’s dullest capitals. It’s all Queen Victoria’s fault. In the 19th century, Ottawa was a boozy, brawling lumber village. Then Queen Victoria saw some rather pretty watercolour paintings of the area and was so inspired that she declared Ottawa the capital, leaving Montreal and Toronto smarting at their rebuff. Converted by royal mandate into a political cockpit, Ottawa immediately started cleaning up its act and government investment was poured in to redevelop the area. The result is a prim, boring place with a small-town atmosphere, a city dubbed ‘too perfect for excitement’ which cost the long- suffering Canadian tax payer millions and millions of dollars. No one knows where the boozy lumberjacks fled to.

Just some background info.

No, the less adversarial stance is new. Many of we Canadians love and strive for peace, harmony and respect. It is evident that a wide range of people are against or are uncomfortable with the mandates, so it may be time for new attitudes.


This is quite a big story - Alberta at the centre of it, but also happening in the US, UK and Germany.

Alberta just inadvertently confessed to fiddling the COVID vaccination stats.

More than half the newly vaccinated deaths were dumped in the unvaccinated.

The story is a beaut. Because the vaccines don’t have any positive effect in the first two weeks, it’s common to start the count there. This is biased of course, because it misses any negative effects in the first two weeks (including covid); happily for the vax pushers, that’s when they seem to be most common. So the unvaccinated tally takes the double hit - hence the ‘pandemic of the vaccinated’ clams.

But here’s the thing - if you miscount this way, you must not publish graphs showing cases, hospitalisations or deaths by number of days since the vaccine!!

But this is what Alberta did, thereby spilling the beans about the data fraud.

The graphs were quickly deleted. But fortunately for the side of truth, data analyst Joel Smalley was already on it.

The upshot is that around 50% of (covid) cases, hospitalisations and deaths in the vaccinated arise in the first 2 weeks. If these are wrongly allocated to the unvaccinated, then for example a 50-50 split between vaxed and unvaxed would become 75%-25%. Vaccine effectiveness guaranteed!

This is explained in this 10-min clip of the highwire: HEALTH AUTHORITIES’ COVID DATA ‘ERRORS’ EXPOSED - The HighWire which draws on Smalley’s work,

They also highlight that in Germany the ‘pandemic of the unvaccinated’ arose because the health authorities could not tell from their data who was vaccinated and who wasn’t! When it was unknown they classed it as unvaccinated.

This was explained as IT errors…

But the data fraud was used to drive policy:

Germany set to tighten rules for unvaccinated as Covid cases rise


That emergency rule of thumb “Mistrust ALL sources of information at first until checked and confirmed from multiple sources; particularly stats!” is holding up rather well, innit? :wink: :laughing:


These coloured graphs in my previous post also tell another story.

They are reproduced below, albeit on the small side - they are easier to view on the Joel Smalley link I gave Alberta just inadvertently confessed to fiddling the COVID vaccination stats..

The 3 graphs on the left pertain to the first vaccinations. Reading downwards they show cases, hospitalisations and deaths - versus no. of days sinc the first vax.

And in all three cases, tthe obvious feature there is …a relatively huge spike around the first 10 days or so.

So in the first two weeks, in Alberta, in the absence of any other explanations, the covid vaccines cause covid cases, hospitalisations and deaths.
And these are attributed to the unvaccinated!

Also bear in mind these are only Covid events. Other vaccine deaths and hospitalisations aren’t included.


And it’s blogs like Joel’s, and eugyppius, and especially Alex Berenson which have got SubStack in the sights of the shriekers. How dare these people make money out of duhsinformation, hold a gun to our crippled children’s heads, and threaten our freedoms? You get the idea.

Thankfully our dynastic influencers, and the CCDH will be riding them outta town

“grift” had me in stitches

Evvy, re. the banning-spat on the bovril boat: I thought that it’s now become evident, and widely seen, that the poison-stabs DON’T reduce hospitalisations, infections, or transmission - even after several stabbings. The debacle in zionistan-in-Palestine is rubbing that in cruelly, isn’t it? Even the BPh gangsters pushing the for-profit poisons are having to admit that.

That suggests that dan is seriously behind the current thinking, even on his own side of the row. Simply astonishing what people can fail to see - and what they can hallucinate seeing - when they’re in the grip of mass-formation cult hypnosis! And obviously, the knowledgeable professionals are no more immune to this fall from reason than anyone else.

The covid-scam is becoming a glaring historical land-mark in just how irrational people can be - for a while at least - when in the grip of mass hysteria.

“Evvy, re. the banning-spat on the bovril boat: I thought that it’s now become evident, and widely seen, that the poison-stabs DON’T reduce hospitalisations, infections, or transmission - even after several stabbings”

Not reducing infections or transmissions seems clear.
But it would appear to those not questioning any official data that the jabs reduce hospitalisations and deaths. This interpretation seems to depend on starting the clock after a delay of two weeks, skipping the period when the bad reactions seem to occur half the time, and conveniently counting them as unvaccinated. It also depends on erasing any thoughts that the vaccines might be causing hospitalisations and deaths outwith covid.
With his self-fulfilling belief that there are no major side effects, Dan would be thinking only of covid patients, of course.
At Dan’s level, I don’t see it as a cult - not psychologically anyway - but in practice it might operate in a similar way, as doctors aren’t free to criticize the vaccine or highlight early treaments that work. The deference and adulation at TLN might push him in that direction I suppose. Cheers


Well, whatever his private mind-state might be, and allowing due weight to his terrifying experience with the earliest, and presumably most lethal and painful mutant of the pathogen-whatever-it-is, Doctor dan has still made an utter muck up of running - with unilateral judge-and-jury control - what had been a pretty good radical-dissident board, so that it’s now little more than an echo-chamber of preferred trusties - still allowed free rein.

Particularly bad has been the failure to restrain offensive behaviour, especially the - entirely-permitted - bullying, vile misogyny that drove so many good women commentators from TLN.

I think Bovril Boat - with its connotations of sewage-sludge loads - is now the best description I can manage. And that’s down, ultimately, to dan’s determined grip on unaccountable final rule there, very obviously wielded in arbitrary and irrational fashion. Democracy, not. Shame.


I’m waiting for the penny-to-drop…when people realise that Covid19 has been (hopefully), the last desperate ploy of the anachronistic administration of a defunct paradigm the sh*t will truly hit-the-fan…it’s just joining the dots…those opposed to surveillance and, therefore, conformity to the somatised norm of the neo-liberal state must expect it…there’s nowhere else to run humanity, there is no Planet B (for despite my support for exploration and -possible-, colonisation of Mars such a colony would inevitably expire without the assistance of Mother Earth), and there is no partial solution for just as biodiversity is the engine of sustainability no aspect of the neol-liberal delusion exists in isolation either; “Jenga!”


Herbert said (politics was about); “…key logs and dependencies”

I remember some vile fascist (What was his name? He claimed to be a lecturer of some kind!), actually suggesting physical violence (too me), no action was taken!** D**ply hypocritical our Dan…despise him for that…

This 30 minute piece from Amazing Poly covers the trucker thang, right up to their main arrival in Ottawa yesterday. It goes into stuff that many of us are pondering…

I’ve just been watching a livestream from Ottawa (as the sun goes down there on this Sunday evening). The authorities are hoping that this protest will start melting away tomorrow, Monday.

I don’t think so.

Looking at the images, it’s very reminiscent of what happen in Romania, Hungary and East Germany in 1989.

We shall have to see how it pans out.


Here is a really good press conference with “organisers” of the truckers. Happily some the the lying lamestream were excluded.


Pat, thanks for the link. I found it very interesting.

It’s an hour and twenty minute video, a Zoom done yesterday. I think it’s the best one yet featuring Dr. Mike Yeadon…