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What's happening in Canada is happening all around the world

Hear hear.

I think Antifa is a term that has been weaponised, and you’ve identified the culprits I reckon @JackieL. It works both ways of course.

My OH has followed Dr John Campbell closely on YouKnowWhere and finds the information he conveys useful and credible. I’ve seen people on Alex Thomson’s Telegram ( Eastern Approaches—Alex Thomson – Telegram ) call him a shill and controlled opposition and the usual sorts of epithets reserved for those who don’t go all-in on the Plandemic theory. (Because he is broadly supportive of vaccines and has urged mask wearing- see the stuffed toy on the windowsill with facemask.)

By some definitions anyone who hasn’t been chased off that particular streaming platform is suspect. Shrug.

I’d advocate building alliances and finding common ground with Left Right Antifa bluehaired pronoun police and Tories and anyone else. The Gramscian approach to building hegemony - for all the good it did him, alas.

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I don’t think that those who oppose vacc & mandates are right wing. My point is that the Trump/Bannon/Cambridge Analytic/Koch types (who I think of as right wing) are drawing those people into their sphere.

I imagine the person who had the Trump flag is a supporter of Trump. There are some around here.

Re shopping, a few provinces are bringing in measures to further limit what unvacc’d can do. So far, as far as I know no one has said that they can’t get groceries, drug store stuff, liquor, essential services, so the scenario you describe could happen. Quebec in particular is being really punitive. Stupid and damaging policy imo.

I’ll just tack on here something further re media coverage. People complain that they don’t get coverage and then they are belligerent to reporters who do show up to cover it. There’s a lot of bad will all around, and some people trying to work thru it to get to a better place. Not sure if everyone will be able to open this link and I haven’t watched it yet myself, but here is a clip that one reporter posted from earlier today. https://twitter.com/GlobalGraeme/status/1486694547061190657?s=20

One more random thing, some people are coming together to organize independent communities. My niece is against vaccines in general. I don’t know if she thinks some are ok but in general she has no intention of getting her kids (pre-schoolers) vaccinated. She also doesn’t trust the formal medical system. She has friends who feel the same way and they are planning a community that they are comfortable with. Much like the communes of the 60’s.

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In objective terms, the whole right-wing thing should be filed under adhom; many on the left are full square behind the attacks on multiple rights and feedoms simultaneously, but those that are not are accused of aligning with ‘the right’; a highly effective form of flak that permeates within political groups and the public alike.
Objectively, Biden ran on a ticket of Trump’s alleged mishandling of the virus. Trump’s opponents wouldn’t hear of the ‘cure’ (hydroxychloroquine) he was touting, and have trashed it ever since. More have died from/with the virus under Biden than Trump, despite the vaccines that governments say is the answer. So I wouldn’t be pointing out Trump flags.

I would interpret your media anecdote differently
(Maybe their beef about the reporting is because of negative coverage from globalnews, like this:
Experts say truckers should have done more to prepare for vaccine mandate | Globalnews.ca).
People complain about bad media coverage and they complain about too little coverage. Is never getting fair coverage not something legitimate to complain about?

Workers have the right to protect their jobs, these negative caricatures are traditional media mood music in industrial disputes, but on steroids here.

Thanks for sharing about your niece and her friends planning a community :slightly_smiling_face:. It’s one of those things that you can look back on, as people digging in and showing their mettle in times of oppression. Right now it is a sign of the repression that people should feel forced out of ordinary society because of an ideology that had taken hold on the majority.

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Its interesting to note how nuance online just is not even close to being a thing any more. I know it never was and ought to know better but even fairly neutral, in my view broadly supportive, comments can occasion the response “I didn’t say that…”.

Maybe I’m just too terse and autistic, but I am typing this on a cheap Android tablet a letter at a time.

Flak is definitely everywhere.

And Canada is definitely in a very bad place. **

Thanks for the answer re shopping @JackieL. The rumour I had seen was probably sourced from the CBC, as was this report

I saw another story which said stores would ask unjabbed customers to wait for their chaperone in a designated area. ***

Hence my question and, again, this is not/was not ulterior.

A popular Twitter meme lately has been the one that goes “Sorry folks if I don’t seem my usual chirpy self but I’m in a really bad place right now. My mental health is fine, thanks for your concern. What I meant was I’m in Melbourne” (or Auckland/Ottawa/New York/Whatever)

*** SATIRE Bordered with those perspex screens and signposted UNCLEAN? WAIT HERE. WE MIGHT BE A WHILE.


Hi Jackie, thanks for your report, I disagree with some of your points, please see below.

Antifa in Europe has often been against the pro-freedom movement. See article below. Here in Montpellier they tried, and to some degree succeeded, in dividing the movement by attacking any group they defined as ‘far right’ and trying to physically force them not to demonstrate.

In the USA Antifa was used by the far right Democratic Party to create chaos during the election, they were basically given a ‘license to riot’ and though they may have stated they were pro BLM in reality many of the black communities where they rioted were vocally against antifa.


“It has always been my fear that hardline vaccine policies would provide an opportunity for the right wing to gather people into their fold and that is indeed what is happening.”

Jackie, just because certain people you define as ‘right wingers’ are supporting the pro-freedom movement doesn’t mean they are ‘gathering people into their fold’. Do you have any evidence that people who were not what you define as ‘right wing’ have recently been ‘gathered into the right wing fold’? You say ‘that is indeed what is happening’ but where is the evidence for that?

“I have a theory that it’s for political gain and to isolate the conservative parties with the minority of people who are against the mandates. That’s the only reason I can think of.”

Are you aware that Trudeau has been affiliated with the World Economic Forum for years? That he constantly uses the marketing frames and slogans of the World Economic Forum in his speeches (‘build back better’ for example). Surely it’s a possibility that Trudeau is implementing the plan that he has been TOLD to implement? That in fact Trudeau is not responding to Canadian political dynamics, but is responding to international demands? Can you state how, exactly, alienating a significant segment of the Canadian population leads to a ‘political gain’? Surely that is illogical. Alienating, on purpose, needlessly, significant segments of a population, in a democracy never leads to a ‘gain’ does it?



Everyman, for anyone interested here’s a 7 minute clip that offers an opinion about what went on during the protest in Brussels last weekend…

I believe in France they are known as casseurs (disruptors), police agents, and often Antifa, who go into demos and deliberately cause aggro in order to discredit the demonstration. When the violence kicks off the press photographers are always miraculously on hand.

Latest news from Canada is that the massive convoy from the west has been halted in the Thunder Bay area, with the police saying that the road towards Ottawa has been blocked by bad weather. Ha!

If the convoy does make it to the capital they can expect that every dirty trick in the book will be thrown at them.

Two years ago I would never have believed that I’d be typing such words.


Thanks very much for that RobG, I just watched the clip you linked to.

I was at Genoa in July 2001, the culmination of a growing anti corporate-globalist movement (Seattle, Prague, Quebec) focusing on the trade meetings of the G7 and World Trade Organization. Genoa was a G7 meeting. The city center had been turned into a barricaded no go zone. Big shipping containers were placed all over to prevent movement. Three days of direct action. Black bloc was obviously infiltrated. The peaceful protestors would be marching, the cops watching, then Black Bloc would appear and break some windows and boom, the cops would attack mercilessly the peaceful protesters. That’s where I first saw it. Now I despise the black block/antifa, they are political idiots and always used by the cops, the ARE the cops very often. thanks again! everyman


I forgot to say thanks for the video. And I’m with you on the alliances.

I’m not up on Trudeau and the WEF so can’t comment.

You: Do you have any evidence that people who were not what you define as ‘right wing’ have recently been ‘gathered into the right wing fold’?
Me: Not really, just a hunch. Would love to be wrong about it. I’ll continue observing to see what happens.


Jackie, what do you make of the fact that Trudeau has just run away into isolation, purportedly because he was in contact with someone who tested positive for covid 19?

A bit of a coincidence, non? with hoardes about to descend on Ottawa.

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Thanks for that clip Rob. When I saw the reporting of those Brussels riots, it struck me as strange that there were so many masked young, and professional looking, rioters, with oddly minimal police beatings. They usually hid back hard at typical looking protesters. That really looks like a false flag.


Everyman, keep the faith. In the western world I thought it would kick off first in France (there’s been a nationwide strike today, Thursday, in France); but it looks like Canada might be where it’s at.

It’s always difficult to predict these things, because there’s so many different factors involved.

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That’s what people are saying. I don’t know how it would help him. He wouldn’t be out walking in the crowd anyway or even addressing them directly so what difference does it make?


Jackie, like others here I will say that I appreciate your point of view.

If they manage to stop the big convoy from the west, there’s still another convoy coming in from the maritime provinces and Quebec; and also a convoy from southern Ontario.

Whatever way you look at it, this seems to be a Ceaușescu moment for Justin Trudeau?

Willem, many of the ‘police’ thugs are recruited from eastern Europe, and more lately from places like Afghanistan. They give them a four week training course and then put them in a police uniform. They do this, of course, because local cops are a bit reticent about beating the crap out of their fellow citizens.

In France this has been going on since the rise of the Yellow Vest movement, more than 3 years ago now.

In ‘riot’ situations you can usually tell whose who from the boots the ‘police’ are wearing.


Hi @Everyman . Your comments about Antifa and the clip posted by @RobG are exactly in line with the “BLM” protests in the US. I remember several massive BLM protests where the day before the protest, piles of building bricks were unloaded onto pavements along the route of the planned protest. Soros has got to be first to the gallows after Nuremberg 2 along with … the list is too long to type out.


Make it the ‘gallows’ of whole-life daily attendance on a supervised community-service work-brigade (weekends off), plus reduction of personal wealth to average working-class income in the specific country. That should feed enough satisfaction to the instinct to vengeance to do the job…! :wink:

this article about the GoFundMe is interesting.

‘Conspiracy theorists’

“You have a lot of conspiracy theorists … who think that if they float their name out there on a GoFundMe campaign that they will be added to a government watch list.”


"NDP MP Charlie Angus said GoFundMe is a valuable tool to help raise money for good causes but he’s troubled by people donating money anonymously to a political cause.

“I’m sorry, if you’re putting big money into a cause like this, and it’s political and you’re calling for the overthrow of the medical standards that we have in place, I don’t think you get to hide behind anonymity,” he said. “We should know who you are.”

What was that about conspiracy theorists…

GoFundMe are taking money on false pretences - people think they will pass it on.
Devious politicians - every charitable donation is aimed at changing something.
Worse, the two working in tandem.

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Looks like those worthy people organising this fund weren’t conspiracy-minded enough (see below).

This was pre-covid - even the first sentence shows that the vaccination industry and its supporters the media had already nurtured the gaming strategy, rhetoric, caricatures, in lieu of rational debate about risks and benefits :frowning_face:.

Anti-vaxxers banned from raising money on GoFundMe

‘We will remove any campaigns currently on the platform,’ says crowdfunding company

Anti-vaxxers have been banned from raising money on GoFundMe in an attempt to stop the spread of conspiracy theories and misinformation.

The crowdfunding platform announced it was carrying out a “thorough review” following reports that one campaigner had gathered nearly $80,000 (£60,000) in donations.