If you remember, Snowden gave ‘secret files’ to Glenn Greenwald, a ‘safe pair of hands’ with a 'good reputation, who then helped found the Intercept with money from Peter Thiel and made himself very rich and famous.
Nothing changed really except we learned for sure that the government was constantly watching and recording our communications. Nobody went to jail, no spying agencies changed in the least. And most of the ‘revelations’ were NEVER revealed. It was NOT a wikileaks operation. It was a marketing operation for the PANOPTICON (Jeremy Bentham’s famous model prison where the prisoners knew that somebody COULD be watching them at all tiimes.)
Now Thiel’s former business partner Elon Musk has provided another ‘safe pair of hands’ Matt Tiabbi with the ‘Twitter Files’, but again it’s a limited release and the result again is the revelation that THEY, in this case the FBI, is monitoring our social media communications constantly. It’s the same scenario really as the Snowden dump.
My conspiracy theory: Thiel and Musk are ‘deep state’ fronts, Greenwald and Tiabbi are ambitious journalists who can be trusted to dig only so deep and not deeper.
And the result is a marketing campaign, marketing the PANOPTICON, that is, marketing the fear of communication. THEY understand the danger of the internet and social media as networking and educational tools for the modern slaves to demand and perhaps win more freedom, more financial security, more participatory democracy or whatever you want to call movements of liberation.
But when people are AFRAID to use the tool then the tool is useless. Then the TOOL is solely used for elite commercial and propaganda purposes.