5 Filters

And now the Facebook files

And now the Twitter Facebook files

We’ll all have heard about the Twitter Files.

Government ‘owns’ Facebook too.
And essentially moved in, telling them what to censor.

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), Chairman of the House Judiciary Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government, yesterday tried his hand at Twitter Files style reportage. He released a thread concerning Facebook and how that platform has “just obeyed orders” from the Biden administration.

This confirms social media as an arm of the state, with the government - and FBI etc - exerting pressure when it wants to. During the heat of the ‘vaccines’ controversy, when government priority was ‘vaccine’ uptake, the grip tightened.

It also means the US constitution was busted.
Of course similar moves have happened in the UK. Government strongarmers (and some who can walk through walls) think well if we own the car, why can’t I sit in the seat and drive it.



… and not forgetting WiCIApedia

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