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The coming collapse of Britain

Top notch piece here from Alex Krainer!

Video & transcript.

“Everything points… to a horrific cliff-edge looming… an avalanche of debts, defaults, evictions and unpaid bills to follow.”

Alex Krainer

Aug 27, 2024


Question is, when? Obviously can’t say an exact moment, but approximate breathing space would be nice

It feels close. I am relieved to have gotten my house move finished.

Would expect a bit of a back-to-school, then Christmas, respite but it’s very hard to see how some businesses can possibly survive. The high street is terribly grim in many places. Empty Wilko’s, empty M&Co, Poundland gone, vape shops galore, a whole arcade closed down. I was in Argos more or less alone which I’ve never seen before. Asda sucking in everything including all the traffic, people have to eat after all.

The killing blows will spread from Europe I think. Germany. France, Italy, etc, all blackmailed into buying prohibitively expensive fuel from Anyone But Russia. The USA is quite deliberately impoverishing us. But the reason will be green washed as The Climate Emergency: we just can’t afford to run cars anymore, sorry guys.

Everything, more or less, depends on the underlying cost of fuel. Therefore everything gets more expensive and we’re forced to make tough choices. Which is why I chose a town where the closed shops are at least in walking distance rather than a slightly more twee village where we’d end up pathetically grateful for the Iceland delivery van and pretty much bugger all else.

The Starmtroopers will bat on in the secure knowledge that their political reckoning is years away, and preaching pronouns and inane niceness, with ludicrous penalties for unskilful speech (“hate”), will keep us virtuous, if cold.


These are the darkest times I’ve ever lived through. It’s going to get really bad.

I won’t say what I really think; it’s far too depressing.

More here from The Duran - 16 minutes:

Starmer, destroying economy to tighten control


Dire warning from AK - really scary shit.

Video & text.

The fall of Britain (part 2)

Britain’s finances are “catastrophic.” The imminent unravelling will be for the history books…