My tuppenceworth.
One of the covid crimes was to scramble the testing and resulting data for political reasons.
That there was dishonesty around most things covid-related does not mean covid wasn’t dangerous - the numbers were rendered vague to the point of meaningless by the deliberately skewed tests.
If you did have the virus you would probably test positive; but in the PCR tests the number of cycles was set to such a high level that there could be no confidence that someone testing positive had anything resembling a disease.
Crucially, this time the official ‘diagnosis’ of the covid disease did not necessitate symptoms.
This polticization of medicine wrought havoc with perceptions of how dangerous the disease is; fooling both the skeptics and the faithful, and making accuracy very difficult.
Many diagnosed don’t have it - but then again, this means it is more dangerous for the people who do actually have it along with symptoms.
This might make it particularly dangerous for vulnerable groups that are a bit sceptical.
Rhis was armed with his early treatment (large dose Vitamin C) plan - but you can get ill and not realize it is actually covid, especially with variants changing the symptoms.
Assuming he wouldn’t have got tested, he would not have been able to implement his early treatment plan.
Something very similar happened to a neighbour. Slightly older than Rhis but very spritely, out every day on the bus - looked like never getting covid. No jab.
Eventually (late 2021) she took ill for more than a week, didn’t seem like covid. Was seen two or three times by healthcare inclusing Drs. Didn’t seem like covid. Was forced into hospital by neighbour pressure. Ambulance staff tested her (naturally!). Covid. Pneumonia, blood clot, Oops. It looked ominously bad.
Like Rhis they took good care of her - no ventilator or midazolam - though she had signed a do-not-resuscitate order (why?). Improved and released with some new ailments including very limited capacity for exercise due to shortness of breath. Still not fully recovered, main compaint is the breathlessness returns if she walks more than about 50m. Functional apart from that.
When first released she needed a fair bit of look-in care. Without this she wouldn’t have been able to be released.
I think it’s ironic that despite the zillions of tests forced on healthy people with no symptoms, many vulnerable people did not get tested when they had covid.
In healthy people the tests (implemented so as to maximize the number of covid diagnoses) might be a criminal fraud and large scale crime - but the chances are they will still flag up covid if it’s there, which is/was the normal use of a diagnostic test. Before covid, it was.
I wouldn’t say poor Rhis has been proven wrong but ironically looks like he may have been a victim of the bad messaging (certainly the case with my neighbour). Had there been a trustworthy, health-based use of testing, the alarm and mystique of covid would have been removed and the perhaps unusual category of vulnerable sceptics would have learned that the time to fear Covid is when you’ve actually got it, and there would have been a test that they could have a bit of faith in to verify the suspicion.