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Rhis is in hospital with Covid

Hi everyone,

I just got this information from a close friend of Rhis and I thought I would pass it on to all his friends here.

Your intuition is correct. Poor Richard is in hospital. He has Covid plus pneumonia. He has been in for 2 + weeks and is on Oxygen but doing ok. He is however very low and not coping well with the thought of what the future holds in terms of living independently on his boat again.

Anybody living close would be welcome to visit. He is in Warwick Hospital Avon Ward. 01926 495321 8375.

As you may know…he has no mobile. and doesn’t have his laptop. He has no energy even to read or listen to the radio. (probably just as well today!). All his efforts go into breathing. 😥

If I get any more information, I’ll post it here.

Cheers and hope everyone is well.


I’ve got COPD myself (I’m o.k got over a very nasty bout of flu no problem), so I’ve got some experience with this kind of thing…and know the kind of self-medicating Rhis practices…Thanks admin!


Wow that’s sad news indeed, please tell Rhis that Everyman wishes him the best and is thinking about him and looking forward to his recovery!


Thanks Admin. Will see him Tuesday. If anyone can give me a heads up on anything he likes (sweets etc (oranges seem a good shout)), and any messages you wished passed forward.

Will let you know how it goes.


I’m quite alarmed about Rhis being in hospital and I sincerely hope he’s going to be ok because in my experience if you go into hospital for whatever reason and test positive on a PCR test, they are highly likely to give you Remdesivir which has a 53% chance of killing you. As well as my own experience, I personally know at least two other people who have a family member who is now permanently maimed or has died in hospital because of this drug. This was also attempted on John O’Looney. There are many people in the video below who’ve testified about Remdesivir and the many other ways they are knocking us off. Eighteen months ago I was in bed in a large glass box in the HDU. No visitors are allowed in there. And if I hadn’t stopped the doctor from putting Remdesivir in my drip that day and if I had died nobody would have been any the wiser and my cause of death would have been written up as Covid Pneumonia. That is what is actually written on my paperwork right now - Covid Pneumonia. I didn’t have Covid Pneumonia symptoms. I didn’t have Covid at all and I had to fight my way out of that place. So my advice is to make damn sure if you have to go into hospital that you have someone - who knows the score - with you 24 hours a day.



Hi Local, please tell Rhis from me to hang in there, get back here and keep on sluggin’ Bro!


Thanks for the news. Poor old soul, wish him all the best.


Thanks for the news. I second everything @Rich has said. The NHS is now the National Death Service.

Bon chance @RhisiartGwilym


Admin, many thanks for the update.

LocalYokel, give Rhis my best wishes. If I were in his neck of the woods I’d try to get in to see him. Alas I’m in revolutionary France at the moment and am dodging Molotov cocktails.

Fresh orange juice is a good idea. I presume Rhis has a support network around him. He often mentions his daughter.


Sorry you had such a dreadful time Rich, sounds like yours is quite a story.

Remdesivir was initially only approved by dint of US politics, in the absence of studies showing its efficacy. Even ignoring recognized harms, it only seems to be of any help in early treatment.
But I don’t know if they are still using it in hospitals here. The online NICE guidelines seem confusing - one link takes you to 2020, another to a 350 page document.
Hopefully doctors have something more useful to consult.
As we know, Rhis is big on Vitamin C and was taking it, might have wanted bigger doses with covid. Hopefully his wishes have been expressed/understood via family/friends.


Maybe we should try to cheer Rhis up with a nice Coronation message, knowing as we do how much of a royal fan he is.
Something tasteful

Might make him laugh if we printed it off and sent it…?
Or would it get him thrown out?


Further to…update on info posted a couple of years back, in case of use.

Worth thinking about in advance - or to support you with your doc(s). I’d be most interested to hear how they explain this away.

Late treatment ‘meta-analyses’ in c19.com

(auto-generated by the site c19.com using their current studies)

Vit C Vitamin C for COVID-19: real-time meta analysis of 60 studies 27% over all studies
Vit D Vitamin D for COVID-19: real-time meta analysis of 285 studies (111 treatment studies and 174 sufficiency studies) 46% over all studies
Ivermectin Ivermectin for COVID-19: real-time meta analysis of 96 studies (ivmmeta) 43% over all studies
zinc Zinc for COVID-19: real-time meta analysis of 51 studies (40 treatment studies and 11 sufficiency studies) 26% over all studies
melatonin Melatonin for COVID-19: real-time meta analysis of 18 studies 45% over all studies

remdesivir Outcomes in COVID-19 remdesivir studies 11% over all studies

The ‘meta-analysis’ figures are a bit haphazard in that they combine improvements in different outcomes studied (recovery, hospitalisations, deaths); but the level of improvement strongly suggests general benefit.

{You can get these by going to the top menu and hovering over the menu item ‘Covid-19 Treatment studies for…’ and going to the treatment in the drop-down menu, select Meta (or select the treatment name to see the studies, which are critiqued by the authors, who are evidently medical}

Apart from remdesivir, all of the treatments shown have shown benefits for early treatment and prophylaxis as well - so they aren’t flash-in-the pans. Results quoted (including early and prophylaxis) have individual statistical significance.
In my humble view, these are statistically overwhelming, though still officially unrecognized!

This doesn’t include any known serious side effects - as only remdesivir is known to have.

There is no prophylaxis evidence for remdesivir - it would be far too expensive!
I left out hydroxychloroquine as it’s best given early and late treatment trial results have been contaminated by ridiculous overdoses.

Investigating Early treatment is similar, with similarly good results shown. Brings in hydroxychloroquine as well, except they won’t give you it and unlike the others, it isn’t easy to buy. Quercetin has good figures and is similar to HCQ in that it is a zinc ionophore (ie helps zinc into the cells to inhibit virus replication). So, apparently, is Ivermectin. Zinc along with these is thought to be even better. Remarkable that zinc helps so much on it’s own.
The main take-home is the earlier the ‘early treatment’ the better, within at most 6 days of onset of symptoms is the recommendation.

For medical info I recommend pointing doctors to the covid-19 critical care alliance
Treatment Protocols - FLCCC | Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance where a lot of top docs like Pierre Kory hang out.

Hope helpful.

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hi all, and so many thanks aly for letting us know. i was thinking i n the night about rhis, and the shakespearean nature of events on london, and how his condition, lying in bed with an oxygen amaks mask on, was a bit like th e graeat british empire, on its last legs.
apologies for typos, but my computer backspace, caps and symbols stopped woriking1…
mneed to log in on another computer… hang in their rhis, and will contribute what i can when youre out…

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You’re right to say Remdesivir was only approved by dint of US politics. In fact the clinical trials of “Run Death is Near” was stopped because some 30 (from memory) people on a small sample died. Any physician using Remdesivir is destined for Nuremberg 2.


Run Death is Near, Lol!
Gilead’s shares leapt $20bn in early 2020 because of Fauci’s evidence-free pronouncements and its adoption.

NICE seem to have dropped it at last, but I don’t know how energetically their decision was propelled downwards into hospitals.

Anyone in the area able to visit Rhis, please pass on this message.
Thank you

Wishing you strength for whatever the future holds Rhis.
Thank you for your cancer-related advice for my son; he’s on the level at the moment and marijuana oil seems to have helped.
I will keep on sluggin against the PBB that you helped me to accept as a thing many years ago on the old forum.
Strength and Peace brother,

Marknadim / Nadimhanbury


The artist was Bob Moran and the original is depicted as sold, for £32000, on his website.

And well worth it.

I echo the best wishes of fellow 5-filt’s members by sending good vibes and kind thoughts to Rhis.


Hi Mark - good to see you here! I remember Rhisiart’s advice when we set up “Step back” - which was, believe it or not almost exactly 10 years ago. Well they never took our advice, either to step back or to think about it. And the two battles we fought, for Syria and Novorossiya, remain ongoing, with the journalism in the West worse than it ever was and uniformly so. It now constitutes an existential threat, along with the millions of people who have swallowed the poison and are now addicted to it.
Rhis’ advice was supportive but cautious, without wanting to pour water on our great project - the ‘pledge’ to report honestly - but well seasoned by experience. I’ve a lot more now, as well as many struggles with ‘journalists’ under my belt, and knowing real journalists on the Myrotvorets kill list.

I think Rhis was one of the first on the MLMB with whom I chatted, and found inspiration from. Somethings he said seemed over the top, but now seem quite straight; the GICs really are gangsters in charge, and the bullshit blizzard is all encompassing!
atb David.


Rhis you wise cantankerous old surpriser,

Wishing you a prompt return to health and fighting the PBB.

You were instrumental in helping me get over a few remnants of conditioned ‘English reserve’ / ‘mustn’t grumble’ / ‘who am I to question …’ etc - these play a big role imo. Folks are miseducated to be ‘too polite’ etc.
I’d mostly got that nonsense out my system as a youngun, via a school fire and ensuing youth custody, but in my early 30s I still gave a little credit to the ‘lefty’ papers.

Along with other factors, your confident approach and PBB, GICs etc usage on the old MediaLens forum, helped me to be a more confident and happy exile from the mainstream.

Wishing you well bro!
