5 Filters

TLN posters on COVID - one thoughtful article, one looney joke and one ad hom attack - so no change

Hi folks
I noticed this post from Fionn :

depositing this substack on 2020 to 2022:

I noticed, with regret, his side-swipe at D Rancourt on his global warming position, but he fails to point out Rancourt’s current view that DR does not accept the existence of any pathogenic viruses - shame that as Darren Allen’s coverage of the rest of the “pandemic” is a useful reminder.

The TLN’s comments so far seem to follow their usual pattern.



Bunch of spunk trumpets. Pity.

The adhom on a deceased isn’t good especially when based only dimly on the facts.
There have been some good dignified responses to the sneering though.

I apologise.

They are mostly Spunk Trumpets.

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I will read the TLN comments with interest. The side-swipe at Rancourt stood out in what was an otherwise very good post. He was unfair to David Graeber too, I thought, but has been consistent in dissing DG, so there’s that.

I see that OffG is commended in a footnote (along with Simon Elmer and a few others). Am I alone in finding much of their recent content unreadable?

A shame that it is only possible to comment on Eggy’s substack if you’re a paying customer.

Pertinent, I daresay:

Today Pierre Kory MD related this recent encounter with a board-certified pathologist (or a “system pathologist”, Kory calls him):

“What is the spike protein? Is that something to do with vaccination or something? I don’t understand what people’s problems are with the vaccine, all I know is that the vaccinated are sick for 2 days while the unvaccinated are sick for 2 weeks.”

O-M-G…as Kory points out, a pathologist’s specialty is in identifying “pathogens.”
Nobody told him about the Spike Protein - yes from the vaccine, or something…something like covid.

But at least this shows the perils of relying on the nearest white coat.


Hi folks, I’m still watching the TLN thread -

  1. I see a couple of posters incorrectly ( according to information on this platform) state that Rhis died of Covid or Covid related reasons - as far as I recall Rhis went into Hospital in March 2023 for a planned heart operation - stents, new valve and a pacemaker. He was back home and posting here in early April 2023. At the end of April he returned to hospital with respiratory issues ( which a friend referred to as Covid plus Pneumonia ), he stayed in hospital for 3 weeks until 15th May 2023 when the Hospital discharged him. He passed away either on 20th or 21st May probably due to a stroke and a fatal fall. Please correct me if anyone knows more than this.

  2. The dispute over Chomsky’s view on the unvaccinated was clearly covered in the Egg article:
    note 14 " Chomsky said that the unvaccinated should ‘remove themselves from society’ and, if they should starve that was ‘actually their problem’. And what if they don’t want to remove themselves Noam? ‘Measures have to be taken to safeguard the community.’"
    Looking back to WWII the US "safeguarded the community by putting all Japanese residents of the USA into camps ( concentration camps? )

Actually, all previous epidemiological “solutions” would involve isolating the sick from the well not by isolating everyone but by only isolating the sick - lockdown of the healthy was a totally new and deranged policy and was linked to the insane claim that the asymptomatic ( also known as “healthy” !) can transfer a disease to anyone.
Of course few “experts” pointed out that none of the so-called vaccines had been shown to prevent catching a disease or transmitting it to others nor apparently had the side effects of the “vaccines” including death been communicated to the recipients or commentators like Chomsky.

  1. Finally we see the continued support of the views of one Doctor who as far as I know has not claimed to be an expert in MRNA jabs or the 100 year scam called “virology”. The same Doctor proclaimed his expertise in lecturing other doctors on the safety of surgical masks - but only where these are loosely fitted ( contrary to the NHS guidance on mask wearing by the public!), a point which seems to be missed by many.
    The support for the Doctor from one poster translates into censorship for the whole subject! Which is I believe why 5filters was established.

I suspect if anyone had suggested on TLN that there is a sound foundation for the “no-virus” theory their posting life would be quickly censored! ( I recognise this theory is not that popular here but until someone can point to one independent peer reviewed paper that can debunk Stefan Lanka’s work or that shows any virus has passed Koch’s postulates I will continue my support for it within the comfort of an open platform like 5filters. :grinning:
check out this on SL’s work:




Yes when the board view is disagreed with, it responds with hostility, like the mainstream. Respect gives way to sarcasm and authority rules. It looks as though the facts loosen up too.


Admin will likely know the most details. But the hospital was chomping at the bit to get him out when I saw him last. He was 100% better than the previous visit and seemed keen to go home. Possibly not as keen as the ward sister though.

His family arrived and they were not happy about him being discharged (understandable as they knew him far better than I ever would). It was time to leave at this point (I’m a random stranger to Rhys’s family).


I picked up these posts from Rhis’ and Admin’s posts:


your comments complete the picture - the hospital staff must have considered Rhis to be over the worst re his “covid plus pneumonia” bout - his prior operation a few weeks earlier could well have been a relevant factor but we have no evidence either way. Admin’s observations following a phone call on 18th May suggests Rhis still had issues but clearly a stroke could not have been anticipated and no-one seems to suggest that Covid was a factor. Some on TLN seemed to be quite keen to point to Covid as the factor (which it was not from the information we have) and in the same breath point to Rhis’ original views on Covid and those of this site.


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Not much to add to what you’ve written @CJ1.

Rhis was definitely over the worst of his battle with COVID, but he was clearly severely weakened by it. He spoke of it as one of the worst illnesses he had ever experienced. I suspect his recent operation left him in the extremely vulnerable category.

After hospital he was unable to move back into his boat for some days, and was looked after by an old friend in their house. Just the walk from the car park to the boat was too much exertion, let alone his frequent 5-10 mile cycle rides for groceries etc.

He did finally make it to the boat with help from his family. Apparently that was quite a struggle for him, but he made it. That first night back was the night he passed away.

In the end I don’t know if the stroke was confirmed. It’s possible that he had some undiscovered blood clots from COVID (common) or it’s possible it was something else entirely. I’m not keen to speculate.

That’s my understanding of the sequence of events leading to RGs death and hopeful reincarnation.

Personally I don’t think it was COVID that killed him. But it certainly left him in a very vulnerable state.

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Thanks for the comments @admin - on the Covid issue I wonder about the label Covid plus Pneumonia which was in one of your posts and came from a close friend - Pneumonia can be a killer without adding anything else!
I am of course coming at this from my own belief in the research showing that there have been no pathogenic viruses isolated and passing Koch’s postulates and hence any illness necessarily arises from other sources.
