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Neil Oliver: We must maintain the courage to stand against all evil, perpetrated by anyone

Me an’all, 100%. Good on you Neil!


Me, too, yet Oliver never actually goes there (because GBNews is whatever).

Fact No.1: the state known as Israel (which the Iranians label as ‘the Zionist entity’) illegally occupies most of what was once Palestine.

Fact No.2: just about every member of the UN acknowledges this fact, and over the years numerous UN resolutions have been passed that condemn Israel.

Fact No.3: for Palestinians to break out of the concentration camp known as Gaza, and attack an area that is called ‘southern Israel’ is not illegal or ‘terrorist’ under international law, because this area is internationally recognised as Palestinian land.


Welcome back @RobG

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Seconded. Welcome back RobG and ta for the facts!

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Marvellous. The first half owed quite a bit, I think, to this

I remember the days when Tim, the singer, used to do that Ian Curtis " look at the spaz" dance, maybe he still does.

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Hi Rob, nice to see you, and hope it’s been a positive summer season for you.

I agree that Neil Oliver is steering away from many specifics, it’s a marvellous and eloquent piece even so.

I use the Zionist Entity as a descriptor too, it captures something of the not-quite-human that is characteristic of the government-that-cannot-ever-be-criticised.

David Scott declared his distaste for the phrase, for no reason that made sense, on UKColumn a couple of weeks ago. He point-blank lied about the Zionist swarming of Al-Aqsa mosque the week before the 7/10 events, asserting that he was there (well… Tel Aviv at any rate) at the time, and only guided tours are allowed. A blatant lie, to ram the point home. Spooky Scott has been a little more careful with what he says since then.


Thanks all.

The International Court of Justice (ICJ) will hold public hearings to allow parties to give their views on the legal consequences of Israel’s occupation of the Palestinian territories before eventually issuing a non-binding legal opinion

This is based on the most recent UN vote about the illegal occupation of Palestine. 87 voted against the Israeli occupation. 26 voted for it (usual suspects). 53 countries abstained from voting. Whatever way you spin it, this doesn’t look good for what the Israelis are doing.

For those who didn’t see it, Scott Ritter stood in for Galloway on last Wednesday’s show and was quite eloquent about it all. Also, pro-Palestine demonstrations worldwide have been on a scale I’ve never seen before during the 50 or so years I’ve been watching this carnage unfold.


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Bonjour Karen. Yes, we had a good summer season. Anyone in the hospitality bizz will tell you that it’s often hard work, yet on the flip side of that you get to meet a lot of interesting people.

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I must correct myself: Scott was back to his hissing worst in the edition of Monday 23 October, casually babbling that it was definitely the case that Islamic Jihad blew up that hospital courtyard, without pausing for breath. In the ‘Extra’ broadcast he returned to the subject and justified this opinion (although he presented it as solid fact) because he has seen what Palestinian rockets do and the incident in question was exactly like that.


Apologies, K - I’ve not seen UKC for a while - though I recall you saying something about Patrick H being mia - is that still so? I can’t imagine Patrick putting up with the confused Scott’s bullshit…

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I have been campaigning on the UK Column forum pointing out all of David Scott’s prejudices. I’ve had some support and independent posts along similar lines. However, some seem to think he’s entitled to an opinion. My argument is as a ‘reporter’, his responsibility is to report facts and analysis based on facts, not opinions.


There’s also the possibility that the Israelis did it with a Palestinian rocket.

I haven’t been looking at the Forums. Will do so. (I have been sniping at him on Twitter)

A few days ago Brian Gerrish said that Patrick Henningsen had “moved on”. The tone of voice was rather like the HR minion’s telling you that the new Head of Department had decided “…the job was not for her…” i.e. a behind-doors back-stabbing. A shame as he was easily the most eloquent (sometimes verbose, admittedly) presenter they had.


Perhaps Scott should check this out:

Sarayafi: The bombing of Al Ahli Hospital.

Blimey Karen, have you not noticed Vanessa?

We challenged Scott over the Huwarra attack some time ago when he told everyone that the IDF is a moderating influence on the West Bank. We suggested to him that some of what he said made him sound like a Christian Zionist. He got back to tell us that, since we’d already decided he was a Christian Zionist there was no point in him arguing the toss. . .

Brian Gerrish defended Scott to us as well.

Last straw. (After their disgusting character assassination of Rosemary Frei back in Vanden Bossche days and their ongoing refusal to engage with ‘no viruses’. . .). We’ve not bothered with them for a while now.


Oh dear, not sure I’ll hasten back to UKC then, Friday’s with PH were far and away the better shows. I’ll stick with TNT for now. Cheers

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Before discounting UK Column, note that David Scott has not been on the program on Wednesday or Friday last week. However I do miss Patrick with his wry sarcasm.


I couldn’t get that video to load in Instagram and can’t find it on her personal site.

I have a lot of sympathy with your conclusion @AlanG and, yes, sure, I have noticed Vanessa and applaud her for her input. David Scott can muster a good harangue from time to time but he can’t stand any of his arguments up and insults the UKC audience by assuming people won’t remember what he said a week ago and he can therefore say the opposite this week. If any of it was couched in “sources say…” hedging then I could tolerate it, but yeah: Christian Zionist covers it very well.