This is 15 minutes of video by Ryan Dawson. If you don’t know who he is, well my opinion is he is not a great interviewer or interviewee, but he is an incredible researcher. On a par with Whitney Webb, where he quotes all his sources, names names, and follows every rabbit hole.
This video is a taster for his much longer one, done some time before the “release of the JFK files” which we now know to be heavily redacted.
Hi @admin . I did watch it and a lot of the JFK stuff in that is supported by Ryan Dawson. I just think that “who dunnit” is a waste of time now as most of them are six feet under. However, what is important and I think now is beyond doubt, even for the real skeptics, is that the US security apparatus was deeply involved, whoever and however it was done. Nothing changes until someone ‘drains the swamp’. When that happens, I’ll wake up to find my coffee cold again!