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don’t have the energy for now to scrutinise this to see whether it makes sense:


Out of those vaccinated will be the cause of 60 - 70% of hospitalisations and deaths. This is the Government’s own website telling you on page 10 of the road map.

According to a UK government study, the rise in Corona deaths and hospitalizations is dominated by people with two Corona vaccinations already.

The British government is not a neutral driver of the Corona crisis, and its statements should therefore not be taken at face value. However, one should take note of the explosive news, which is found - albeit well hidden - in an official government paper and does not fit at all with the usual official pronouncements: “vaccinated” people with already two doses of vaccination now make up the majority of corona sufferers in the UK and even dominate their numbers. They account for about two-thirds of all cases.

In the study to be found on the website of the British government study entitled “SPI-M-O: Summary of further modelling of easing restrictions - Roadmap Step 2” dated March 31, 2021, states (page 10) that:

"The resurgence in both hospitalisations and deaths is dominated by those that have received two doses of the vaccine, comprising around 60% and 70% of the wave respectively. This can be attributed to the high levels of uptake in the most at-risk age groups, such that immunisation failures account for more serious illness than unvaccinated individuals. This is discussed further in paragraphs 55 and 56.“

Link of the study: https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/975909/S1182_SPI-M-O_Summary_of_modelling_of_easing_roadmap_step_2_restrictions.pdf

Backup Link: https://blog.fdik.org/2021-04/S1182_SPI-M-O_Summary_of_modelling_of_easing_roadmap_step_2_restrictions.pdf

It’s modellin’ innit…

32.The resurgence in both hospitalisations and deaths is dominated by those that have received two doses of the vaccine, comprising around 60% and 70% of the wave respectively. This can be attributed to the high levels of uptake in the most at-risk age groups, such that immunisation failures account for more serious illness than unvaccinated individuals. This is discussed further in paragraphs 55 and 56

I think this is just because the vaccine uptake is so much higher in older individuals:

56.This shows that most deaths and admissions in a post-Roadmap resurgence are in people who have received two vaccine doses, even without vaccine protection waning or a variant emerging that escapes vaccines. This is because vaccine uptake has been so high in the oldest age groups (modelled here at 95% in the over 50-year olds). There are therefore 5% of over 50-year olds who have not been vaccinated, and 95% x 10% = 9.5% of over 50-year olds who are vaccinated but, nevertheless, not protected against death. This is not the result of vaccines being ineffective, merely uptake being so high

Interesting that immunity features in the modelling now:

26.In addition to their central scenario, Warwick consider a range of scenario analyses for the extent of transmission after Step 2(Figure3). As expected, the higher R is during this time, the larger the resurgence. It can take a long time until the combination of the vaccine rollout and increased immunity from infection counteracts this increase in transmission.
27.The highest rates of transmission result in several hundred deaths a day, but hospital occupancy remains below the peak seen in January 2021. Most scenarios, however, are considerably less pessimistic than this. In these scenarios, “R” denotes “R excluding the effect of vaccine or natural immunity”, so the effective R would be lower in each case.

You don’t hear the phrase ‘natural immunity’ much! Or that past infections confer it.

One of MIke Yeadon’s criticisms of the original disease modelling that produced exponential outcomes was that they didn’t include any level of immunity, and he suggested taking 30% off the R number and running it again. I don’t know if he had access to the documentation to know this for sure early on, or whether it’s something they started doing.

Cheers Rippon

"This is clearly a depopulation agenda" (not my words)

This is a discussion between Dr Sherri Tenpenny, Chrisitne Northrup, Lee Merrit, and others. If you think videos don’t compete with actual scientific studies, then just reads a few of the quotes below before discounting an hour and a half of your time.

“We [the unvaccinated and not close to those that took the jab] are going to be the new species”

“This is a eugenics experiment and it is not a vaccine”

“… created a research study for women with mentrual cycle issues. Their Facebook pages have been deleted, their Instagram accounts are shurdown”

“If you don’t look at this as a planned program of depopulation, then you are not going to come to the right conclusions”

“… if you think this is all by accident, then I think you will find you will sorely mistaken”

From the Project For A New American Century (Wolfowitz, Cheney et al) "Advanced forms of biological warfare that can target specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool [my emphasis]"

Thanks Pat. Well the criminality is there - but that’s the easy part! Who would the new big players be though? PNAC was about US dominance whereas the buzz now is Big Tech dominance. Or are the crims just wearing new clothes.

Just looking at this report again I can’t see how this claim (that more deaths will arise from vaccinated people because more of the older people are vaccinated) even makes sense.

"The resurgence in both hospitalisations and deaths is dominated by those that have received two doses of the vaccine, comprising around 60% and 70% of the wave respectively. This can be attributed to the high levels of uptake in the most at-risk age groups, such that immunisation failures account for more serious illness than unvaccinated individuals. This is discussed further in paragraphs 55 and 56.“

Here is where they explain it further:

(P18 of 23) Who becomes seriously ill in a resurgence?
55.Figure 11 illustrates the age and vaccination status of those hospitalised (left) and dying (right) over time in Warwick’s central scenario for the whole Roadmap (equivalent to Figure 4). The top plots are absolute numbers and the bottom plots are as a proportion of those admitted or dying.56.This shows that most deaths and admissions in a post-Roadmap resurgence are in people who have received two vaccine doses, even without vaccine protection waning or a variant emerging that escapes vaccines.This is because vaccine uptake has been so highin the oldest age groups (modelled here at 95% in the over 50-year olds). There are therefore 5% of over 50-year olds who have not been vaccinated, and 95% x 10% = 9.5% of over 50-year olds who are vaccinated but,nevertheless,not protected against death. This is not the result of vaccines being ineffective, merely uptake being so high."

Here is Fig 11.

In the graph the highest predicted deaths are in the reddish colours (the unvaccinated) and the lowest deaths are in the bluish (the vaccinated) - for all ages. This is as you would expect as the assumption that vaccinations will reduce infections and deaths is central to the model!

The real surprise is surely that predicted second peak around August. That would be a third wave. According to the report that’s partly because of seasonal resurgence in the virus, pesky people not getting vaccinated and the lifting of restrictions.

I should add that they say they didn’t take ‘variants’ into account. But it’s variants that are given as the reason for caution. A bit of a contradictory message?

The forecast peak is pretty newsworthy - but then, you always get newsworthy predictions from modellers.

I see there’s just been a new post by Rhis on these perplexities