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AdapNation Podcast #143 - Reflections on Covid mania w/ Ivor Cummings

A really good conversation about where we are and where it’s going.

'Ivor Cummins is one of the leading voices of reason, science and truth when it comes to this #coronavirus crisis.

If you haven’t already, go listen to the hugely popular first COVID-19 conversation with Ivor Cummins (#132) published 1st June. Also, you MUST follow Ivor on Twitter, as he’s an absolute machine when it comes to pumping out the real science on COVID-19 – @FatEmperor.

Wow, what a discussion! We took off the kid gloves and ripped this covid-response subject wiiiide open. It will not disappoint.

This is your time to act. Consume this conversation, think through what is being said, and work through some fo the referenced content. And then…stand up and be counted!

Have the courage to speak up. Break down your cognitive dissonance, overcome your vulnerabilities, and help people make sense of this mess. Start by sharing this podast, and merely ask that people listen with an open mind. And if people have issue with what is said, direct them AdapNation’s way.

Thank you. Let’s try and divert this train wreck of a global hysteria and fearmongering response to #coronavirus.

Excellent post Spike! Thanks!

A few thoughts to discuss with Pontius, re. something of which we were speaking in an earlier pondering: Ivor points out three things which he thinks - without having to invoke some global conspiracy of the powerful ‘elites’, and all their captive pocket-politicians, in all the countries - can still account for the uniformity of response, and the - apparent, but not actual - big, big spike in excess deaths, getting reported from around the world.

These are:

  • The very widespread psychotic fear attacks which appear to have turned so many brains to mush, and which have afflicted, as we’ve witnessed directly ourselves, not just sheep-like flock followers, but also lots of formerly-esteemed intelligent, even dissident minds, who’ve all been swept away by the terror blizzard. Tedious Terror Derangement Syndrome.

  • The lust for technocratic ‘solutions’ for all of life’s challenges which is so widespread, and so deeply-rooted, in the managerial class, the academics, and the politicians. From the very beginning of their childhood social indoctrination, they’re all trained in - and have shown a well-filtered aptitude for - the onward-and-upward-forever, PROGRESS!!! techno-narcissism of our time. (I have a great-grandson, still only six, who, since about the age of three, has manifested a quite unmistakable fascination with machines and technology; like many another such child, he’ll be a natural for this fixation…) And from this fixation, again without any need to invoke a global conspiracy, flows the obsession with huge global vax-surveille-and-CONTROL visions (with added huge wealth-trough in prospect, to sharpen the enthusiasm even further). This tendency, btw, plays right into Dmitry Orlov’s concept of the malign emergent egregore of the technosphere, currently trying to seize control of the world, and of we humankind whom it despises and dislikes, despite its need for us as essential technicians and servants.

  • The by-now widely-heard admission amongst many health professionals that they have been cowed from standing up and saying publicly: “Wait a minute! That’s not right. Not in my direct experience…” by the widespread atmosphere of coercion, with the unspoken but instantly clear threat of career-and-income trashing, coming down from their managerial stiffs.

To these three vital matters described by Ivor, I’d add:

The need amongst ‘our leaders’ to save face after having charged hysterically into the chaotic over-reaction stampede, so that they now feel a strong urge to double down on their over-control policies; and this, of course, quite apart from the lusted-after extra power and control that they always desire. Add in the constant changing of the latest panic points blasting out over the media, as the previous ones become obviously untenable even to the casual lay onlooker, and also the universal fiddling with the - alleged - facts of the matter. These motivations can explain easily why so many places seem to have been inflating their numbers of excess deaths, quite spontaneously, without the need to invoke a global collusion going on. Come to think of it, Ivor does actually touch on this point too. Thoughts. P?

Hi RG and Spike!

I’ve only watched about half the video so far. I’ll try and pick it up again later. Some good points for sure.

Rhis, I don’t have a huge disagreement with any of your three points. The question is what conclusion might we draw from that? It reminds me of something Yuval Harari said in an interview once.

student: I just don’t know if God exists…
Rabbi: What? But just look around you. Look at the Universe. See how much beauty, how much organisation, how delicately balanced, the whole thing it, how finely tuned each and every parameter is. How completely set up the whole thing is for life. Can you really imagine that this vast, beautiful, amazingly organised, finely balanced, optimised for life Universe came about purely by accident? There must be an organising intelligence behind it all!
student: Well… it is amazing. Perhaps you’re right…
Rabbi: Right! …and THAT’S why a man cannot have gay sex with another man!


Something of that reasoning was also demonstrated in the now legendary interview of Luke Harding by Aaron Mate. I can agree with your well made points above, but still not see a direct link to faked death certs.

As far as the death counts go, there are really only two possibilities:

  1. There has been no real increase in excess deaths this year - it’s all faked all over the world
  2. There has been in increase in excess deaths this year (for some reason)

For (1) to be true we would need some kind of evidence that hundreds (more?) of people who fill out death certificates around the world have been busily writing out hundreds of thousands of fake certificates. Has this ever happened before? Do we have a single whistleblower saying that they had to invent a death in order to fill out a form? I’ve not seen one - but they could be out there.

For (2) to be true, we would need to see some evidence that hospitals are more full than usual, morgues to be more full than usual and places like crematoria are more busy than usual.

I believe we have seen all those things happen. Dr Dan, the Chief Medical Officer of TLN, has given direct experience of what happened in London. They almost ran out of oxygen in the ICUs, they had so many patients. The same thing happened in Milan - lines of refrigerated trucks carting away bodies from hospitals. The same thing happened in certain cities of the USA. The same thing happened in Wuhan - crematoria running 24/7. Could all of these stories (including Dr Dan) be faking? I guess it’s possible, but without evidence we’re just speculating.

So I have enough evidence for myself to believe that we are seeing a true spike in excess deaths this year. I don’t remember anything like it in my entire lifetime.

That leaves the question, that if we accept the fact of excess deaths, what might be causing all these deaths? @PatB had a stab at identifying some possible causes other than covid. Some of those points could be very valid. It could be that many people who needed some life saving surgery, got that surgery cancelled because hospitals were covid-only zones.

There are points that I would be willing to consider and discuss in these examples, but as of right now I’m finding it really hard to believe that there have been no excess deaths this year so far.

Ok - that’s a long rambling post. Think I’ll leave it there for now.


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Sorry but this is patently false. All it needs is one or two compliant computer geeks and the whole system that compiles stats for organisations like the ONS, becomes BS. Real results multiplied by X (being any factor that those in control want) and you have a magical spike. One only needs to research the US elections from 2000, to see how easy this is. I’m not saying this is the case, but it is certainly possible, and in my humble opinion, a distinct possibility.

I too have seen pictures of the lories taking bodies. I’ve also seen many more pictures of the empty morgue tents outside the New York hospital which was “the epicenter of the epicenter.”

And one really needs to address the spike. As I said in a previous post, weekly or daily data up to the point of the “spike” was up and down. All of it within or very close to what would be predicted from previous years.

A few days after the lockdown, the spike is clearly visible. However it was a completely straight line up, no curve at the top, and then completely straight line down and immediately back to the bounds of normality. The UK and US graphs were the same in this respect. This (to me at least) says one of two things.

Either it’s BS, or there was an “event” that caused the spike.