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Absolutely dyamite statement by whistleblower senior nurse on yesterday's UKColumn News

The trickle of evidence against the criminal con to which we are being subjected threatens to turn into a flood (and please flash on, do!). This courageous woman’s testimony is scarifying. She has to inject the poisons despite knowing the truth, and she gets nothing but ridicule, and threats from management, when she tries to point out the problems. Her home financial circumstances are dire, and she daren’t push things to the point of losing her job - and her standing as a senior nurse. At one point she’s clearly reduced to tears. Listening to the excuses that her colleagues give when she tries to recruit them into resistance, I hear horrifying resonances with what the German citizenry said, when asked why they didn’t resist the rise of the nazis. This scam really is starting to feel that bad:


I watched last night and it was very powerful. However, the use of terms like ‘genocide’ weaken an otherwise very convincing account.

Unfortunately the fact checker bastards will seize upon this and use it to undermine the whole thing.

Tempting, so so tempting, to vent, I know.

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I guess it depends whether you credit the more outre claims about the longer term purposes of the injections. There’s some evidence - I wouldn’t call it conclusive yet - that something like that may be purposed by the gatesoids. I could certainly believe it of Gates himself, who - the more I see of him - looks to me like a smirking criminal psychopath. The sort who could easily entertain such megalomaniac ideas, especially if he’s kidded himself that a huge-ish pile of personal wealth will deliver success with such scams into his hands. And he is, self-avowedly, in favour of doing something effective about the current population overshoot.

I winced a bit too on hearing the word genocide. But if the more extreme scenario really is what’s happening, is it inappropriate?

Remember that both Mike Yeadon and Reiner Fuellmich have said recently that, as no-nonsense, steady, middle-class professionals, they have little time for wild theories - and yet, in the course of gathering the information which they are now publicising, they have realised that the more extreme interpretations, which they wouldn’t have taken seriously a year ago, are being forced on them by the sheer weight of the facts they’re encountering. That seems to me to be quite a jolting observation, especially coming from those two, independently.

I remain open-minded about just how bad it is. But I always think we should guard against intellectual and emotional timidity preventing us from thinking about the worst that may be happening. The harsh fact is that, from time to time in history, the worst does actually happen; an episode of demons escaping from hell does actually come over us. The price of not letting that happen this time is sharp vigilance, a cool nerve when appraising shocking ideas, and a steady willingness to act decisively when it seems imperative.

There’s the further consideration that we are already in a time of huge crisis. Peak Everything continues its slow, remorseless tightening down of the screws of the Long Descent; the consequent economo-financial hyper-disaster continues its build up of pressure towards an inevitable explosion; and anyone with any ability at all in clear-seeing - as plenty of gics have, as well as plenty of we commoners - can see that there’s some sort of Titanic crash hoving up on the horizon. Precise outline unclear, but looming presence unmistakable.

In those circumstances, it might seem to some gic factions that deliberately triggering a grand crisis, and then attempting to steer it towards desired outcomes, could well be the best sauve-qui-peut bet to take. Right alongside the technique of the Big Lie, in their minds, is the technique of the Audacious Bold Stroke. Recently outed information makes it pretty clear that they’ve been conferring and planning about a ‘pandemic’ scam for some years now. And there seem to have been previous dry-runs with earlier mini ‘pandemics’.

Intent of genocide? Well, it could all add up that way…

Yesterday’s UKC was very powerful. As have been all the recent editions of that excellent news service.

The testimony from the nurse was astounding.

I agree with KE - I think terms such as genocide should be avoided as they welcome dismissals of UKC as hyperbolic.

I also agree with that which Alex T said about how he is now refusing to speak of the experiment jabs as ‘vaccines’ - a distinction needs to hammered home.

It’s astounding looking at the yellow card reporting - as Brian G commented recently, if the bought mainstream so chose it could use the gvt’s own stats (even if it is probable that they are not capturing all adverse reactions) to absolutely hammer this worldwide jab experiment/programme - the stats are terrifying, and if the public were made aware of the level of ARs, and a similar fear campaign to that waged by the Sagers were to be staged then I think an overwhelming majority of those yet to be jabbed would sensibly be reluctant to join in with the filthy trial currently underway. Alas, for those duped souls that have been injected - there’s no going back.

One more thing - there’s an increasing number of so called health experts advocating ‘mixing and matching’ the jabs - it’s unbelievable! We don’t yet know what the med-long term outcomes of having a sole jab might be, yet ‘experts’ are saying it’s ok to mix any of the iffy products!! Of course, the companies producing these chemical soups don’t care a hoot as they are comfortable in the knowledge that their exemptions are firmly in place. It really is truly terrifying.

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Yes, that was an excellent point.

Until recently I’d shied away from “jab” as it seems so flip, and it’s the term so often used by the Disinformation Superspreaders. But maybe that’s a conscious choice on their part too, based on the knowledge that the vaccines are nothing of the sort.

So that’s an example I’ll follow too.

Agreed, the nurse made a powerful speech and you you could hear the emotion in her voice, but I too winced a little at the repeated use of the term “genocide” which is likely to lose her credibility in many circles, who might question her judgement elsewhere. And also she mentioned that PEG (Polyethylene glycol) used in “the jab” was anti-freeze, whereas I believe that is Ethylene Glycol. However, perhaps I’m being a little harsh, and should also take on the following point that …

Talking of the worst happening, as Pfizer’s chief announces that a third shot may be needed as the immunity may not last more than six months… we shouldn’t overlook what is happening with Biden vs Russia right now. not only are they lying through their teeth about the Ukie tank columns heading for Donbass, but now Biden has pushed through sanctions over Russiagate as if the Mueller enquiry never happened. He really does want conflict with Russia, on multiple fronts, supported by the supplicant colonials. And here there is total silence, and silent approval of action against Russia and China and Iran, as well as total idiocy over our need to get vaccinated. Only here we are all begging for more Pfizer, as AZ causes blood clots in two in a million, and no-one wants it. There is nothing - NOTHING - in our media to suggest ANY side effect from Pfizer; I even doubt it myself, as everyone believes Big Brother… thought-crime.


Take a look at the ‘Not a Plan-demic’ post just below, D. Makes it rather clear that the gics and their technocrat servants reckon they’ve hit a pleb-control jackpot with their weaponising of TDS (Terror Derangement Syndrome)… But they’ve been planning and practicing for what’s happening now, for years.

We seem more and more clearly to be in the midst of a coup, at least in what Saker describes as Zone A. (I doubt whether Russia, China and their many allies and potential allies in Zone B will succumb).

Unfortunately for the shysters running the coup, it doesn’t seem to be going as smoothly as they hoped, even in Zone A. The precipitation of this current putsch seems to have been triggered by sheer panic over the tottering global financial house-of-cards. As Dmitry Orlov was pointing out a while back, the real alarm-sounder was that little-noticed inter-bank lending crisis in 2019, also highlighted in the Schreyer information video linked at ‘Not a Plan-demic?’ Dmitry fingered it around the time it happened as the defining moment when the West finally lost its struggle with the rising powers of the North and the East; the key signal of an irretrievably-moribund, dollar-poxed system.

This consequent coup-attempt smells of a rushed, desperate throw, which isn’t really working. The wheels are definitely coming off the scam. The signs of unrest and fight-back - outside of cowering, brain-dead Oz, perhaps - are springing up encouragingly. According to some Aussies who post btl on Off-G, even Oz isn’t totally void of Awake And Paying Attention people. But they mostly feel obliged to keep their heads down just now, so universal is the belligerent delusionality there. AAPA people are reduced to recognising each other by semi-secret signs, like early Christians in the Roman empire.

Sadly, by the time that the scam has run out of steam in the Anglozionist empire and its zone of influence, I imagine a substantial portion of the population will have submitted themselves willingly - the poor suckers - to the poison injections, with god knows what bad effects waiting for them down the line. Quite a small epidemic of immediate death and other serious effects are happening already, according to the records getting uncovered by - for example - the guys at UKColumn news; producing a nasty blend of outright silence and carefully-spun playdown right now amongst the Western lamestream mediawhores and the pocket pols. The phrase ‘extremely rare’ has been getting rather hackneyed lately - as well as being a damned lie. :laughing:

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So I’ve just listened to the nurse’s statement and I have to say that I’m very confused. Hey concerns seem to be that

  1. The safety data was not carefully reviewed
  2. animal trial data for MERS and SARS were not considered
  3. Pfizer is still collecting safety and efficacy data for the next 2 years
  4. The “PIL” wasn’t routinely being made available to patients getting the jab

Somehow she goes from these fairly low level concerns to “genocide”, “complicit in the atrocity”, “Nuremberg style trials” etc etc.

What on earth? She sounds terrified. Maybe a case of what you call TDS?

I can’t, for the life of me, work out what’s got her so terrified. Nothing she said, for sure. Maybe it was something in the previous episode of UKC that she was referring to? Not giving patients the “PIL” ain’t genocide as far as I can see.

I also found it telling that she couldn’t get a single other person from the entirety of her colleagues to share her worries.

Finally I couldn’t understand why she wouldn’t call, at least the AZ vaccine, a “vaccine”. It seems to be based on entirely known vaccine technology as far as I am aware. I’m pretty sure that the vast majority of vaccinations in this country have been AZ vaccinations. Why are they not true vaccinations?

Something feels very weird to me here. I think I’ve entirely missed the point?

Scratching my head…

Yes the issues that you listed are valid concerns but don’t necessarily amount to specific malicious intent, though it could be viewed differently if it turns out the vaccine causes widespread deaths or life-altering changes - in that case all the deliberate negligence would take on a different hue, as after all people would not have had informed consent and that would be seen as deliberate.

I imagine she had worries about some of the vaccine outcomes but didn’t want to give identifying information. I agree outlets shouldn’t pick up on genocide claims without clarification of what is meant. It’s tricky for UKColumn, who have received reports in this vein by other senior care staff following the early rollout among the most elderly when there seemed to be more deaths than expected. I think it’s down to them to clarify the basis of their use of the term and what it is based on.

Other than the G- word the four items are serious infringements in my view - people don’t know what they are taking, and often their doctors don’t and almost no-one at a lower level in the chain of administration knows the issues.

Re vaccine terminology I would side with this nurse - there hasn’t been a mRNA/gene therapy ‘vaccine’ on the market, nor one for any Coronavirus so it isn’t established vaccine technology, other than what was established being the discovery of an unsurmounted problem - antibody-dependent enhancement. This links the four items as it was what scuppered the previous coronavirus attempts at the animal/human stage; this time the solution seemed to be to skip the animal trials and ride any problems out in public with denials.
Also, Moderna (for Mode-rNA) have never had a vaccine of any kind on the market before but have a string of other gene therapy products in the pipeline.
In my view the word ‘vaccine’ has been used as a brand - meaning, “from the good people who brought you (…previous allegedly life-saving vaccines)”, which also lacked proper informed consent.
This carefully crafted aura of trust in the providers -and med authorities - is desperately shored up by the establishment by unprecedented censorship and public smearing. It is also wholly unmerited due to the chequered history of vaccines and the often criminal behaviour of the pharma companies.
So a lot of past successful propaganda is packed into this word - so much so it’s caused a word explosion in my reply - maybe I’m reading too much into it, but in my view the vaccines that don’t start with the injection of a piece of virus should be seen and described as ‘experimental vaccines’ to avoid burying the differences that most recipients are only dimly aware of.


One renegade narrative that seems to be gaining ground now, P, is that the - obviously fake - lying and hysteria that ‘our rulers’ are putting out is really part of a push to sneak in eugencist, or population-culling scams.

The story is that the gics see, just as well as lots of others, that we are in an unholy mess economically, and there’s a distinct chance of a disastrous worldwide meltdown of trade and of food grown for sale.

So far, so credible. Then there’s the sober, objective fact that the human species is indeed in a population-overshoot episode right now, even though the passionately eugenicist-averse really don’t like this idea, and think that it should never be asserted as a fact, though it is one. Somehow, techie-techie is going to solve that alleged problem, and pull ten or twelve billion of us all into West European levels of prosperity… Yeah, right!

Since there is obviously a gatesoid scam going on around the covid thing, rumour is rife that the crypto-eugenicists - Gates being fingered as a prime one - are using the vaccine stampede as a means to get something plausibly-deniable but deadly into lots of useless-eater bodies, to set a biological time-bomb ticking which will over the next few years begin a significant ‘natural’ - alleged - cull of lots of us.

So goes this narrative. And I have to say, it has a certain surface-level - at least - plausibility. In my surfing about, I meet a lot of people discussing such scenarios. I presume that the un-named nurse has run across these discussions too. That’s what occurred to me when she suddenly said ‘genocide’ out of the blue. That’s what this narrative is saying; lots of people are hearing it; and - to make matters even more worrying - solid, grounded, ‘normal’ bourgeois professionals such as Mike Yeadon and Reiner Fuelmich are saying with some astonishment that such a story told to them a year ago would have been brushed aside at once as cloud-cuckoo stuff. BUT, now that they have been researching intensively into what’s happening, they find to their own astonishment - and considerable chagrin - that their assembled facts do indeed point to some hair-raising possibilities, well outside what normally happens in the stable lives of the Pampered Twenty Percent, in more relaxed times.

When I heard the lady say genocide, I assumed she had been hearing quite a bit of the narrative sketched above, and it had got to her. And since she seems to have been saying this to her bosses and her colleagues, sure enough they’re all going to jump for the cospithirry-nutter thought stopper. Presumably because they haven’t been exposed to the many telling threads of information which lead towards this narrative. They are still where Mike and Reiner were before they started digging seriously. And nobody wants to be dragged from that relatively comfortable state of belief, into a realisation which would make them absolutely horrified. And of course, this clinging to the shreds of comfort offered by our nearly-vanished normality is going to be all the more obdurate, the worse the current scam crisis gets. There’s no wonder that - as she says - a lot of her colleagues know and admit sotto voce that something is not right with the official blah, but they won’t stand up with her. They too are terrified for their work and their livelihoods. And of course they’re blind scared of having to face the awful possibilities of which she insists on speaking. Makes good sense to me that things would be the way she describes: beat the bringer of truly horrible news out of doors, pronto! Hang on to what you’ve got, and hope that the worst will fall on someone else, outside your circle of nearest and dearest…

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Yes, as usual you’ve put your finger on it. If it is known that these vaccines will cause widespread death, and good people like this nurse are being silenced with the threat of losing their job or whatever, then that is truly an atrocity.

I didn’t hear the nurse actually say that anywhere though. And so far I’ve not seen any evidence of that or heard anyone explicitly say that this is happening.

Hence I don’t understand the nurse’s testimony at all… In the absence of such malicious intent, and mass deaths, what exactly is her problem and the source of her terror?

I don’t get it at all… Unless, of course, this is happening and I’m just missing it.

On vaccine technology I was specifically asking about the adenovirus based AZ vaccine - by far the most widely used one in this country. No fancy mRNA funny business there, right? Surely there’s no reason not to call that one a vaccine?

Again, I think I’m missing something here…


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Evening RG

What you say makes logical sense. The problem I have is that the whistleblowing nurse didn’t say any of that. I’m not sure, after listening to her testimony, what she blew the whistle on exactly? That her colleagues laughed at her and called her names? That she thinks there’s anti-freeze in the Pfizer vaccine (is that so that it can be stored at -70 degrees?). Being threatened with the sack is no joke, obviously in these difficult times. That’s shocking. But then that seems to be all the rage these days. Nurses in Sweden and the US were fired for wearing face masks in the hospital. Bonkers.

She seemed very troubled and scared by the thought of the jabs, but at no point said what was troubling or scary about them… A whistleblower without a whistle.

I can see your arguments clearly, and there’s lots to consider and discuss there (according to the Georgia Guidestones we have to get the population back down to only 500 million), but I’ve listened to the nurse three times now and I honestly have no idea what her actual problem is…

Sorry. I must be denser than usual today…

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As far as I can make out (I can’t place the where I read or watched an explanation right now), that adenovirus is genetically modified so as not to be able to replicate once inside cells. As to how significant or not that genetic modification is to any future health issues down the line, I’ve been unable to find out.

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Personally I wouldn’t quote the genocide claim as it wasn’t clarified what she meant by it. But the specific issues you listed I think are serious - essentially the experimental (time I took my own advice :slightly_smiling_face:) vaccines being mis-sold, and delivered in a way that’s not really legal.

“No fancy mRNA funny business there, right?”

There is funny business there, I think - the adenovirus is just a means of delivering (vector vaccine?) the same gene therapy as Pfizer and Moderna. Moderna is proud to call it gene therapy to its investors for the dazzling investment possibilities.
As I understand it…well see if you agree with this below as it’s the kind of thing I go on, and it represents the end of my understanding:

“The Oxford vaccine contains the genetic sequence of this surface spike protein. When the vaccine enters cells inside the body, it uses this genetic code to produce the surface spike protein of the coronavirus. This induces an immune response, priming the immune system to attack the coronavirus if it later infects the body.”
Link: About the Oxford COVID-19 vaccine | Research | University of Oxford

It’s still using a purely genetic hack to get the immune system to produce spike proteins. That’s ‘funny business’ in my book, as the immune system is producing the enemy then defending against it. Isn’t this what Pfizer and Moderna also do?


Thanks for the info @Cobbett and @Evvy_dense. Clearly more going on there than I realised. I thought it was only Pfizer/Moderna were using gene therapy and mRNA. Something for me to go and find out more about… I wish I had studied more biology in school!

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It was a good question - I didn’t have it so clear until you queried it and I then had to look it up. At last it’s settled in my mind what’s actually happening. Cheers!

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It would be useful if someone with an expert understanding of the subject - such as Mike Yeadon - could explain if the genetically(?) modified adenovirus used by AZ could still be fairly described as gene therapy; if it might posess significant and/or long lasting effects to health in the same way as the questions surrounding the Pfizer/Moderna “vaccines”.

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Yes, that would be good. I’m also curious to know whether the AZ “tech” had been used in other types of, err… experimental vaccines :wink:

EDIT: so a quick check shows me that adenovirus vectors vaccine tech have been in use for quite some time. Here’s a review paper from 2004 discussing their use as a vaccine technology. This is a paper from 2001, and here’s one from 2018 looking specifically at chimpanzee adenovirus vectors. They initially come under the heading of gene therapy - although apparently this technology failed at gene repair and was repurposed as a vaccine delivery tech instead. The adenovirus has been modified so that it cannot replicate in the human body. To my inexpert eyes it doesn’t seem all that controversial to call this a vaccine… A minor quibble on my part I guess. Thanks again Cobbett and ED for your prompting and info.

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Hi again PP. The adenovirus vectors tech has been used but messenger RNA are still used.
Link How the Oxford-AstraZeneca Covid-19 Vaccine Works - The New York Times
(I’m back to parroting again :slightly_smiling_face:)

The adenovirus isn’t the target virus though. It’s not what’s novel and controversial - what is being delivered by this ‘vector virus’ mechanism is gene therapy. That is largely concealed from the public, millions of whom now don’t know they have had gene therapy, or that mRNA had never been used in an authorized vaccine.
Isn’t it the operational part that defines whether its simply a vaccine or not? That’s where the risk will be. Once the vector virus has delivered its cargo it will be irrelevant.
I would say the description ‘vaccine’ is like describing a nuclear weapon like Trident as a submarine. It’s not a description that is completely false but it is misleading!?
Sorry if I’m labouring the point…

EDIT Why this is so important - the government are considering moves that will make covid ‘vaccination’ essentially compulsory, by permitting businesses to discriminate on this basis. I would have said you can’t even mandate experimental vaccines; but you certainly can’t mandate experimental gene therapies. Yet with the public baying for covid passports, will this kind of challenge even be brought? It will be businesses that ask for vaccine passports whether they are correctly defined or not!

Apparently the definition of vaccine had to be changed in order for the immunity given by the government for the manufacturers to apply to the principal covid vaccines.

Merriam-Webster Dictionary Quietly Changes Definition of ‘Vaccine’ to Include COVID-19 mRNA Injection
Link: Merriam-Webster Dictionary Quietly Changes Definition of 'Vaccine' to Include COVID-19 mRNA Injection | The Red Elephants

I think this is important because at present it’s perception and politics that matter, allowing the law to be easily bypassed.