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Absolutely dyamite statement by whistleblower senior nurse on yesterday's UKColumn News

The essential point not to lose here is that we’re being conned, big-time, by some bunch of manipulators with a hidden agenda - an agenda which stinks unmistakably of criminality. That much at least seems to me blazingly obvious by now to anyone not blinded by TDS. This is most definitely NOT ‘our wise rulers looking after the public’. That, it seems to me, is what the nurse is sensing and bemoaning. Let’s not get too waylaid in semantic details, folks!


Cheers ED, very good points!

Yes, I agree to a large extent RG. I didn’t mean to take us out into the wilderness - I was just trying to understand exactly what the whistle blower was actually saying.


It is relevant, P. Didn’t mean to imply that it isn’t. I’m back on this thread now to remind about another earlier whistleblower nurse. At the first time of seeing her, I too was still a way down the outrageous-covid-scam realisation curve, and wondered whether this unidentified person might be an actor. But by now, I think I’d take a bet that she’s genuine:

Hi folks, just a couple of points:

  1. The term genocide has different connotations for many, the ICC found serbians guilty of the genocide in Srebrenica where around 9000 males were killed (but the females were bussed back to neutral territories and not harmed)
  • to my mind it is ludicrous to suggest the Srebrenica massacre is a genocide much like that of the ww2 holocaust was a genocide. A massacre, yes, a genocide , no way- but the ICC can do it so is it wildly inaccurate for a lay person to use that term to describe unlawful killing on a wide scale where she knows authorities are taking reckless or knowingly reckless steps that are killing innocents.
  1. I believe she mentioned Nuremburg in the same speech, as a medical professional she must be accutely aware of doctors, at times, being accused of acting like DR Mengele and tried for crimes against humanity, and along with current social comment linking this to eugenics , this could all get tangled up into the term genocide.

When experts in white coats talk of widespread vaccines being a vital policy for the health of everyone, most of us assume that this is because the stuff we get ( whether by injection or sugar cube ) will stop us getting the target disease AND thereby will prevent us from passing it on to someone else.

All of the injections labelled as covid vaccines are still in the final stage 3 of testing (afaik) which finishes in january 2023, as such they are by their own admission still experimental. At the same time it appears that few experts can analyse the substance being injected and that test results are not totally transparent- even so the pharma companies and public health experts are admitting that they don’t know whether the injections will prevent the injectee from getting the disease nor whether the injectees can pass the virus on to others. In fact thousands of injectees have still caught the disease as the companies admit.

In these circumstances I find it difficult to understand how any layperson could call these injections vaccinations if they were reminded of these 2 vital points. Experimental treatments would be understood by everyone. Let’s not forget the world and his wife were clearly told HCQ was an experimental treatment and millions denied access because of that and everyone just quietly accepted it, apart from the really sage :slight_smile:
