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Yet another reason why for Ukraine

Stumbled across a thread in twitter concerning why the war in Ukraine is happening. Or at least another reason for it.

Seems legit to me. Harassed and banned. Several other interesting threads concerning players. I’d be inclined to believe this is one of the main driving forces. Certainly motivation.


Good find, L. Thanks! A very cogent and persuasive account of one major reason for why the Anglozionst empire’s Czars tried to secure the Ukraine as a stronghold on Russia’s border (remember those stories a year or so back about agents collecting samples of Russian DNA; in search of the Unholy Grail of racially-targettable bioweapons, I surmise…).

And the mediawhores of the West continue to prate on about ‘Putin’s unprovoked aggression…’ FFS!

I seem to be on a roll today. Visited Ron Unz’ place. First time for a while. Top of the list was a COVID memes article. Well worth a visit, but I’m gonna link in just two.

First is this X files clip. Quite astounding. Especially when the Lone Gunman (X files offshoot) plot is considered. WTC attacked by planes…

But what really blew both my wife and I away completely was the video in the comments for Back to the future. I’m sure everyone has watched it, well prepare for a serious Whiskey Tango Foxtrot 12 minutes

Definitely worth a follow, and this line of inquiry probably won’t go away quietly. If the U$A keeps pushing the Covid Was China trope this is a good way to push back. Goodness knows how much evidence has been stashed away by now.

I’m reminded of the storyline about two-thirds the way through The Americans. Elizabeth and Philip (two deep undercover Soviet assets who have lived in Washington DC** for most of their lives) are asked to investigate a research lab that might be developing a pesticide that actually kills crops, with the possible aim of starving the USSR into submission. No spoilers from me: this is a very watchable and well-made series that goes against the dominant Hollywood/‘Reel Power’ grain in lots of interesting ways. Excellent record of the Reagan years too.

** District of Corruption

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