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Yet another COVID paper

Vile dangers of Covid jabs proved once more.

"This paper is the paper of the century, and to quote @Kevin_McKernan : “They knocked it out of the park on this one”.

“To summarize: The authors confirm presence of DNA in 4 COVID-19 Pfizer shot vials that exceeded EMA limits by 3-4 times, settled ‘issues’ pertaining to DNA quantification methods and provide strong evidence “true” DNA levels without RNA interference, show !spike persistence! which is still at high levels after 7 days, and exosomal shuttling which has major implications for shedding. The paper is not only a work of art in terms of the study layout, it is very well-written and settles ongoing ‘issues’ pertaining to allegations made by regulatory bodies (Therapeutic Goods Administration) that the DNA contamination issues is misinformation.”

Source: Jessica Rose on X x.com

Paper referred to: BioNTech RNA-Based COVID-19 Injections Contain Large Amounts Of Residual DNA Including An SV40 Promoter/Enhancer Sequence - Science, Public Health Policy and the Law


The DNA transfects into cells DNA. And all lots have it; no not just “bad batches”; if that was the excuse then they are all bad.

That the levels way exceed existing thresholds for bacterial DNA is a double shock; the first shock being that this threshold isn’t zero in the first place. When was that ever admitted while the sleeves were being rolled up?

Kevin will be pleased that someone else has appeared to split the flak.

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Absolutely, I think it was one of the earliest claims of the jab-pushers that there was no danger at all of DNA impact from the jab alongside the “safe and effective” mantra.


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