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Yeadon Navigates New Terrain

Apologies, not been around for a while due to a lack of time and inclination, but thought you all might like to see this:

I’m still undecided as to whether or not Yeadon is an honest broker, but for a man of his stature and experience to come over to the ‘dark side’ is quite something.


Wonderful interview! Thanks J, come again often!

This is a wild ride with Manic Mike, but absolutely worth every minute. Your ‘aaagh! cospithirry!’ carefully-conditioned-reflex will be tested from time to time, but stick with it. It’s well worth the effort.

Mike seems to me to be a classic goodthinker and orthodoxy-path follower, who’s ‘done very well’ out of those natural proclivities. But he also has another - slightly-awkward-for-authority - characteristic: He believes deeply in both intellectual and moral honesty. And waking rather late from his sleep of orthodoxy, and the worldly ‘success’ that it gives, he’s become deeply alarmed at certain appalling realities which he’s spotted, belatedly, and which his honesty simply can’t ignore.

Make time, see this interview. Despite its smack-between-the-eyes hypothesis, it seems to me to be one of the best scenarios yet for explaining what’s happening, with a high probability of being right.

Warning! Contains approving references to - gulp! - Prof. Denis Rancourt!

Thanks for posting, Jamie. Yeadon is one of a growing number who have nothing to gain and everything to lose by speaking out. They understand what’s going on.

With regard to the ‘dark side’, something very, very evil came to our world in late August/early September 2018. I know this because I sensed/felt it at the time and it effected my health. This more than a year before the covid nonsense was launched on the public.

Interestingly, Thomas Sheridan (the Irish Pagan) said exactly the same thing in one of his recent videos. Sheridan thinks that whatever this evil entity is its now gone. I don’t quite agree with that. It’s certainly abated recently, yet I still sense its presence strongly.

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It’s probably a gics’ egregore, Rob; or was. There are reasons to think that that may be going into retreat now, if not falling apart altogether.

(The usual freedoms apply: For the sake of your peace of mind, you are invited to laugh scornfully and say: “Oh what nonsense! Moonshine! Bah! Humbug!”) :wink: :grinning:

Just adding my thanks to @Jamie

Interesting that Yeadon is now almost a convert to terrain theory after a whole working life on the germ side.

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PS: On the matter of good versus evil, and actual spiritual conflict happening now, UKColumn news has an item towards the end of today’s 1PM programme where they show both Tucker Carlsen and Lionel (the well-known blogger) making the same point. Seems a lot of people are sensing that egregore.

Dmitry Orlov calls it ‘The Technosphere’, conceiving it as a sort of malign borg which includes - expendable - human dupes within its structure: the sort of people who lead what I like to guy as the ‘startrekkytechietechie’ tendency; the Kurzweil/Hariri-style worshippers of the (alleged) Singularity. What Godfrey Reggio famously called ‘Koyaanisqatsi’…


Rhis, I’m blessed (or cursed) with having the ESP thang. I should perhaps add that I’m not the least bit religious, and don’t come at it from that angle; although I have great respect for people who do approach life from that angle.

One really notable thing over the last two years or so from dissidents, from all kinds of backgrounds, is the acknowledgement that ‘evil’ really exists.

It’s (understandably) a hard concept for many to come to terms with.

So no, I don’t care if anyone laughs at what I say.


I take Russell Targ’s position on psi, Rob: We ALL have the faculty, distributed along the standard bell curve of any human ability: a few are concert-pianist level, a few are ‘Chopsticks’ level, and the great majority of us sit somewhere between these extremities, on the high hump of the distribution curve.

People like Russ, Dean Radin and others have done such watertight, exceptionally high-quality experimental work on demonstrating the reality of psi, that only those who are more than averagely shaken up by close encounters with it (as absolutely all of us are to some degree), plus the rabid, dogmatic philosophical materialists forming the current gocos* of the hard sciences, are still able to scoff loftily about it “all being utter nonsense!!!”; from a position of deep, wilfully-blind ignorance of the data, of course.

Revisiting Russ’s output recently, as I’ve been doing for the purpose of my continuing musings in the psi sphere, I find that it was 23 years in total that he and Hal Puthoff were generously funded - sic! - by the CIA and the US Department of War (laughingly called ‘Defence’) to run experimental AND TRAINING work in the art of ‘remote viewing’, aka clairvoyance/pre-/retro-cognition, as a possible spying technique. They were worryingly successful! The exploits that they report from that time are simply gob-smacking.

Yet we have this huge problem: we live in, grow up in, and get our early-life indoctrination from a culture where the realities of psi get routinely rubbished, denied and - most importantly - tabooed; so that we all end up tyros and utter ignoramuses about the whole crucial issue; unlike the cultures of wiser societies of other times and places, where children are encouraged from infancy to cherish and cultivate their psi-abilities.

An excellent illustration of this fact comes from one of Russ’s anecdotes about his research: They had been working with Pat Price, who had a substantial reputation for being a gifted natural psychic; a man who as a police commissioner had extensive experience of using his psi-faculty to solve crime mysteries.

Pat failed to show up one time for a scheduled experimental session, so rather than waste the session, Hella Hammid, who had been working as one of the technicians helping to run the work, and who - as far as she knew - had no special talent at psi, and didn’t think of herself as psychic at all, volunteered to take Pat’s place and see what would happen.

Surprise! She turned out to be one of the best psychic talents that Russ found in the course of his long research. Yet she’d never found out that she could do it!

That’s what a dismissive, psi-repressive culture can do!

*gocos - Guardians of current orthodoxy.

PS: Still digesting your Herrick piece. Will get back to you when I have. Also, the ‘growing taters in turf’ piece that I promised is still waiting for crop outcomes just now. Will post an account, with pics, when it’s all completed.

Life out of balance, is roughly what the Hopi words mean. Puts it perfectly.

Robs posts are very interesting (not to dismiss any other parts of this thread, but they struck home with me). Evil very definitely exists.

I didn’t pick anything up late 2018, that I can remember, but a looming economic crisis was fairly plainly on the way already. The Skripal/Novichok nonsense was March 2018, Boris Johnson was a key puller of strings.

I remember my blood ran cold the day the Douma chemical attack supposedly took place, April 2018. The UK was deeply involved in this travesty, as is more or less common knowledge by now, isn’t it?

By mid 2019 it felt like just a matter of time.

Fabio Vighi characterises ‘Virus’ as a mechanism for controlled implosion - various articles here:

For me the darkness really became pervasive and too obvious to ignore very early in 2020 with the murder of Qasem Soleimani.

And we know how things went after that.

Panic/anxiety/mutual suspicion… they all co-mingle and gather strength in a form of contagion. I really do believe that this collective crisis, mass formation, or whatever term feels most comfortable, and evil may be the best word for it actually, takes on a life (or at least an energy) all of its own.

Boris Johnson is a darkly evil person, for example, but I can’t think of many (any?) other powerful people in Zone A who are not, to a greater or lesser extent.

Nil desperandum.


The translation of ‘koyaanisqatsi’ that always make my skin goose-pimple is ‘world out of balance’…

Also rendered as “a way of living so bad that it must fail.”


That hits the mark. Right now I’m seeing in my mind’s eye that final scene of the space junk burning burning, falling, falling endlessly. But nothing falls without an end, and how amazing but ghastly to be seeing it. But as I said, let’s not despair.