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Woman's hilarious response to mask nazis -

Face covering of a different kind! (Have seen it suggested before, but on-the-hoof improvising like this is a gas! :laughing: )

ā€œCould you please moderate your maskā€¦ā€. The humour wasnā€™t appreciated, other than by the cameraman.
In other news - I wonā€™t link to it - I see MoonofAlabama still hasnā€™t caught up with the curve on covid. Despite hailing the vaccines, still reckons a third wave is likely because of 1918, and is calling for more ā€˜cautionā€™ due to the er, absence of treatments. Though strictly he may be right about that, as the revolutionary idea of doctors treating patients is still not getting a look-in, in the ā€˜advancedā€™ west, where the many options might as well not exist :confused: