Not exactly what the article says, but it certainly feels possible given the circumstances. A decent take on our current situation here and the US. The right wing populists like Steve Bannon and Farrage have really played a blinder…
I might go to bed for this whole decade!
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That may not be a bad strategy @PontiusPrimate and thanks for sharing this.
For a moment I bristled at the paragraph about middle class professionals having built up their savings and now planning a shopping spree. But then I remembered marvelling at how my car’s petrol guage ticked down to a half tank (last refuelled in January) when I drove it on Sunday to nowhere and back. a trip simply to keep the battery from going flat.
The author has a point. But the patronising tone here is cringe:
we need to be organising people based on what they consider to be their interests, and the interests of society as a whole.
We… they… How Fabian…