5 Filters

Why AI isn't going to make art

Another interesting piece by Ted Chiang on AI.

What seems clear from our recent discussions is that the primary purpose of AI is to kill more people through automated killing machines. Everything else seems to be a veneer used to make it respectable.

You can find the other (excellent imo) essays by Chiang on AI at the bottom of this thread.

Remarkable conversation with an AI. What do people think?


After a long while “being principled”, I finally caved and got a new laptop, Windows 11, as I know the one I use as a 'work’station will not be supported much longer.

So far I have been mainly discarding all the crud they kindly include whether you want it or not: McAfee rubbish, Office, and the “so great it’s got its own key” Co-Pilot. This is supposedly the app (except it runs as a service) that will take all of the work out of your hateful occupation by doing it for you, if not now then soon.

I did not try it out.

And you can remap the special key to do something else, so it’s now the search button.

The notion that art is anything other than a profoundly human activity is pointless and slightly chilling. I quite like elephant paintings though.


Sorry to hear about your upgrade. On an interesting note, there is a lightweight version of 11 that was desiged for POS tills etc, and gamers are adopting it. Product keys are cheap so there’s always the option of an upgrade allowing access to GPedit etc

I feel like this article was written just for you, KT


Yes, that is :100:. I could not configure the device without a Microsoft account. “It” does not subscribe to Office in any form. (I once had “out-of-the-box, non-subscription Office for Mac, academic edition, a tenner. but M$ made quite sure that stopped working long ago.)

It seems I am not able to remove the Edge browser though I can “modify” the installation. This seems to be because Windoze “can’t” display certain dialogues and menus, help screens, without it.

I haven’t played with the BIOS yet…