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WHO Labels Unvaccinated People a ‘Major Killing Force Globally’

First they came for the anti-vaxxers etc etc. Video of psychopath rant:

Full article:


Hotez is either a prize useful-idiot goco [guardian-of-current-orthodoxy], who swallows all the bullshit he’s fed as if it’s echt truth; or he’s a lying crook. (And I’ll bet the bung is great, either way! :money_mouth_face: )

What the fool emphatically isn’t, is in touch with reality; not, at any rate, with any reality beyond the money-grubbing of the shysters-on-the-make behind the scamdemic. Nor is he acting with any true honour. Either way, he belongs in the dock at the Nurnberg 2 tribunals, on trial for crimes against humanity. As were plenty of ‘doctors’ at Nurnberg 1.

‘Sincerely believing’ the lying bullshit about the covid non-pandemic and it’s - falsely alleged - mass excess death rate, and about the ‘safety and efficacy’ (hah!) of the poison-stabs, is no excuse. Not to look with a properly sceptical mind at the covid bs propaganda storm, and at the utter disaster of the poison-stabs, is just gross dereliction of professional duty to the public interest; a desecration of the Hippocratic Oath. Utter shame on any such mengeloid ‘doctor’!

The sooner the WHO is dismantled as unfit for purpose, and the various big-cheese crooks in it, such as Tedros, are also hauled into the tribunal dock, the better.

If such sentiments make me what these crumbs have the lying gall to call a ‘terrrrrst’, then I wear the badge with pride. Indeed, I’d be ashamed to be otherwise. The world needs a whole lot more such ‘terrrrsts’! It’s our scepticism which is saving lives, not the bs of the medical-tyranny shysters.

And you, ‘doctor’ Hotez, need a road-trip - to Damascus.

Please note: I’m proud, as a true disciple of real science, to be a steadfast, principled opponent of The ScienceTM lies which you espouse. You know precisely where you can shove your lying-bs ScienceTM, dear ‘doctor’…

[Anyone who does Twatter is welcome to copy my post here onto that account, with an invitation to Hotez to sue me for libel/slander - if he can muster the balls… Please do! I relish the thought of having any chance to savage publicly the impudent, insulting popinjay. If we can do no other, at least post it on his Twatter thingie, so that he has to read it before he deletes. Give the twat a taste of his own virulent, toxic polemics…]


Nice one.

Here are some doctors who aren’t complete shits and ones that want the actual major killing force stopped immediately. And there are plenty more where they came from.

UK Doctors Call For Government Investigation Into mRNA vaccines

(The video below does work - click on “Watch on Vimeo”).


Keep digging 'em up and aggregating them here, Rich. It all makes for a useful archive, to keep spreading the word. Well done you! :slight_smile:

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Thanks Rich.

Formed in Sep 22 out of concern over covid policy it seems.
Looks like there are about 20 docs appearing in this video. Most concern so far seems about the vaccines.
Good resource for Drs feeling isolated and intimidated.
More vids here Resources - Doctors For Patients UK

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Hotez beating the drum in 2021, calling for warfare tactics on US citizens:

“Efforts must expand into the realm of cyber security, law enforcement, public education and international relations. A high-level inter-agency task force reporting to the UN secretary-general could assess the full impact of anti-vaccine aggression, and propose tough, balanced measures.”

"The task force should include experts who have tackled complex global threats such as terrorism, cyber attacks and nuclear armament, because anti-science is now approaching similar levels of peril. It is becoming increasingly clear that advancing immunization requires a counteroffensive.”

As Dr Cremola (one of the main focusses of Hotez’s attack) says in the article, it’s not misinformation they are afraid of but the truth getting out.


“Peter Hotez (seeking Fauci’s job) flip-flops (like a fish out of water) on how many vaccines we will need and how well they work”

(Peter Hotez is Mr Vaccine).

Clip of Hotez’s lies and changing goalposts, courtesy of Meryl Nass and the usual suspects:

“Grabbed from Robert Malone’s funnies today; I think Ivor Cummins collected them.”

The main clip I wanted to post is here:

Shut your eyes and let the lies flow over you.
(It’s a bit fast for these changing numbers and claims to register with me. I slowed it to 0.75 speed, for a more mindful experience :slightly_smiling_face:).

He’s definitely the man for Fauci’s job!


The jab cult needs to jab the world for one reason only - once we are all jabbed there is no longer a control group to expose the con.



Go look up Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, who is not a medical doctor and is wanted for war crimes in Ethiopia.

You really can’t make this stuff up…