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Who do you know personally who acts like this under the effect of the covid-terror?

The - unidentified - woman telling this story to camera is either a damn’ good actress, or she’s telling a straight tale. If they latter, she describes the kind of shrieking madness that’s overtaken so many people who really ought to know better; they’ve got what it takes, if they just choose to use it.

This is a shocking example of the extreme unhinging that Terror Derangement Syndrome can cause. I started using that description as a mordant joke, but now I see it as literally true. Amazing! It knocks people completely off the most secure trolley, once you give way to it. Shades of the ‘good Germans’!

Link harvested from btl at Off-G.


Looks authentic to me, rambling, ultimately quite boring and unremarkable. Which is the truly chilling thing: that people are so cornered by ideological pounding that their very existence depends on defending that point of view.

I had a little twitter quarrel with someone who boasted about how they loudly shame anyone they see wearing their mask incorrectly. Do you also comb their hair if they’re scruffy I asked? Do you point to someone’s mucky shoes and curl your lip?


I would think this Google employee, apparently, is a sock puppet, but who can say?

Yes @RhisiartGwilym I do know people who act like this. A very old friend (40 years+) who lives in Holland has been ranting about the Unjabbed denying him his freedoms. Numerous work colleagues have not physically entered the campus since March 2020 and want to know what will be done to protect them. I regularly see people trembling in Morrisons and I don’t even bother thanking the folks who press themselves into a bush when I walk nearby.

The watchful hysterics expecting a bolt of lightning any second now can spend their incarnations however they like, I’m done with modifying my behaviour in any way that props up their delusions.