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What’s the UN’s new ‘Pact for the Future’, and why did Russia oppose it?

(Suggested category: Globalisation?)

What’s the UN’s new ‘Pact for the Future’, and why did Russia oppose it?
Like many UN documents, it’s packed with big goals but is short on specifics about how to achieve them. And its passage snubbed Moscow.

I can’t say this wasn’t reported in the mainstream but a cursory search failed to throw anything up, which is unusual.

The real question is why did any country - apart from the usual powerhungry suspects - not oppose it?

Well here’s a clue - but it only scratches the surface.

“Russia’s Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Vershinin told the summit that those who coordinated the text over many months – Germany and Namibia – only included “what was dictated to them mainly by Western countries and ignored Russia’s repeated requests for intergovernmental negotiations on the text. He described this approach as “despotism”.”



Attacks on food and farmers were discussed here somewhere before.

One response has been the creation of Door To Freedom (doortofreedom.org), headed by Meryl Nass.

The Attacks on Food and Farmers - And How to Fight Back Symposium.

This was held on Sep 6-7. Online I expect, but featured a range of talks and presentations by noted figures many of whom will be familiar.

You can get a quick look here at what was on offer.


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The usual GIC’s BS. Lots of lofty goals, all pointing to global governance and as the Russians said, without any real debate by ‘the people’ or perhaps I should say the hoy poloy who pay for all those learned folks to have a jolly in New York. Seems to me looking at the Aljazeera picture most delegates (euphemism for criminals) are in the NY bars or museums.


I’m gonna give Al-Jazeera, and the UN, the benefit of the doubt and assume this one was a typo…

document asserts that nations “will end hunger and eliminate food security”

My other observation, based purely on the article as I have no hunger (geddit?) to read the actual thing, is to speculate on the lack of a specific target date. A Pact For The Future sidesteps any of those “conspiracies” about, for example, Agenda 2030, as well as affording infinite amounts of wriggle room.

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In the bars and museums - I expect you’re right about that :slightly_smiling_face:

The lack of specificity is a bonus until it comes to the crunch. The thing about this is it’s so deliberately abstract that any progress made doesn’t appear to be significant headline material. “The word salad has been up-blathered…”

In terms of @KarenEliot’s wiggle room, if its like pushing a giant blobby castle through a doorway, nobody is going to watch to see the steps of the progress, especially if the doorway itself is indoors.

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Seems to me it fits the GIC’s agenda perfectly. Eliminate food security, getting the global population down to the Georgia Guidestones level of 500 million and then there will be plenty of food to go around which will end hunger.


Yes, lots of these “sustainability” promises could turn out to be plausible, after all, if they’re underpinned by plans for a cull. The determination to make sure that Israel’s genocide is allowed to go ahead, in truth enabled, seems like de facto evidence of absolutely no concern at all about the lives of unpeople.

As an aside, but running with this sustainability thing for a moment, I can only see one advert for a heat pump installer in the CheckATrade directory stuffed into my letter box and I’d bet they’re based just over the border where, as far as I know, the deranged Scots govt hand out the best part of an £8k subsidy to every installation.