David E. writes in reflective mode about the delusions of many of us: the mind set that conditions us may become the only one we’re prepared to tolerate. Not a bad piece, and Kudos to him for the extensive quotation from The The. The album this lyric comes from, Infected, is full of righteous anger and quite brilliant. The next one after that, Mind Bomb, would have been even more on-point as a stash of quotations to illustrate the theme David is exploring.
tl;dr: We’ve forgotten the message but worship the creed
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn would be up there for me, although Russian writers (bearing in mind when they are translated into English) can be rather dense.
Two of Solzhenitsyn’s best known works, Gulag Archipelago and Cancer Ward, may appear to be dissimilar, but much of what Solzhenitsyn writes deals with the same theme: how humans react under extreme/horrendous circumstances. In this instance the gulag (which was the death sentence for many) and the cancer ward.
This relates directly to the covid stuff and the climate change stuff, both of which are a direct assault on human freedoms and are all about terrorising the population.
I haven’t yet had time to read the ML piece, so I might be missing something here.