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Vid: 3 REAL Journalists - PepeE, Max Blumenthal, Ben Norton - illuminate the Afghan moment

125 minutes; worth the time! Great sting-in-the-tail passage at the end: What’s the CIA going to do for funds now? High quality conversation full of insider information from men who actually go repeatedly to the places they report, and dig out real news from many local insider friends.

A particular note: they don’t dwell on the matter at all, but their highly-informed conversation nevertheless makes clear why the rout of the US empire from Afghanistan is probably going to prove to be the coup-de-grace for the covid scam.

Think of the scam as an attempted globalist coup by cliques within the global oligo-technocracy class. Note that there is virtually no sign of oligarchs/technocrats in China or Russia being involved in the scam; they thought at first that it was a bio-weapon attack by the US.

It’s mainly a Western, Anglozionist-empire-based racket, aimed at profitting Western gics. But what these three genuine journalists are discussing is the death blow that - it seems to me - finally eases NATOstan (Europe and the anglosphere) off its world-domination throne. I’m gambling that the rising power of the rest of the world is going to floor the Western-gic-dominated covid scam, because of the global technocratic fascist hegemony which is its ultimate purpose and goal:

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Certainly the optimist Rhis! Isn’t it more likely that the reduced resource extraction capability of the Empire will force capital to invest locally in the Ribosome Factories of their citizens? Sell vaccines. Prepare new platform for hundreds of new mRNA protein based pharmaceuticals, while forcing via surveillance and vaxx passes a cashless society, the great reset in short as a way for private capital to replace the markets the Empire is losing…

I’d also add that the anti-covid resistance is in many places - sadly - going to turn into armed resistance.

What better way to counter this than flood the west with young Afghan men, and then label them as twerrorists?

I know it might sound crazy to some, but prior to the covid nonsense does anyone remember all the ‘terror vehicle attacks’? What’s happened to that…? All disappeared as the conflict in Syria moved on.

Now the Presstitutes are pumping out this Afghanistan narrative in the run up to the 20th anniversary of the September 2001 attacks.

With the wheels rapidly coming off the covid bandwagon, I’d lay even money that there is going to be another ‘terror attack’ sometime soon.

Be afraid, be very afraid…


Is it “real” journalism if it ignores the creation of HIV re: Fauci?

It does. But why is that relevant? It wasn’t any part of this conversation. It was about the driving of US imperial forces out of Afghanistan, and what happens now. They also didn’t discuss the question of whether USAmerica ever went to the Moon - because that wasn’t relevant to the matter in hand either. :wink: :grinning: