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Vernon Coleman explains how 'long covid' is as hallucinated as the short version

To all those who now suspect, as I do, that ‘covid’ is simply re-branded and insanely PBB-ed seasonal flu - and no more deadly than a bad season of that - it should be obvious that you can’t have a ‘long’ version of a disease which doesn’t exist to begin with. (Come on virologists! Where’s that isolated, purified, Koch’s-Postulates-proven, actual, real, visible, physical sample of the ‘virus’? The real, physical article, not silicowaffle?This year, next year, sometime, never?)

For additional consideration, something that Vernon doesn’t say in this piece: the selection of symptoms that are laid at ‘long covids’ door have always been around as complications of flu/bacterial pneumonia. Another sly re-branding.

The Thai’s would agree.

It is now ok to enter Thailand even if you are actually infected with “covid”. The cabinet have removed it from the list of forbidden diseases among foreign visitors.

1min 50secs in…

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Definitely going to check their immigration requirements. A few mosquitoes and ladyboyz won’t put me off…