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USAmerican trucker argues for socialised mixed economy, and to ditch neoliberal 'free'-marketism - without even noticing

Like a lot of other rank-and-file USAnians, this guy (? When I was trucking I met some impressive women truckers) sees plainly enough that government-driven, ‘New Deal’-style social-initiative interventions are the only way out of the mess that transportation is in. But, like all the others, s/he can’t use such socialistic language overtly, presumably because s/he understands what a shock it would be not only to the readers but to her/himself also: Everyone exposed constantly to the Permanent Bullshit Blizzard of US econo-prop is hypnotised to shun resolutely anything that could be labelled with the vile swear-word ‘socialist’, even though so many of them also see the need for, and want, such actually-socialist policies, whatever euphemism in which you wish to shroud it.

And that’s where the brute facts on the ground are pointing. Towards the Chinese idea of ‘socialism with Chinese characteristics’, aka common-sense mixed-economy, strong-state pragmatism.

Neoliberal ‘free’ marketism is just the latest substanceless fashionable econo-babble smokescreen for the gic class to go on screwing dragon’s-hoardsworths of wealth out of the world, and all its creatures, with a hundred percent absence of any hint of ecological or social responsibility. Real economic and ecologic social justice MUST be prevented and demonised at every turn!

Meanwhile, as this trucker describes, everything goes to ratshit, and the spectre of shortages, even of real, absolute necessities, looms ever larger. Thank you scamdemic conspirators! Your panic-driven attempted global coup d’etat has tipped our already precarious political order over the edge. Well done! Get to A&E pronto, and get those gunshot feet first-aided! :rofl:

This mess is a surefire recipe for bloody uprisings, leading to even bloodier revolutions. No wonder the scamdemic plotters were so panicked. Ironic that their scam has simply brought on precisely the crisis they were trying to dodge: