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US & NATO preparing for ‘invasion’ of Crimea, warns local parliamentarian

Is NATO really this bonkers?

Interesting face-off here in the collapsing Anglozionist empire, between those certifiably-insane criminal lunatics who really imagine they could pull a stunt such as trying to grab Krim, without getting obliterated and precipitating a world war; and those who are in touch with nasty reality, and see the absolute need to restrain their own loonies: the General Jack D Rippers and the Pompeoids.

FWIW, I don’t expect the loonies to prevail. The harder they try, the nearer they edge themselves towards arrest during a preventive putsch in the US; or towards outright assassination; which is a long-time standard tool of realpolitik within the Az empire. Sauce for Fakhrizadeh is also sauce for US/zionistan slink-tank psychos.

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