Will the person making this sh*t up please cease…!
"“Nestlé Brasil innovates with the launching of the first floating supermarket to service the riverside populations of the Amazon,” they wrote in a press release. “The estimate is to service a public of 800 thousand people/month, extending the presence of Nestlé brands in the Brazilian homes.”
“The boat would come to town every week and then it would leave, it was like a shopping center,” said Lizete do Carmo Tenório Novaes, a local woman working to reduce childhood obesity in her town. “When it started coming to town the prices were cheaper than the market.”
Sales for processed foods are falling in the developed world. So, giant processed food companies like Nestlé are looking to up-and-coming economies to fill the gap.
In the developed world, people are becoming more concerned with their health. Thus, junk food sales have plateaued. But in burgeoning economies like China, South Africa, and Latin America, consumers are buying more and more processed foods. And their health is suffering for it.
“There has been a rise in child diabetes child obesity and high cholesterol in children as young as seven,” Tenório Novaes revealed. “Before we used to have a lot of fish, shrimp, red meat, chicken and everything was fresh.”
Nestlé hit back at claims that their products were solely responsible for the rise in obesity in the Amazon. They told the BBC that their “floating supermarket” was “aimed at broadening access too food and beverages and promoting social development projects in remote communities.” They also added that they spent “£50million in the last five years developing healthier choices” for Brazilians." Nestlé Created a 'Floating Supermarket' Boat That Sold Junk Food To Brazilians Living In Remote Areas
"Is ultra-processed food causing obesity in children, and could it even be addictive? Dr Chris van Tulleken investigates as he undergoes a gruelling self-experiment that even shocks the scientists.
Across the world, childhood obesity rates have risen tenfold in 50 years. In the UK, 21 per cent of children are living with obesity when they leave primary school – that is the highest it has ever been. Despite decades of trying, why do we seem unable to tackle this problem?
In the last 40 years, our shopping trolleys have been taken over by ultra-processed food, and it now accounts for the majority of our calories - for children it is 64 per cent, and teens eat 67 per cent. It is cheap, convenient and, alarmingly, scientists know very little about exactly how it affects children’s bodies. Increasing numbers of public health experts think we are eating far too much and are worried because when eaten in high proportion, it is linked with obesity. France and Canada have become so concerned, they recommend people limiting their ultra-processed food consumption.
Ultra-processed food is now so embedded in UK diets, it is hard to see the impact of it clearly. But can we learn from places where it has been introduced much more recently? Dr Chris travels to the Amazon Basin and discovers that in rural Brazil when consumption of ultra-processed food doubled, obesity rates tripled. The arrival of this food in these remote regions did not happen by accident. A floating supermarket that delivered packaged convenience food could have contributed to the dramatic change in diets.
Dr Chris asks why this food can be so irresistible. Could it even be addictive? There are no clinical studies showing the effect on children’s bodies, so he experiments on himself. For one month he eats the same diet eaten by one in five of us - 80 per cent ultra-processed food. The results are utterly shocking and surprise even the scientists he is working with." Go to: BBC One - What Are We Feeding Our Kids? for video.