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Urgent message from Prof. Bakhdi

Wonderful video by the brave prof. He starts by explaining the mechanism of how the immune system works, and ends with frightening explanation of how the vaccines could damage this mechanism and the body.

If what he says is true, then shame on the medical profession for not standing up and supporting him, and on the politicians for ignoring the message. As for the msm, they are acting as they normally do, so don´t expect anything there.


Thanks @Sanjeev - Dr. Bhakdi is always worth watching. I couldn’t see any reference to the recently published papers in his talk, these would be good to read and quote where appropriate if anyone has them.


I’ve offered this metaphor before when speaking of our immune systems, but it can stand being repeated here.

When thinking of your immune system and what it can be trusted to do - without any ‘vaccination’ interference - it’s very helpful to have an image in mind. Carl and Stephanie Simonton, in their classic book - ‘Getting Well Again’ - on oncologist Carl’s use of this ancient technique, speak of one patient with a massive stomach tumour who achieved a complete and permanent remission, mainly by regular, three-times-daily visualisation of ‘Big White Dogs’ as the pathogen-eaters within his immune system, tearing apart and getting rid of anything which shouldn’t be there.

This video below, which I’ve offered before, shows what the best of the BWDs can do: Turkish Shepherd Dogs completely dominating a pack of lions and tigers with whom they’ve grown up together. No question about who’s in charge of the situation here.

Please use this image - along with regular prophylactic intake of slow-release vitamin C tabs :slight_smile: - as a muscular and very effective self-protection against covid-flu pathogens - or indeed against any others too. It works! In spades!

BTW, when I was physically fitter, I once had three of these guys - all intact males! - living with me. One of the most dog-blessed times of my life! Extraordinary beings! :slight_smile: This - the vid - is the sort of thing that they could do; imagine them within your blood, looking - as they do always - for illegitimate intruders…

Hi CJ1, there are no notes attached to his BNT video, but I´ll keep looking. You are correct, the published papers would be worth a look

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When I follow the link I’m sternly warned this is age restricted but I’m offered options for verifying status.

I think I’ll pass (but will try and access directly instead)

EDIT: that didn’t work either.


Strong imagery RG, which I´m sure will help ward off the dreaded Covid1984. I wouldn´t like to get on the wrong side of those canines though

I’ve worked out why I’ve not seen the “age restricted” block before: a while back I decided to start editing certain personal data held on the servers of Big Data. I use date of birth 1/1/00 and you betcha Google has noticed the change and wants me to stop spoofing them. They can go boil their heads.

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Thanks for posting.

The links are given here
Link: An Urgent Message from Professor Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi [July 9, 2021] - FactCheckVaccine.com
They are

Human IgG and IgA responses to COVID-19 mRNA vaccines. Wisnewski et al,

Circulating Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) Vaccine Antigen Detected in the Plasma of mRNA-1273 Vaccine Recipients. Ogata et al

SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccination induces functionally diverse antibodies to NTD, RBD, and S2

Amanat et al
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cell.2021.06.005 (link redirects)

SARS-CoV-2 elicits robust adaptive immune responses regardless of disease severity, Neilsen et al,

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Wisnewski Abstract:
SARS-CoV-2 spike antigen-specific IgG and IgA elicited by infection mediate viral neutralization and are likely an important component of natural immunity, however, limited information exists on vaccine induced responses. We measured COVID-19 mRNA vaccine induced IgG and IgA in serum serially, up to 145 days post vaccination in 4 subjects. Spike antigen-specific IgG levels rose exponentially and plateaued 21 days after the initial vaccine dose. After the second vaccine dose IgG levels increased further, reaching a maximum approximately 7–10 days later, and remained elevated (average of 58% peak levels) during the additional >100 day follow up period. COVID-19 mRNA vaccination elicited spike antigen-specific IgA with similar kinetics of induction and time to peak levels, but more rapid decline in serum levels following both the 1st and 2nd vaccine doses (<18% peak levels within 100 days of the 2nd shot). The data demonstrate COVID-19 mRNA vaccines effectively induce spike antigen specific IgG and IgA and highlight marked differences in their persistence in serum.

The professor seems to be saying the speed of the initial rise meant the antigen was recognized - presumably meaning it must have been from past coronavirus infections?

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I had the same issues as you when trying to view the video. I think this embedded video is likely the same one: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/xnbb6e

If so, to my eyes, it looks more like they are playing; going by their collective body language?


Your take on the body language is spot on, C. None of them are in a state of serious enmity. My confident guess is that puppies and kittens grew up together, and when the dogs’ strongly-dominant personalities matured, the cats simply accepted them as such: the pack leaders. Both lions AND tigers are social animals.

This is what the shepherds do in rural Turkey - as I’ve seen it: The bitches and ewes/nannies all give birth together, in the same pen in the Spring. And by the time the babes are sixteen weeks old, pups and lambs/kids know each other INDIVIDUALLY, and are bonded for life. The never want to be apart, and the sheep/goats knock the dogs about like siblings whenever the mood moves. And the dogs always tolerate it cheerfully.

But such is their intelligence that when they perceive - as they’re very good at - that one of their charges is terminally ill, they kill and eat it out of hand. To defend the flock from - erm - contagion… So the shepherds told me.

Mam Gaia’s lifeways are not always comfortable to the gently-nurtured urban bourgeois mindset. The above scenario is true also with the multi-millennial evolutionary dance of exosomes and multicelled animals, too. To adapt that old saying of the Inuit: “The wolves are doctors to the caribou, and keep them strong”: the exosomes are doctors to the multicells, and keep them strong. And every death leads on to bardo-time, followed by re-birth…


Ah, a fascinating insight. Thanks, RG.

We owned ferrets for some years, and to the unaccustomed eye, they would appear to be trying to rip each other apart, rolling over and over while biting vigorously into each other’s flesh. They enjoyed themselves immensely. It was also possible to engage in play-fighting with them to some extent, and they learned quite quickly that a human hand is less forgiving to sharp incisors!

Their reputation for being enthusiastic nippers is probably due to mishandling early in their lives. Saying that, I would still err on caution if approaching one that’s unfamiliar to you.

Also, they showed absolutely no fear of flames from an open fire, attempting to charge right into it, if not quickly restrained. Very entertaining creatures.

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Nice, thanks

I had a similar encounter with a friend’s ferret. Looking me in the eye, he gently laid upper and lower incisors onto my finger, then bit very carefully, just breaking skin and tasting blood, then let go again, still looking directly at me. Just to let me know how things stood. He then consented to be stroked. Fascinating creature! :slight_smile:

Don’t quite know how this fits in with Prof. Bakhdi’s original message, though… :slight_smile:

Sorry to derail the thread :grinning: :grinning:

Re Prof Bhakdi’s message. Something kinda interesting about this. I got the gist but not how it related to the three studies. The researchers didn’t point out that their findings meant that the vaccine wasn’t the first man on the moon, as it were. But Bhakdi was on it!

Visnewski: We measured COVID-19 mRNA vaccine induced IgG and IgA in serum serially, up to 145 days post vaccination in 4 subjects. Spike antigen-specific IgG levels rose exponentially and plateaued 21 days after the initial vaccine dose.
Ogata: Clearance of detectable SARS-CoV-2 protein correlated with production of immunoglobulin G (IgG) and immunoglobulin A (IgA)
Amanat: The spike-reactive plasmablast response is dominated by IgG1+ cells and is comprised of a mixture of cells with low and high levels of somatic hypermutation (SHM)

The clue is in those IgG immunoglobulins - if the virus was a new one, they should have been IgMs, and it should have taken a lot longer for those antibodies (which is what these IgG, IgM etc are) to appear.

Did anyone else wonder what the second piece of good news was? He says it is that vaccination is unnecessary - I think it comes from here:

"Wonderfully enough, another publication coming from Denmark showed that true infections with this Sars-Cov2 do exactly the same meaning that everyone who has had an infection - even if they are asymptomatic, no symptoms - the virus just gets into your throat, multiplies a bit and gets thrown out again, your system responds by making IgG and IgE antibodies….this means…fellow citizens, that the herd immunity is already present, but kept under lock and key like a treasure. But it can be mobilized any time you want.
…This virus goes in the front door, and takes days to multiply - days. If it multiplies in your throat it doesn’t matter, it only kills you if it gets to your lungs. But now we know that this is enough time for you, for me or anyone. Over 99% of people have 'the ‘treasure’
Second piece of good news. This will cause vaccination to be unnecessary, but also says that if the vaccination causes any danger it must be stopped. If it only contains danger then it is the duty of the doctors not to do it. "

I think he means that the strength of the immune response in that 99% (quoted by the fourth study, Nielsen) arising from past infections means that the infection rate, or rather the rate of non-resolution, won’t rise much above that 99%.

If this is correct it undermines the ‘herd immunity’ or ‘social duty’ reason so often trotted out to guilt-trip the populace into not taking the experimental vaccine.

That was Bhakdi’s final message - don’t take the vaccine, or any boosters.

Cheers and thanks again to Sanjeev for this find.

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Could this study be the silver bullet we need?

Dr Bhakdi’s comments cut straight to the heart of the matter re mandatory (or any) vaccine.

If a majority of people believe that there is a pandemic level virus floating around, then this information about herd immunity can meet them where they are so to speak. It fits with the version of reality they have been manipulated into.

A short, clear, to the point (explain me like I’m 5) video from Dr Bhakdi would be very helpful.

Thanks for posting this, it’s a great presentation by Dr. Bhakdi. Thanks also for posting the papers he is citing.

I think there is a recent interview with Dr. Mike Yeaden where he says something very similar, about the second shot and boosters.

But I cannot remember where I watched it, maybe somebody can post the link?

Yeaden, if I remember correctly, was really worried about the ‘boosters’.

I got that message too and declined YT’s kind offer; thanks Cobbett for the link. I like Rhisiart’s analogy - I guess you need proactive defenders to deal with millions of intruders :slight_smile: