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Unsensational news, but

New Scandinavian study of Oxford COVID vaccine thrombosis risk


A population study in two Scandinavian countries of the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine has found 11 excess venous thromboembolic events for every 100,000 vaccinations.

Yawn - what use is that to a concerned anti-vaxxer, when the vaccine is saving Billions of people Every Day from Covid?


“According to one expert, without vaccination, the population would face significantly increased risks of thrombotic events from viral infection.”

It’s a no-brainer, see? Whatever it is you’re worried about - whether it’s covid or blood clots - you’re covered either way with the vaccine - aren’t you? Just get that sleeve up, the article continues - I paraphrase a little.

The press has been full of reports pointing out that if you get covid you might get a blood clot.

But here’s the thing. You have to get covid first to get a blood clot via covid. I think I did that calculation somewhere based on rates at the time but can’t find it. Anyway, the quoted expert is being disingenuous.

This post from 2 months ago gave this number:

“There are reports of 30 such cases among five million people who were vaccinated until March 10.”

From what I understand of the rates of blood clot type events in the population, that rate of 30 per 5 million wouldn’t be alarming but under what was normally expected, if that was the totality.

From 30 in five million, now we’re at 1 in 9,000.
BTW these are excess blood clot risks - on top of whatever the risk is of getting a blood clot NOT from the vaccine.

And here’s the other thing. It’s now accepted, if you look hard enough, that blood clots are accepted as being caused by the vaccines. Eg this paper.

Several things follow:

The vaccine definitely does things (sometimes) it’s not supposed to.
There is no way of knowing what other effects there are.
It’s not a no-brainer anymore - everyone should/has to weigh up the risks for themselves. The risk of catching Covid-19 and getting sick or dying, vs the risk of sickness/death from the vaccine.
The spin/lie that it IS a no-brainer is misinforming the public, who in a legal sense can’t give informed consent based on this information.

There are concrete risks on both sides.
I’d throw in there are more risks from the vaccine than are known, not least the long term; and also that the risk of sickness/dying of covid has been greatly increased by the policy of not treating the disease at the virus stage (eg the antivirals HCQ/Zinc, Vitamin D, Ivermectin, Vitamin C etc).

One must also factor in that they’ll be tugging at your sleeve every few months for booster shots or tweaks for ‘variants’ - a problem that does not exist for antivirals.
Also, of course, the two vitamins in the above list are highly beneficial generally - indeed severe covid cases typically occur in patients who are deficient in these vitamins. Many researchers and doctors who have used these as prophylaxis say this would have prevented the pandemic from taking hold.

I think the concrete take-home is that the sure knowledge of a highly risky adverse reaction means the vaccine shouldn’t be touted the way it is, as a saviour.
And vaccine hesitants should not have to take criticism from the ignorant - who haven’t done ANY comparison.

What seems to be coming clear about the gene-tampering injections can be summed up in three words: Unnecessary, ineffectual, dangerous.

Unnecessary, because there are other ways of preventing or treating the illness, which work, and which deliver swift, near hundred-percent recovery, even in old people (me, for example! :slight_smile: ) These effective treatments have been criminally denied, suppressed and censored, and the people who’ve done this should be on trial.

Ineffectual, because even the crooks who produce the injectables admit that they don’t prevent catching or spreading the illness, only ease the worst symptoms. They don’t confer safe, fully-balanced, long-term immunity, either; and there are serious previous episodes which have already made it clear that bad adverse effects can be caused by such interventions, often after a significant time-lag. We already know from past disasters that bad dangers are indicated.

Dangerous, because several thousand people already seem to have died from the injections, and even if firm proof is not achieved with ever case, the precautionary principle demands an immediate halt of all injections until safety is proven; which will take years, at least. And of course there’s no hurry, since - genuinely - s&e treatments have been pioneered since this time last year. This is to say nothing of the many thousands of other adverse reactions to the injections already reported, a substantial percentage of which are serious and apparently permanent.

I realise that a whole segment of the human population, including a large crowd of appropriately-qualified and experienced professionals, have bought into the covid global emergency narrative, and have further bought into what is in fact the outright lie that TINA to the injectables. Because of this, they have been strong - if wholly mistaken - advocates of the disastrous policy responses (which have all proven to be ineffectual and in most cases counter-productive, and lethal). But they’re simply wrong, on both counts, that there is a global health emergency and that there is no alternative to the injectables, house arrest, masks, seclusion and distancing, etc: They have been stampeded by - deliberately, wilfully induced - TDS: the unprecedented flood of lying propaganda about the covid-flu. Much of that was engineered by criminally-liable people of malign intent. I see no possibility that absolutely all who did what they did that created the panic were acting in good faith.

The ones who bought the lies sincerely, trembling terror-stricken suckers though they may be, would have some defence before a Nurnberg 2 tribunal; but the deliberate scam artists need to be brought to book. They have no real defence.

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