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Ukraine - thought I'd just chuck this into the mix

My older sister is seriously thinking of giving her spare room to a Ukranian woman with a 13 year old child.

Powys Council, where my sister lives, will pay most of your council tax if you take in a Ukranian refugee.

There are loads of issues with this - not least that UK councils can’t even presently feed and shelter their own people.

But the two main issues I have are:

  1. the Ukraine war was going to be stopped in April, when it was obvious that the Ukraine military couldn’t win. Ukraine and Russia were about to sign a peace deal, Then Bojo went over on his second trip, threw billions of UK tax payer’s money at Zelensky and persuaded the coke-head tranny to keep the war going. They’ll keep this war going for years if possible, and don’t give a jot about how many people will be slaughtered in the process.

  2. my sister is a compassionate person. All well and good, but my sister thinks the world is like a Disney movie, and she believes everything that the reptiles tell her from the box in the corner of the room. Point being, if you take in a refugee from a war zone that refugee could be very psychologically damaged. They would have witnessed things that most people in the West couldn’t imagine.

Sticking them in a spare room in Wales is perhaps not the answer.

Maybe we should stop bombing them and ramping-up these wars in the first place.


As I’m sure you know Rob, the French are doing something similar. My response in no uncertain terms to all the do gooders collecting charity or taking in a Ukie refugee, is “Wouldn’t it be good to deal with one or two of the 5 million Palestinian refugees first before you take in an effing nazi, especially as the Palestinian refugees have been waiting 70 years for all you do gooders to come along”.

PS I’m not that polite either when asked if I have any clothes or childrens toys to donate.

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Sorry @RobG Perhaps I should give a considered reply. My issue generally is with ‘refugees’ and political policy. The UK and Europe generally have never differentiated between economic migrants and asylum seekers and IMHO there is a big debate to be had there. However as the west is generally responsible for both categories of refugees, we owe it to them to help. More importantly, all those do gooders (your sister included) should be campaigning to deal with the cause, not the symptoms.

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What insanity! Councils all over the country are clearly having to choose what to spend their budgets on – the deterioration of all sorts of infrastructure is there for all to see.-- yet they’re spending it on Ukrainian refugees. When did they ever – ever – do this for any other refugees? Not even poor Syrian refugees when they were (briefly) considered worthy victims a few years back.

Back in the late 60s and into the 1970s I was growing-up in a suburb of London. There was a sudden influx of what were called ‘Vietnamese boat people’ (I’m sure many here will remember this). There was nothing much in the media about the incredibly brutal war that was happening in Vietnam (God knows how many were killed for absolutely nothing) and why these unfortunate people were having to flee their country.

Likewise later with Kosovo, and then Syria (the war in Syria caused a refugee exodus of Biblical proportions), and now Ukraine, a war that the psychos will keep going for as long as possible.

All the wars I’m talking about have been started/encouraged by America/NATO.

Noone have been started by the evil Russians.

If interested the Prince of Evil, Putin, gave a good speech earlier this week, and you can find the gist of it here…

I’m very encouraged to read this discussion, thanks! I was worrying that the Poms might just be rolling over and getting behind HMG and His Maj to slay the Russian bear with nukies. Which is what the Australians are doing, with hardly an exception. Today the Yanks said they would be building a base for SIX B52 strategic nuclear bombers, so they are handy for hitting China, and we have not a f’ing squeak of protest. Clearly they will be parking their nuclear bombs there, and not flying around with them until needed. but Nuclear bombs on Australian soil? Nah, no worries.

BTW Putin’s last speech was as good as the previous - both classic pieces. The man is a living miracle, thank God to preserve him against the barbarian invasions. (I could almost believe in God for that!) But am reassured that unless some idiot takes a pot shot at VVP, he is the last person on the planet the US-UK would want dead, like Bashar. Who could ever replace him as the devil incarnate?

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You might be interested in my thoughts on the BBC and dirty bombs etc…

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Medvedev (sp?) is giving it a good go, so too Ramzan Kadyrov. I think there’s more ‘talent in depth’ than we might think. As for the B52s in Aus, my sympathies: they’re drawing a nice big target right there.

To cheer you up here’s one of the silliest rock videos ever

I believe this pantomime is dignified with the name Hybrid Warfare, or some such.

The utter implausibility doesn’t even seem to matter. The past weekend’s drone attacks at Sebastopol have been framed as Russian disinfo to (1) undermine the grain exports (mostly going to countries in no real danger of seeing their citizens starve) and (2) to provide the pretext for more ‘brutal strikes’ on civilian infrastructure (neglecting to mention the ongoing shelling of residential areas of West Russia).

The brutal strikes would presumably have been more brutal still if Ukrainian air defense systems hadn’t shot down 44/50 missiles. The remaining six somehow exploded in 18 different places.

And every hour on the hour the bullshit tsunamis keep heading for shore.

Thanks Karen - great social commentary! Those days of protestation in Australia are now moribund, except perhaps amongst the anti-Covidians, some at least of whom are awake to the UKrainian reality. But no-one talks about it.
This morning on the ABC, as if in response to the nuclear threats in Ukraine, there was a report on new exploration for Uranium in areas of the NT where mines were closed decades ago, because… Uranium from Russia has ceased to feed the markets and it’s a great new opportunity for Australia! And the only people audibly protesting about the B52s are the Chinese.

The story about shooting down most of the Russian missiles are just nonsense. But the Fit has hit the Shan today, as someone noted - no water for Kiev, and no power for internet. They had their warning, and then attacked the Black Sea Fleet.


The fit has hit the Shan. :slight_smile: Using phart smones, I presume. Even indigenes can’t avoid the buggers. I wonder whether I might be the last person in Britain not ever to have had, nor to want, even now, a phart smone…? (I suppose the fart-chuckers like them though).

I’ll get me coat…

Even the Daily Mail reported yesterday how the Trussed phone had been hacked by the Russians, although of course the Mail doesn’t tell readers how this relates to the destruction of the NordStream pipelines…

I don’t have a mobile phone, either. You now need a ‘mobile phone passport’ to enter or leave the EU zone.

Feck them. I’ll just sit in a deckchair and watch it all totally collapse.

I doubt if the European Union will still be around by next Spring.

I’ve always been totally pro-Europe (I live here. for godsake); I’m just not pro a bunch of unelected lackeys of a dying American empire.


Did they mention about how she is supposed to be using a spook approved crap phone? With Apple devices, you don’t need to touch the phone even. Just hack the cloud. Doubt any of them have even disabled geolocation…

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Via UK Column

I’ve got a smartphone and only got because you can’t get dumb mobiles anymore. But I’m saving up to buy a degoogled phone from Rob Braxman. Look him up if you’re interested in phone security.

LocalYokel, the other irony here is that apparently (and I’ve no idea if this is true) the spyware the Russkies were using came from the Israelis!

As usual, you can’t make this stuff up.