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Ukraine Military getting Shredded, Endgame Opinions? + Annecy knife attack

Some of you here follow the Ukraine war more than others including me probably.

The simultaneous shredding of the Ukrainian offensive and the fast disbursement of another 2 billion from Biden (after the media screamed for a couple of weeks about a ‘budget crunch’!) indicates to me that the ‘offensive’ was required to trigger the new money/weapons.

So what’s the opinion of the board of ‘how far will they go?’ I mean, is NATO going to join the war with NATO soldiers (not NATO mercenaries)?

I ask not just because I’m interested in the geopolitical situation, but I have children of or nearing draft age. I have lost whatever trust I had of ‘govt’ after my human rights were stripped away by Macron’s ‘Passe Sanitaire’. I have no illusions that the govt is going to do something intelligent and pro peace. I want in short to be prepared, to have contingency plans, not for me but for my children

That may sound selfish but if I can’t take care of my own kids how can I take care of others?.

Concerning the Annecy knife attack, what are the opinions of the board about that? A lone nut case doing lone nut case stuff? Or, possibly Gladio type of strategy of tension, fear? Any thoughts or links about that?

Of course, as an aside, the French media that I’ve seen ignores the responsibility of the French govt under Hollande and Sarkozy and Macron for feeding the regime change operation in Syria which resulted in the refugees flooding europe. Remember that France at one time went as far as recognizing the Syrian ‘govt in exile’ as the ‘real Syrian govt’!


Mass killings and attacks by loners might benefit the geeks in many ways. It’s not inconceivable that they are facilitated.

especially in the US where because of the gun ho beliefs, some people are more easily primed.
However this culture doesn’t prevail in most other countries so I would regard this as an unpromising route for GICs to go down.

What’s the situation like on draft in France. I understood it to be brief and voluntary but with strings attached for refuseniks.


For what it’s worth, here is one so far unstated viewpoint.

Clearly Usukisnato will not stop until either they have been completely defeated or they win. So, sucking in as many European countries into NATO as possible, continues along with lionising the comedian, unloading all their obsolete weapons on the Ukies, and then dolling out billions to the military industrial complex to replace them all. At the same time forcing more austerity on all of us.

However, what seems clear to me (maybe I’m delusional) is that the Russians are not squeaky clean. My reasoning is this.

a) They have clearly shown their weapon superiority
b) The Russian speaking territories are clearly back as part of Russia
c) They have total air superiority

Given all that could they end this quickly? Well, if they destroy the remaining Ukrainian airfields and every road near a Ukie friendly border, there would be no more Western missiles, tanks, or armoured vehicles arriving to prop up the failed state. So why not do this? Because as we all know, war is good for business. All the Russian manufacturing industry is benefiting from the massive spend on armaments and of couse that’s good for the Russian economy.

So to summarise, like you @Everyman I worry about my kids as the crazies in NATO seem like they’ll stop at nothing other than complete defeat or the use of atomic weapons which will ensure we’re all gone. I believe the Russians could ensure the complete defeat of Ukraine (and Usukisnato) if they really wanted to but while they can boost their economy, they are happy to play the western game of brinkmanship.

One last paranoid thought. This could all be just a cover for the depopulation agenda (cf Deagle).


The problem you face is time.

I have a similar issue. I have males ranging from 13-27 to watch over. Lost one of the eldest (twins). He wants to live his life and who am I to stop him? He’s made it fairly clear he isn’t interested.

Your kids are unlikely to drafted any time soon. I’m paraphrasing here, but last week Wallace said we’re going to war with China 2030. That’s the panic time, cos they’re gonna throw everything and it’s dog at that one.

If your children are grown up and willing to listen, tell them to get out of the northern hemisphere. Gonna be very difficult to find somewhere that’s completely suitable, but the right compromise will yield safety and a future.

If they won’t listen, keep on trying. Keep hammering home that they need to approach things themselves, to question everything and always follow the money.

You must also focus on yourself and your partner (if applicable (sorry)). You can’t save your kids if you aren’t fit yourself. Prep mentally and physically. Get a plan, and make up several others just in case.

Seems 2030 is like that date in back to the future. Everything hinges around it.


I read somewhere that they were questioned about their conclusions.

Their answer was mass suicide due to economic collapse.

Interestingly, there are on average 4 male suicides to each female suicide. Not ideal if you’re wanting to go to war.


I only caught up on the Ennecy thing when discussions appeared on an American Telegram channel. They were mostly taking to the task the adults at the scene who did not intervene. Not having seen footage, and not wishing to do so, I took a quick look at a news story. Alas, the BaaBaaCee.

This was a rather revealing quote from backpack hero ‘Henri’, I thought:

Henri said: “All I know is, I was not there by chance.”

You don’t say.

As for the Ukraine counter-offensive, again my source is mainly Telegram and websites like Larry Johnston’s. There is a definite pro-Russia bias in the former, several of whom regularly speak of the ‘counter-oink’ which is rather amusing. Except that large numbers of people are dying, one way or another.

If the brave Ukrainians were to achieve their objectives that would staunch the money-supply wouldn’t it? I imagine the Biden mafiosi would be keen to squeeze at least another year out of it. By then it could be too late for a credible Democrat contender to dislodge him. Imagine he falls ill and a sudden switch is needed. None of the shortlisted candidates (if it even gets that far amongst the Dems) would be very credible if they couldn’t beat the Stumbler.

In such a scenario would it be so unlikely that Hillary comes charging to the rescue with Kamala as running partner?

In which case, the perpetual wars will certainly be continued.

I believe Russia will take all but western Ukraine, the most anti-Russian oblasts, and a frozen conflict will be allowed to persist on that basis (with no one from the West endorsing this in any public way). It’s then China’s turn to wipe the floor with NATO.

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On that point: the correct spin will be to say that they got very close and that when the F-16s and other superweapons have arrived and been embedded one final push will prove the charm. Not the fruit of any psychic powers on my part but simply another iteration of the narrative already used time after time. And yes, the link between ‘almost getting there’ and a lovely flood of funny money, is very close shall we say. Happily, the Republican party have feebly acceded to the flood continuing, almost like a burst dam.

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Good point, but the insane trans men will be willing to march towards the guns as long as their doses of testosterone are maintained. Surely? They are that sincere about their agenda, yes?


I do not wish to be rude or insulting to anyone or their choices. I’m sure there are many tough trans men out there, capable of digging deeper than they believed.

But generally? I’d have very, very little faith in anyone who spent most of their development trying to be something they aren’t supposed to be (it all seems so synthetic) in a combat environment.

And what if trans women get the call due to their biological description on their birth certificate? How’s that one going to pan out?

I could continue about how anyone much younger than myself has only ever been trained on counter insurgency (COIN). Everything in NATO has been adapted for that role.

It’s gonna be more of what we have seen in the Ukraine already. A turkey/pheasant shooting. Just a question of when…

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He sounds some very sensible caveats, but here is Larry Johnson’s very recent take, asserting that Mark Miller overrode a plea from Elensky to pause matters:

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The UK Column have several times hammered the notion that Zelensky was on the verge of negotiating a settlement when bumbling Boris got out there and told the fool not to!


Interesting Karen - thanks.

The Ukrainian offensive is entering its eighth day and the only things Zelensky and his generals have to show for the effort are piles of bodies and smoldering tanks and armored personnel carriers.

Sooo predictable! Bakhmut was the end for the Ukies IMO.

Ray Mcgovern’s take on it interviewed by Stephen Gardner:


Which seems quite plausible of course. I had meant Mark Milley not Miller, who has seemingly been making rather petulant calls to Elensky.

As we learned (some of us, and I’m shocked to realise that the Boz-Darius Guppy telephone sting was 30+ years ago already) BJ is perfectly capable of discussing threats in the same tone of voice he uses when musing about whether or not to have just one more glass of this very agreeable port.

But I think Elensky is much more frightened of the internal pressures coming from the Echte Nazis right there in Kiev. And with good reason. I do feel some sympathy for him, VZ that is: once you’ve been trapped in zugzwang like this the urge to lie to EVERYBODY must be very strong, to live to fight another day. I am quite sure I would do the same.

To be blunt a swift fade to utter black will be a kindness. And it will be blamed on Ra-Ra-Bad-Putin of course.

The Ukrainian offensive is entering its eighth day and the only things Zelensky and his generals have to show for the effort are piles of bodies and smoldering tanks and armored personnel carriers.

Ah but it’s only German and Finnish (etc) donations getting blown up in high-res videos, it says here. So the good stuff being held back by the Yanks will not be seen to fail and to jeopardise the Live Arms Fair for MIC. Patriot? Well, its an old system. Bradley Armoured Vehicles? Designed for terrifying Iraqi conscripts.

I saw a story recently of a fairly junior officer in the UKR army who was ordered to take Village X. When his superior, who had assured his superior (and so on) asked how things were going the junior officer was able to produce a photograph showing the Blue And Yellow flying on the civic centre (or whatever). What had actually happened was that a small squad had been sent specifically to create this photo opportunity and a smaller squad made it back to base but with the JPG to ‘prove’ it. The casualties were brought back later on after the Russkis “counter-attacked and we sadly had to retreat…”

While this is very probably apocryphal it has that ring of truth. No one wants to tell their boss they failed and by the time the various layers of bs have received and relayed upward some glad tidings, no one wants to be the one who admits it was they who were economical with the actualité.

(One reason why despite his being a Tory pig I always admired Alan Clark: what a phrase! And he was very kind to animals.)

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Hi folks, I follow Rumble’s Military Summary channel each day- the latest suggest 3 main points:

  1. The UAF has lost a lot of equipment including western supplies in the last 8 days without much of a gain in territory - so they appear to have switched to risking more men and keeping high cost equipment in the rear - NATO is making these decisions and have no regard for the loss of Ukrainians, for them WWI trench warfare meat grinders are cost free!

  2. Russians have known for a long time that ceasefires put up by the UAF and NATO are only to facilitate resupplies, there is no such thing as honest negotiation. IMO this will mean Russia will need to de-militarise Ukraine if it wants to protect the new borders of the Russian federation from everything but terrorism. Terror tactics can only be temporarily solved by national ID chipping combined with AI controlled satellite and drone systems to pin point every unchipped human body in the country - thereafter we will be switching to AI/robotic terrorism …!!!

  3. Tank and advanced equipment held in reserve by the UAF is still massive but if Russia increases the use of their advanced distance mining equipment the UAF will need to stop all major advances until they have found an answer to it.
    ( The Russians have been allowing the UAF to use their mine clearing systems to carve a path through the current mine fields but these only operate at 8km/hour and then, once the tanks and bradleys follow behind, the Russians use distance mining technology to spread hundreds of square Kms almost instantaneously with tank busting mines BEHIND the UAF. Given the slow speed of UAF column advances they are then destroyed by drones, artillery and missiles from the Russian fortified positions! ).

I can see a time when Ukraine will only be fighting with drones and himar long range missile systems (once the US can kick start higher production levels) and even these will become prone to destruction from Russian drone advances. These systems can hit targets 150kms away, making the creation of a military free buffer zone on Russian borders almost impossible, imo - Belarus is only 100km from Kiev!
