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UKkkk, Central Ministry moves to full uk wide FLUORIDATION! Not content with our kids they’re coming for our teeth and brains!

Tory insanity, no doubt to be followed by Starmerite heel clicking!


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Starmer and his claque are far too busy arguing about the cervix as male accessory.

As someone who is quite ignorant about fluoride risks where would be a good place to start in educating myself?

I think most of my info came via Global Research CA - fluoride in their search box shows loads of articles over the last 20 years.
I also noticed this - haven’t read it but it seems to be interesting - he has a youtube but I won’t link it in view of your preferred medium
The Fluoride Deception (history water flouridation and why is it bad for your health) | Bryson | download


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Thanks I’ll follow up. Skimming quickly it seems that removing fluoride from our water is not straightforward.

I think you need to use a reverse osmosis system. I’ve been thinking of getting one for work but they’re quite pricey…
