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UK Undertaker John O'Looney - ''There Is Some Sort Of 'White Crap' Growing In People''

June 30th, 2022.

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Thanks Rich

Pathologist Dr Ryan Cole confirmed about these ‘rubbery’ clots. He didn’t give an indication of numbers.

Cole also confirmed an earlier story about some batch numbers causing most of the harms. This might explain why some are saying they have seen a lot of these while few are speaking up. Though John O’Looney says many are agreeing in private. He seem to have a world following!

Here’s a couple more embalmers - Cary Watkins and Richard Hirschman

The Dr Jane Ruby show has been covering it.
Graphic illustration (screenshot) below, with apologies to sensitivities.


From this video
(Time 3.53)

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Eek, that’s hideous. I didn’t quite grasp how this deposit (?) is accumulating. If it’s a blood clot then surely in the circulatory system? The thing on the table looks… a bit large, doesn’t it?

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“The thing on the table looks… a bit large, doesn’t it?”

Yeah, I guess that’s why they broke the taboo of not showing any body portion - or we would have assumed it was smaller.

I don’t know much about it I assumed it was just more clotting but that’s likely wrong - we knew about clots then it was micro clots, now giant clots.

Yes it’s in veins and arteries, usually veins Dr Ryan Cole says, in the interview with Cremola I posted about.
I just realized I didn’t actually post the whole long transcript, just the summary (which is also quite long, if anyone wants to see the whole thing it’s on the link: https://mercola.fileburst.com/PDF/ExpertInterviewTranscripts/DrMercola-DrRyanCole-UnravelingTheHiddenPatternsBehindTheCurrentCOVID19Narratives.pdf).
Anyway, here’s the snippet:

“Dr. Ryan Cole:
I think so. But at the same time, to your point with heart disease, we know that this spike causes
a lot of clotting. I mean, here’s some of the postmortem clots that are just jelly-like.
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
What’s the longest one you’ve seen?
Dr. Ryan Cole:
About 2 feet.
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
Oh, geez. Wow.
Dr. Ryan Cole:
They’re just thick, rubbery clots. And we know we’ve seen a lot of micro-clotting with the-
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
And these are all in the veins? Or they’re some [crosstalk 00:29:23].
Dr. Ryan Cole:
Well, I have some that are arterial as well, which is fascinating. You usually don’t see a lot of
arterial clots because of the pressure of the system, but it’s fascinating. But the majority are
venous, yes. But I’ve seen some arterial as well, so that makes me worried as well about heart
disease, because I don’t know if you’ve looked at the data from Ed Dowd and some of the
(wanders off after that)

These things must be damned dangerous. The big ones are rare, it seems, but it should probably be treated as an urgent problem to diagnose all the people with dangerous clots.


There’s more information on these clots here

Embalmers Find Veins and Arteries Filled With Rubbery Clots

It’s actually a saved Dr Cremola article where he featured the Dr Jane Ruby scoop story about this.

There’s quite a bit of advice, for anyone who might be worried. Some from Dr Cremola* and also a link to the excellent FLCCC.
(*Not sure about this seed oil/butter advice, he has a thing about that (and linoleic acid) generally. Might be worth checking that part out)

Sources and References

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