I believe I mentioned earlier somewhere on here that I have an elderly aunt who was recently taken into hospital after having the jab. I shall call her EA1. She was suffering from dizzy spells and was having trouble standing upright.
Not long after this a second elderly aunt of mine was taken into hospital for exactly the same reasons. I shall call her EA2. Both of my aunts are in their 80s with the usual old age conditions, but nothing serious. Both had received the jab. EA1 ended up in a large hospital just outside south east London. EA2 ended up in a hospital in Kent (also just outside London). Both aunts reported that conditions in these hospitals were horrific, in the sense of lack of care and basic humanity.
This week both aunts have been kicked out of their respective hospitals, despite still being very unwell, and despite not having any proper after care put in place (EA1 actually had a nervous breakdown in the ward as they were kicking her out).
I should add that I live in France, and with present travel restrictions there was little I could do to help my aunts, both of whom I’ve known all my life.
Medical staff said that they were ‘clearing the wards’, not only of my elderly aunts, but also of dementia patients, people with terminal cancer, serious heart disease, et al.
I think that one upshot of the covid nonsense is that the medical profession will never be held in high esteem ever again.