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Trump signs order to release JFK assassination papers

possibly revealing a certain…personal interest :wink:


I wonder if George Bush senior’s connection will come out?


“George Poppy Bush” as he was known then.
Great point. I doubt the offical version of any of these three assassinations will bear much scrutiny. These balls of wool are going to go a long way if they are allowed to unravel freely. If they don’t we will see if there has been a ‘Newtonian’ intervention :slightly_smiling_face:

Trump’s also stopped CBDC in the US and GOF research (or at least ‘banned it’ but you never know).

Freedom fighter folk are celebrating “all the good news”. Understandabale as they spent 4 years opposing those things and worrying about them.

I’ve only seen a bit of the bad news but I expect there’s a lot of that too. Trump’s talking about military escapades not as far afield as the middle east; regime change in Venezuela and Cuba.

Egged on by the liberal NYT, which means they’re all in on it.

He thinks Nato countries should double their military budget. He is coming out of the WHO though his reason isn’t very good (other countries not paying their share) though with RFK advising him, that explanation may be just politic.

I guess someone will post a handy guide to his awful presidential decrees. I expect that will be a longer list. For Trump to be considered by many reasonable people as even possibly a lesser evil shows what sh*t we’re in.


Every yank election time makes me think of Bill Hicks and Roll the tape.

I’m sure the cigar smokers change over the seasons, but I doubt the premise does. One view says we’re getting Trump because people are wising up and he’ll help put them back to sleep. Another says he is working with China and Russia (Chinese seem to be working with everyone…). Needs remembering that Trump believes that if you’re not losing in a deal, he is. Mrs. Trump said that they were poor first time around because Obama’s administration held back everything they could. Trump knows it all second time round, hence the speed so far.

It’s certainly kayfabe, but to what end? That Q shenanigans keeps proving itself as interesting entertainment for sure.

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Details of Drumpf’s speech to Davos.
