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Top quality piece at Off-G: 11/9 and covid: narratives intertwined

I set of to-camera cameos by key names amongst the non/de-entranced sceptic community. Simple format, but crammed with illuminating accounts. Seventy minute vid, sorry! Well worth the time, though:


Watched them bit by bit when they were first released, and that worked for me.

Is the “stolen $4 trillion” claim credible? The entire yearly US Defence budget was around $500 million back then IIRC. Where could $4 trillion have come from? That’s 8 x the defence budget. They stole the entire defence budget for 8 years? Or half of it for 16 years? I don’t get it.

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I think the original figure cited by Rumsfeld was $2.3 trillion, still a staggering sum by any measure and 4-5 years’ spending at the time. Drug receipts have to be laundered somehow though…

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According to the chart you posted US defence spending for 2001 was $479 billion so I wasn’t far off. Yes, the original figure given by Rumsfeld the day before the accounts dept was destroyed by a missile was $2.3 trillion. But Catherine Austin Fitts says the true figure is $3.4 trillion but that accounted for only one year! $3.4 trillion in one year? Am I missing something here?

Catherine Austin Fitts, who always seems to be well on top of these financial swindles, reckons that the figure now is something over twenty trillion, as I remember.

Btw, I think that was why Building 7 at the WTC was destroyed on 11/9/01. Apparently, great masses of evidence of crimes committed by the deep state and its robber-gic cahootsers was mustered into that one building, where - amongst other notable outfits - the US Secret Service had a floor.

I have always assumed that there was a line-of-sight, real-time control centre there, to manage the demolition of the Twin Towers actually as they were brought down. Evidence for that is very clear in the way that top-block of one of the towers began to roll off the top of the building as the demolition sequence was triggered, but then suddenly, within about half a second, that malfunction was corrected by the controllers triggering all the pulverising explosives in the top-block at once, and disintegrating it. That always seemed to me to be a bit of nifty real-time manipulation of that particular demolition.

There was in fact just such a ‘NYC-mayor’s emergency control centre’ on one of 7’s floors, also. I surmise that once the towers had been brought down, the evidence of the primary control centre, along with all the incriminating evidence accumulated there on other scams run by the gics, was destroyed with its own demolition sequence, from a secondary control centre somewhere nearby.

By now, it’s been demonstrated conclusively that a lot of people, including fire and police chiefs, knew that 7 was about to be brought down, ahead of time. Poor Jane Standley ruined her mediawhore career at the BBC by reporting to camera the collapse of 7, whilst it was still visibly standing behind her shoulder.

I always wonder whether the Secret Service were cooperating with the 11/9 conspirators, and mustered their evidence stash in 7 deliberately; or whether they were simply out-foxed by the plotters; who got rid of a whole lot of fatal evidence against their other scams, at the same time as they destroyed the primary demolition control centre.

Remembering the pretty-well proven thesis that the main plotters of 11/9 were both US gics and their zionistani counterparts, who had business rackets all over the 11/9-associated places in the scam, it would be an opportunity too good to pass up, to undo a mass of investigation of all their other scams, at the same time as they pulled the big one, to launch The War Against Terror (aka TWAT).

I wonder whether they imagined they’d never be found out. I imagine that they expected realistically enough that they’d never be brought to book, in any case. That still seems likely. Most of them will die before the truth is finally acknowledged publicly around the world. The hard-headed gic calculation is that, if you’re a big enough gic, with enough connections, you don’t need to worry about the legal system ever being able to get a serious hold on you. Where would they ever find judges straight enough, and courageous enough, even to try it?

Btw2: Wasn’t it an extraordinary coincidence that the unidentified flying object - probably a cruise missile - which hit the Pentagon did a bravura 270, impossible-for-civil-airliners high-speed descending curve, before - surprise, surprise! - dropping (impossibly for civil-airliners) right down into the ground effect zone, and crashing directly into that part of the building where the missing trillions were being investigated; destroying evidence, killing several knowledgeable investigators - and of course very much encourager les autres to stay strictly lip-buttoned, till death…?

The scale of the theft is quite breathtaking; not just in the USA but many other western countries.

It’s why ‘they’ spend billions (a tiny fraction of the money they’ve stolen) to buy/control the mainstream media.

People are now so brainwashed that I’m surprised they even know what time of the day it is; or indeed if they are human beings.