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"There is NO climate emergency. The real environmental movement was hijacked."

Via ‘Global Research’:

Wide-ranging, notes-and-links-dense essay on the many - appropriately-qualified - people who are saying that the AGW thing is fake! Links include one to an Irish website with a collection of materials on topic. Plenty of material to dig through. The idea of AGW as a hoax - like the covid swindle - gains momentum. I’m still open-minded sceptical; but definitely leaning… :slight_smile: :

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Ooooohhhh! Why oh why Rhis? These idiots are neoliberal apologists for a Thanotic status quo…my colleges/friends and I worked for decades to have man made climate change recognised…I’m so bored with the accusation that we are totalitarians linked to, in the pay of or simply under the thrall of the NWO…I will say this again the true implications of the real science are the reason people run scared from this issue…for it means we must address the exploitation of the atom (and other energies such as WiFi), esp. with regard to the true consequences of particle beam research et.al. IT IS A LIE…the perversion that is nuclear power/atomic physics will end all life in the cosmos and plunge us all into Khaos (from which there will be no return), …I’m sorry kiddies but the stuff I’ve been writing about Thelema and dark magic is not a joke, we exploit the atom and the consequences of this can only be of the very worst kind…I will be proven right one way or the other…words matter NOT matter words…

Now as clear as I can for you…spirit precedes matter, those who wish to control others must first control their spirits, all who dance to the tune of these dark magicians (and witches), are merely their sock puppets…First cast your circle… then install your New World Order!

"Prajapatir vai idam agre asit
Tasya vag dviitiya asit
Vag vai paraman Brahman

In the beginning was Prajapati (the Brahman)
In whom was the Word;
And the Word was verily the supreme Brahman!"

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So you’ve studied all that dense information at the GR link in depth already, then, have you, G? And you still conclude that AGW is a ‘proven beyond question’ absolute truth? I suggest you do as I’ve been doing just lately - and which I’ve also been quietly encouraging my nearest and dearest to do.

Which is to recognise that I accepted the CO2-driven climate emergency narrative years ago on trust; without actually scouring down to the bedrock of the story, to check whether it stands up.

And then came the covid swindle, self-evidently fake as it soon became clear that it was. And - along with many other former conformists in the intellectual beliefs de jour - I began to query my closest-held assumptions, and to see whether a serious bit of delving might confirm them… or maybe could call them into question.

And that’s where I am now: seriously looking to see whether the AGW thing really does stand up; or whether like many others with the necessary IQ and education to know better, I’ve lazily allowed myself to be fooled.

Might that have happened to you too, and your friends, G, as seems to have happened to me and my friends; several of whom are now aghast at my toying with apostasy against one of our holy truths…? :open_mouth:

(You can see it in their eyes: “Oh god! The old man’s gone off on a geriatric paranoia jaunt! Too much damned internet…!”) :smile:

If we’ve learned anything from the covid scam, it’s that criminal operatives can - and will - try to run the most preposterous confidence tricks on we mere common hoi polloi… if they happen to divine what they see as a serious need to stampede us, along with a serious chance to scam big WealthPowerStatus out of us as they do it.

I have to say that the doings of the IPCC begin to smell of just that: crooks on the make, with useful-idiot/useful-cynic, self-doublethunk, nest-featherer technocrats holding their beer for them.

Still looking, in open-minded scepticism. :slight_smile:

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Climate change. What a great divider. If you don’t believe, you don’t love Gaia herself.

But like many things once you get past the hype do some maths and reading and back of fag packet doodles (they even took that away from us. To stop us mocking?) the only obvious conclusion is that it’s fake. Very, very fake.

Scotland is a great example. Many people in Scotland rely on fossil fuels and personal transport. The Scots would be doomed…And what exactly is Scotland’s carbon footprint for personal transport? Of the carbon floating around in Scotland, how much came from an exhaust?


That’s the additional impact of cars in Scotland. Now, I’m sorry, I apologise in advance. I’m an extremely cynical bastard.

There’s so much going on, it’s difficult to filter the noise. Let’s focus on Klaus and his fourth industrial revolution. You need to make things to create wealth. We’re going down the tubes currently because here, we make believe.

Cars. How many cars are made nowadays compared say 50 years ago? Not a lot is the answer. Ford has so far killed the Mondeo, has announced the death of both the Fiesta and Focus. Mad considering they’re both top sellers. Why? Cos they aren’t making enough.

You don’t need a new car every 5 or 10 years. I’ve just bought an 09 plate. Only reason was because I killed my 04 175k just before Xmas (stil gutted for what it’s worth. I digress). But, what happens when you declare a fresh start? All the units at twice the price…Better still, rent them to you. Like the boss of Phillips is suggesting. You don’t need to own nasty things, they’re bad for the earth. Reant out stuff instead. Pay zero attention to the fact we engineered and profiteering was our aim.

We need to stop being so casual with things we use though. Because Tin and Potassium are getting low.

There’s also the old folks time bomb due in around 2050. What countries can cope with 40%+ of their population being over 65? But that’s for another day.

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If only it were just tin and potassium, L. But it’s across the board; including the factotum (= do everything) that makes all the rest possible: fossil-hydrocarbon energy.

And the cure for that demographic time-bomb is that there won’t be so many people getting past sixty-five…

Extinction Rebellion, Insulate Britain, Stop Oil, etc, are so obviously fake protest movements (although they do attract a lot of well meaning people) that this immediately tells you that the whole climax crisis thing is a hoax, and it always has been.

Extinction Rebellion, et al, are able to climb up Big Ben, get on top of planes at London City Airport, etc, etc all very high security areas. The only way they could do this is because these fake protest organisations are part of the security services. I would hazard that this much is obvious.

When real protest organisations protest against lock downs, or vaccine damage, or the ‘cost of living crisis’, etc, they get the shite kicked out of them by robocops.

Again, this much is obvious.

Anyhows, I hope you lot in the UK will shortly be enjoying your insect diet, because the psychos are purposely destroying farming.

I dunno, the UK seems to be at the forefront of all this horrendous stuff. I still haven’t been able to figure it all out.

In the meantime order a cockroach burger (from a petri dish) with a side order of maggot fries and settle into your 15 minute towns and cities, where you are not allowed to travel freely, and with digital IDs and banking those nice people in the government will totally control every aspect of your lives.

Yet in this absolute horror show you can be satisfied that you are ‘saving the planet’.