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Theft of Russian assets

I see the usual suspects are in Italy. And they’ve announced they’re going to steal Russia’s cash.

This deal is incredible. The yanks get the money and Europe gets the risk and debt (sounds like a Trump deal). This is not going to end well…


It seems hellbent - as if they know something we don’t.

The mindless compliance of Europe (against its own economic interests and security) with US aggression is as worrying as the more obvious dangers.


From my perspective, it seems the yanks are planning on WW3 being like the last two, based in Europe. Absolutely flawed thinking, but their reaction to the Russian flight being 20miles off shore has woken them up somewhat. At least the everyday folks have.

Meanwhile, Europe is slowly being stripped of weaponry and the yanks have just announced everything they make is going to Ukraine (so those fools who donated their equipment are now in trouble).

Adds another dimension to Brexit too…

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Alex Christoforou gave a good summary yesterday. He was incredulous, and so am I. While it would be naive of me to expect better, can’t Ursula v d Liar be got rid of? She is a hellacious demon that’s for sure.

The true meaning of “Fuck the EU” couldn’t really be any clearer at this stage. But the significant protest vote seen in much of the Euro elections is already being waved away as Far Right Gotta Far Right, with the current projects staying on the tracks for the moment.


This is so clearly scripted. Even the gathering eviction committee for that arsehole Biden is preplanned.

When TSHTF Donald Trump will be handily placed to take all the blame, just like the last several times.