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The WHO regulation changes - a petition worth signing ( I think 😕 )

Hi folks, just read this on TCW :

The planning is still occurring in plain sight

By Dr Tess Lawrie

April 17, 2023

the conclusion:

The limits of the power of the government need to be re-established and re-enshrined in law. Meanwhile, let’s not give any (more) of our rights away. A good place to start is by demanding that our governments reject the amendments to the 2005 International Health Regulations. If you live in the UK, you can do this by signing this parliamentary petition.

only 14,000 signed to date - 86,000 more needed to get a Parliamentary debate (FWIW!)



I understand there’s a debate in parliament today about the WHO Pandemic Treaty itself.

“Do not sign any WHO Pandemic Treaty unless it is approved via public referendum”

It’s worth signing a UK govt one as they then keep you informed, and once the debate’s happened will email you a video link and transcript.
At least, I think it’s after the debate has happened :wink:

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Signed. Thanks @CJ1

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