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The war against the mystics

Sorry, not sorry, for the misleading title of this post (hat tip to The Flaming Lips).

This piece by David Edwards begins like a lament against ‘climate emergency’ but then takes us off into some interesting directions. Give it a go.

There’s a link to an article with a title that starts " The burden of heat-related mortality…" but I could only see the abstract, here:


If I can work out a way past the paywall I’ll add a PDF as the abstract makes a startling claim.

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Thanks K. Good find. Poor good David (no sark!) could perhaps do with a classic NDE. It’s so common for people who’ve been through that astonishing experience to say - and to demonstrate in their subsequent lifetime - that it’s completely changed their attitude to everything, particularly dying. They seem to move noticeably away from angst and towards the Taino/Balinese/chitsatanand way of being.

David, though, could add to the usefulness of his meditation work by taking another look at what he says here: “I had no difficulty believing him.” Hansen, he means.

That’s the problem, David. I too, when I first encountered it, swallowed the ‘climate emergency’ narrative on trust. I never dug down deep, to see whether the underlying scientific ‘facts’ (actually just wholly unproven hypotheses) actually stood up to common-sense street savvy.

The covid swindle tipped me, along with a whole tranche of previously good-thinking people, into an overdue sceptical re-examination of the ideas which I’d taken on trust for so long.

And - lo and behold! - just as the ‘deadly-mass-killer-virus’ of the covid panic appears not to exist, so too do a whole bunch of other ‘self-evidently true’ unprovens - like, for example, imminent climate disaster.

It is still true that we could be in for some rum changes in climate soonish; after all, we’re overdue, according to the Milankovitch Cycles, for the next Ice Age…

And no amount of relief from the climate panic that a bit of sceptical re-examination can bring has any bearing on the very real fact of worldwide ecological-overshoot that we’re in right now (not coming soon), brought on by the human-population-overshoot episode (that we’re also in right now); an actually-real crisis, not helped at all by our obsession with WEFfy-Hararoid startrekkytechietechie control delusions…

All the same, David E is clearly on a right track. It tallies closely with the insights of many masters from traditional wisdom systems; and, as a bonus, it tallies closely with the best Big Theory Of Everything of which I’m aware presently: that of physicist/mathematician/practical-mystic Tom Campbell… :slight_smile:

All things considered: no worries, plenty serene willingness for bliss! :slight_smile: An entirely appropriate response to the perceivable realities of existence!

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PS: Re. the ‘Nature’ item: I too can add a bit of actually-real observational data to this discussion. I’m pushing 83, and I can report, as a matter of personal observation, that the weather here in Britain is just slightly warmer on average than it was when I was in my first decade: no snow lying unthawed for six weeks at a time now; white Christmases as a commonplace then, wholly absent now; no whole weeks when the mercury never gets above freezing even in the daytime, now; our climate just a bit less Scandinavian, just a bit more Mediterranean. (This testimony written when the wet snow of the biggest of all March lamb-storms in recent years is subsiding in miserable, chill, sopping sogginess right now! :slight_smile: )

This much climate-shift I can attest as a personally-witnessed observational experiment: genuine data. At this age, I feel the heatwaves a bit more than I did as a kid. But - stat-juggling notwithstanding - it never feels too oppressive. On those - still few - such days, I just put on the old New York sopping-wet-teeshirt, and swan around unfazed as usual. What with personal experience, and recent more sceptical digging, I’d say that AGW-hysteria is unwarranted. “Be cheerful David! Our nightmares now are ended…” (with apologies to W. Shacsper…)

In a sense, he is offering a precis of his book Free to be human, which focuses on the ‘spiritual’ rather than the political. The two are not easily disentangled though.

In one of those periodic trips down various rabbit holes, I was contemplating the so-prevalent imagery of ‘bringers of light’ in popular culture (and outlandish rituals such as the Gotthard Tunnel opening ceremony). In some random web surfing I landed on the website of Lucis Press (they mainly publish Alice Bailey’s strand of theosophy) and was struck by the similarity of their logo to the tryzub.


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I’m running through here quick this evening (probably in a stolen vehicle). You mention the Gotthard Tunnel opening ceremony. I think people need to see this (it’s a 7 minute summary)…

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You could say that that ludicrous opening ceremony for the tunnel will be one of the iconic items which future historians will use to illustrate the way the Anglozionist empire went entirely rotten within its spirit.

Will the empire come back from its collapse-of-USSR moment, in the same way that Russia has come back, phoenix-fashion?

Don’t bet on it. Time has moved on; the Peak Everything crisis has intensified; the Long Descent proceeds. And as Dmitry Orlov points out, the late USSR was accidentally prepared to get its citizens through the crisis and back up onto their feet, in a way that the collapsing Western empire, neoliberalism-wracked as it is, simply isn’t. One of the benefits of communism… :open_mouth:

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I see what you did there lol! Still, that’s why we have insurance.

I think Gerard posted some of this before, and/or I saw it on Vigilant Citizen. It is the most bizarre ritual ever filmed I think (and I’ve seen Stanley Kubrick’s last film LOL).

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I at first read that, in my best Tony Soprano voice, as “neoliberalism-whacked”.

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