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The unlikeliest of antivaxxers

The Pentagon!

Pentagon Ran Secret Anti-Vax Campaign in Philippines, While Censoring Americans Who Criticized COVID Shots

The anti-China dirty psy-ops campaign, naturally, included opposing masks and PPE.


Not sure who it was, but when it was spoken about this cull, the remaining rump would-be Asians. They’ve obeyed for centuries…

I’ve seen similar stories regarding the Russian vaccine, also an attenuated virus vaccine. (Insert your own quote marks by all means.) But I expect Riley Wagamama will, or has already, debunk(ed) this. I seem to recall they took great trouble to assure us that the Russian vaccine was developed/produced in some tumbledown shady industrial estate with a backdoor where the crooks queued up for the generous percentage.

Which is likely true to some extent, cronyvirus having genuinely global spread as a splendid grift.

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With the advent of unpredictable and volatile mRNA, and the disintegration of regulatory authority, even a predictably low and ancient standard of production is liable to beat the western non-standard hands down :frowning_face:

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