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...the sunk cost fallacy of “just one more booster”

Lengthy discussion of the “science versus the nutjobs” paradigm.

The real question, I think, is whether a few more weeks of ever-tighter censorship will give unassailable narrative dominance, or if it’s too late even for that. Hoping fervently the latter…



It’s too late to smother it. People can’t unsee all those vids of victims fitting violently after getting the stabs. The understanding that the stabs are 1) ineffectual, and 2) deadly dangerous is spreading satisfactorily amongst we plebs. Pretty soon, a critical mass of us will be able to add 3) unnecessary. Obviously so, for a flu that runs through its debut as usual, to its final immune-herd, endemic-minor-nuisance status, as they all do.

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I hope you’re right and I’m wrong. I see too many people, friends and family included, who like Thomas Cowan says, are suffering from a pandemic of stupidity. It seems to me, for many, nothing can shake their almost cult like belief in the scam.